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Open chat about the talks and sessions. :)


First session just wrapped up. Pres. Uchtdorf hit it out of the park, as always! Summing up: there are many reasons why people join the church, and there are many reasons why people leave. We should show love, and embrace our diversity. There is room for ALL in the church, even those who have doubts. If you've left the church, please come back, we need your unique perspectives! It's okay to have questions and doubts.


I enjoyed Elder Dube's talk as well (and his accent! I wonder where he's from). It's not where we serve, but how. Don't look back at what you've already done, but rather look ahead to what is left to do. We should all be engaged in a good cause.


Anyone else have any thoughts to share of GC thus far? :)

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Well, I completely agree about President Uchtdorf and Elder Dube. Inspiring.


Also, the talk about the man who wasn't allowed to attend church in his country but who faithfully listened outside the open window of the church for years with his family. Wow!!! A great reminder to me to be devout, dedicated and GRATEFUL!

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I'm watching the World Report, they were talking about the Joseph Smith papers and showed some of the original documents--I'm just wondering, how in the world did people keep their handwriting so even and the lines so straight? Were there lines on the paper I can't see, or was there just much more focus on handwriting that taught people to write like that?


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I really needed to hear Elder Dube's comments about looking to the past as far as it informs our decisions for the future. I am a former homeschooler and recent empty nester who is struggling with letting it go and moving to the next phase.

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I liked the talks already mentioned, but I also liked Elder Bednar's talk about tithing. Even though he did link tithing with financial blessings in his first story, the rest of the talk focused on other sorts of blessings we might receive from paying tithing. It's always nice to hear that.

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I'm watching the World Report, they were talking about the Joseph Smith papers and showed some of the original documents--I'm just wondering, how in the world did people keep their handwriting so even and the lines so straight? Were there lines on the paper I can't see, or was there just much more focus on handwriting that taught people to write like that?


When I was young writing pads were made up of semi-transparent paper, and came with a lined page you put under the sheet of paper you were writing on, so you could use the lines as guidelines when you wrote.

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 Elder Uchdorf's talks tend to always be in my top 5 for Conference, and I'm sure that this one will be as well.  I always enjoy his insights and I think talking about and reminding us about being members of the church is very relevant right now in my life as well as in several members of my family and friends.


Elder Bednar's on tithing was also great, although I felt like it was half tithing and half blessings in general.  I feel like so many people often think that God isn't blessing them, when they just aren't the blessings that they are expecting or wanting (myself included).  I love being reminded that blessings come in many ways.


Also, just throwing it out because it is technically part of General Conference: I loved the theme of covenant keeping for the Relief Society broadcast.  Especially, and I can't remember who said it, the part about the single mother who prepared herself before church because she was having a difficult time getting much out of church because of her children and her responsibilities.  I feel like that's a lot of where I'm at right now with my three, and at the time my dh was out of town for several weeks, so it really spoke to me.  That is something I need to be better about.

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Ok, I'm confessing right now...I have a huge crush on Elder Uchtdorf.  He's so amazing.  Loved his talk.  Loved Elder Bednar's talk as well.  And Elder Dube was inspiring.  I loved that story about the man attending church by listening through an open window...what faith!


Looking forward to the afternoon session!

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Elder Bednar's talk on tithing and blessings was wonderful. Something he said stuck out to both my dh and me, that one of the blessings of tithing is gratitude/contentment. He said, "a grateful person is rich in contentment."

 YES! gratitude is, I think, the reverse of pride, with contentment the fruit of one and selfishness/greediness the fruit of the other. By giving with an open, generous heart we open ourselves to gratitude and contentment, and keep pride and selfishness (and its accompanying misery) at bay.

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We were traveling and listened to most of it on the LDS Channel app. Still need to catch up on the first 40 min of the afternoon session.


I loved the talk given by the sister in the morning session. All the talks were amazing, but I really appreciated Jeffrey R Holland's talk. Oh and the story about listening to church through the windows.

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I thought Elder Holland's talk was wonderful.  I especially liked the part where he talked about seeing our loved ones after the resurrection completely whole and perfected, and seeing them without their disabilities (mental, physical, etc.).  I thought this was a very powerful thought.  My oldest dd is autistic and the last few months I've started seeing with my 3 yo all the things that I've missed with my 5 year old.  It has been making me very sad and I've been mourning her a little.  Elder Holland's thought really hit home for me and gives me some hope.  I can't wait to see what my little girl is like underneath it all.

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I thought Elder Holland's talk was wonderful.  I especially liked the part where he talked about seeing our loved ones after the resurrection completely whole and perfected, and seeing them without their disabilities (mental, physical, etc.).  I thought this was a very powerful thought.  My oldest dd is autistic and the last few months I've started seeing with my 3 yo all the things that I've missed with my 5 year old.  It has been making me very sad and I've been mourning her a little.  Elder Holland's thought really hit home for me and gives me some hope.  I can't wait to see what my little girl is like underneath it all.


Yes, I loved this part, too!  I have two Mia Maids who have special needs.  One is autistic and her twin is autistic with cerebral palsy and non-verbal as well.  This talk made me realize that I need to be sure that I am viewing them in the same way that Christ views them...as whole, beautiful, and perfect young women.  He knows who they are separate from the disability that plagues their earthly bodies, and I need to be sure and focus on that and all that they will be able to do some day.  Not on what they cannot do today.  Very inspiring talk!

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Elder Boyd K. Packard's talks are always my favorite. He is not easy to listen to, but when I go back and read it, his msg is so powerful. Today he said things that I was wanting to hear about how to spiritually protect our families in this increasingly dangerous world, and that is to read the scriptures and teach them to our children. I've become lax in my personal and family scripture study lately and needed his testimony and witness to the power the scriptures bring.

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Ok, I'm confessing right now...I have a huge crush on Elder Uchtdorf.  He's so amazing.  Loved his talk.  Loved Elder Bednar's talk as well.  And Elder Dube was inspiring.  I loved that story about the man attending church by listening through an open window...what faith!


Looking forward to the afternoon session!


I'll join you in an Elder Uchtdorf fan club. Did you listen to his Priesthood Session talk? 


When we fall down--Rise UP!

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President Uchtdorf was amazing and brought tears around here.  We have been experiencing some issues within our membership to the church and this was a timely talk.


I've been thinking of you welovetoread. I have three brothers in law (married to my sisters) who are all converts to the church and I know they have had challenges along the way, especially those without family support. I hope that this Conference is a blessing to you and your family; for me General Conference is often a time of renewed testimony and increased spiritual understanding. I remember as a teenager watching conference one year and being deeply impacted by the sense when the apostles were speaking that these were messengers from God and were speaking truth. Conference time always reminds me of that.


Sending thoughts and prayers your way that you can find increased peace and understanding through General Conference.

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Msg from this morning session: have 8 children, expect you or your spouse to die early, and then endure faithfully to the end. ;) j/k

More seriously, I would say: expect life to be hard, and know that there are true blessings for enduring in faith.

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The baked oatmeal recipe from other threads made an awesome conference breakfast. That one might become tradition. I'm too lazy to make cinnamon rolls like so many of you.


This conference really has been amazing - and the kids have behaved better than I ever remember them behaving for conference before. Can't wait for the next session!

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I missed the priesthood session last night. Excited to watch it tomorrow.


Such a great conference. Sad it's already over. Can't wait to rewatch some talks and read them. Our RS did a summer reading program this year where we were challenged to read the entire conference issue from the April conference. I can see that doing that made a difference in our lives as a group and individually. Can't wait to do it again with this conference. :)

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The baked oatmeal recipe from other threads made an awesome conference breakfast. That one might become tradition. I'm too lazy to make cinnamon rolls like so many of you.


This conference really has been amazing - and the kids have behaved better than I ever remember them behaving for conference before. Can't wait for the next session!

I buy the conference cinnamon rolls. ;- )

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  • 3 months later...
Guest busyboymama

I just joined this forum and am excited to see other members if the church here! How can I find more threads that are specific to LDS homeschoolers? I've stumbled across a couple but would love to read more. I have been wanting more homeschool support from others whose beliefs are the same as my own. Do you guys have regular chat threads or something like that?

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I just joined this forum and am excited to see other members if the church here! How can I find more threads that are specific to LDS homeschoolers? I've stumbled across a couple but would love to read more. I have been wanting more homeschool support from others whose beliefs are the same as my own. Do you guys have regular chat threads or something like that?


I don't know that any of us do any kind of homeschooling that would be much different than homeschoolers of other faiths (or no faith), as far as methods or curriculum go.  There are threads here related to LDS beliefs and stuff like that.  Did you have something specific you wanted help with as far as homeschooling goes?


And, yes, join the LDS Beehive social group.  Although, I don't think we have one thread on there related specifically to homeschooling.  LOL  We mostly chitchat.  But we're fun!

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Guest busyboymama

I don't mind chit chat and such! I just didn't know where to find the chat threads. It just feels nice to know other homeschool lds moms, even if homeschooling doesn't look much different from a non-lds home.


As far as homeschooling goes, I am just curious how other moms include gospel study with school learning? Most of the homeschool families here (not LDS) are Christians using Christian curriculums and daily bible study. I'm okay with non Christian curriculum but I do want my kids to have a strong foundation of gospel learning as well. I'm curious what you find effective. Right now we only do a brief scripture reading each day at bedtime. We are trying to get into the habit of regular FHE (it's been hard because of my dh's work schedule). I sometimes feel like this isn't enough. My kids are 7, 4, and 1, btw.

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I don't mind chit chat and such! I just didn't know where to find the chat threads. It just feels nice to know other homeschool lds moms, even if homeschooling doesn't look much different from a non-lds home.


As far as homeschooling goes, I am just curious how other moms include gospel study with school learning? Most of the homeschool families here (not LDS) are Christians using Christian curriculums and daily bible study. I'm okay with non Christian curriculum but I do want my kids to have a strong foundation of gospel learning as well. I'm curious what you find effective. Right now we only do a brief scripture reading each day at bedtime. We are trying to get into the habit of regular FHE (it's been hard because of my dh's work schedule). I sometimes feel like this isn't enough. My kids are 7, 4, and 1, btw.

In my home we have family scripture reading in the evening with dad--we read through the BoM and often the kids act out the stories. When we get to the end we start right back at the beginning. I also have a devotional with the kids at the beginning of the school day, we sing hymns or children's songs, recite memorized scriptures, and read from other gospel resources. Last year we read through The Golden Children's Bible together, I can recommend it as a nice children's Bible that stays close to the original in telling the stories. More recently we have been reading through the KJV New Testament. When that is done I would like to do something with Church History. After devotional we do memory work.

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Guest busyboymama

In my home we have family scripture reading in the evening with dad--we read through the BoM and often the kids act out the stories. When we get to the end we start right back at the beginning. I also have a devotional with the kids at the beginning of the school day, we sing hymns or children's songs, recite memorized scriptures, and read from other gospel resources. Last year we read through The Golden Children's Bible together, I can recommend it as a nice children's Bible that stays close to the original in telling the stories. More recently we have been reading through the KJV New Testament. When that is done I would like to do something with Church History. After devotional we do memory work.


Thanks!  This is pretty much what I've been trying to work towards lately- nightly reading and then morning devotionals.  What do you do for memory work?

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