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What are your kids going to be?

If you dress up, what about you?



Link's going as.... wait for it... Link.  :lol:  (the real one, from Zelda.  He'll be a little hipster-ish.  I can't wait to put it all together.)

Astro is going as Snake Eyes from GI Joe (the only one with a pre-packaged costume this year :) )

Pink is going as Wonder Woman.  (planning on doing the tutu version.  Again, can't wait to put it all together!)


As for me, I was thinking about Amy Pond (for the ease of it!) but now I'm sort of considering something else, possibly a Star Wars character.  Idk.  We'll see what I have left to put into my costume once I'm done with the others! 


So what about your clan?

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Asher is going to be a storm trooper or ninja, Jax is a dragon, and Piper has a fairy, snow white, flower or elephant to choose from (probably the elephant because it's the cutest). I'm going to be a pirate, as is dh, since we have the costumes from VBS this year :). My kids costumes are all store bought, I'm just not that crafty.

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I have a Batman, a girl from India (wearing the dress DH Brought home for her from India), and someone in a hat and dark glasses (12 year old boys, I don't always get them.). I will be going as a country music star. That gives me an excuse to buy some cowboy boots, right?

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My kids put together their own costumes. One will be a black bear (black pants, shirt, headband w/ ears, duct tape tail, black gloves, face paint) and the other will be a butterfly (black pants, black shirt, pink butterfly wings from Joanne's for $10, antennae headband.

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well I lucked up and found minecraft box heads at WM (luckily for kiddo I didn't realize how $$ they cost till I got home and saw receipt or they would still be at the store LOL)---he's going to be something from minecraft.....we only go to a few houses on our street--planning on a kiddie/family harvest/halloween party on the saturday before Halloween.....

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I think I kinda jumped the shark last year.  That's an Am. Girl Cadette outfit from eBay on the left, and a wiggly campfire on the right, made from a recycled PC fan blowing a fabric "flame" lit from below by LEDs.  The whole thing is supported by an old backpack frame.  It really looked nifty at night.


Of course, what happened to Halloween, 2012 in much of NJ?  It was cancelled due to Sandy....Figures.  :glare:   


Usually, DD needs to decide on a theme by Labor Day, so I can start scheming.  After last year, I think we're headed for some sort of woodland fairy just so we can re-use one of last spring's dance recital costumes.



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