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National Classical Etymology Exam?


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DD saw the E-mail the ACL sent me on this as a member, and wants to do it. She did the past test and enjoyed the process, but was definitely challenged by it-there were words she just plain didn't know.


Has anyone tried this with a young DC? I'm thinking that it might be an interesting challenge for DD to do the NCEE instead of spelling bee since she can't compete above the elementary level locally anyway.

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I think it's $15/school, plus $3.50/kid (through the ACL member link, at least), with a reduction if the school has an NJCL chapter. That's how it works for their other tests-there's a minimum fee per school, but then a very small one for each additional student.


I emailed them to ask whether under 8th grade included kids still eligible for the ELE (I know it does not on the NLE-you are eligible to take one test or the other, not both) and whether taking it now (and getting an Ok, but probably not great score unless she really studies a lot) would affect her eligibility to take it later when she's more likely to do well. I also asked how to count several years of playing with Latin and Greek, with a mish-mash of resources, but not really trying to make anything high school level yet.



BTW, there is a Roman History, Geography, and Culture competition in the Spring. I doubt DD is going to want to do that one-she blames the geography question on the ELE for keeping her from a perfect score last year, but if anyone has a history buff, it might be a fun challenge, too.






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I think it's $15/school, plus $3.50/kid (through the ACL member link, at least), with a reduction if the school has an NJCL chapter. That's how it works for their other tests-there's a minimum fee per school, but then a very small one for each additional student.


I emailed them to ask whether under 8th grade included kids still eligible for the ELE (I know it does not on the NLE-you are eligible to take one test or the other, not both) and whether taking it now (and getting an Ok, but probably not great score unless she really studies a lot) would affect her eligibility to take it later when she's more likely to do well. I also asked how to count several years of playing with Latin and Greek, with a mish-mash of resources, but not really trying to make anything high school level yet.



BTW, there is a Roman History, Geography, and Culture competition in the Spring. I doubt DD is going to want to do that one-she blames the geography question on the ELE for keeping her from a perfect score last year, but if anyone has a history buff, it might be a fun challenge, too.

I just got the letter yesterday and signed up. But after looking through the sample test, oh my gosh, I would like to know the institute's response to your email. DD has had a few years of Latin, not enough Greek, lots of SAT words in her arsenal, but she's still a bit young. I see in this thread a few of us have kids the same age!


Not trying to be too practical, but for close to $20, I'd like to see a medal. Shrinking away....

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Let us know what responses you get because I have a lot of the same questions. We've done song school Latin, Prima Latina & are 18 chapters in to LFC A. She's also been doing vocabulary from classical roots and is 5 or 6 lessons in to book A.


Mindsnacks has a nice SAT vocabulary app that she really enjoys.

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Crazyforlatin and dmmetler...did you have your kids do the practice test? If so, do you mind sharing how they did? Dd took one last night and scored just under 50 percent. I got 64 percent. I think all our kids are similar age with similar curriculum so I was curious about whether the results were similar.

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DD got a 64%, and there were some she guessed on based on "Well, it looks kind of like, so it might be...." I'm guessing she probably wouldn't medal above Bronze at best this year, but it would be a challenge for her, and she really enjoyed the practice test, but I do want the OK that it's alright for her to do it.



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DD got a 64%, and there were some she guessed on based on "Well, it looks kind of like, so it might be...." I'm guessing she probably wouldn't medal above Bronze at best this year, but it would be a challenge for her, and she really enjoyed the practice test, but I do want the OK that it's alright for her to do it.

Thanks for sharing. I will wait to hear the response you receive but we'll probably do it. Dd would enjoy reading through the prep materials even if she didn't medal and she loves anything that involves a quiz "game". Currently all tests are games in her mind. She asked me this week if we could go take the SCAT tests again for fun.
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I tried to sign my daughter up today but their system is trying to charge me an extra $25 as a school fee.  As a homeschooler, I'm not sure how to get around this but I've e-mailed them.  If anyone else figures it out, could you please let me know?  Appreciate it!   :001_smile:

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I know the medal levels have to be someplace on that website but I can't find them. Dd is interested but is quite busy this fall. As bad as this sounds I would hate to have her put the time into prep if it is unlikely that she would medal. Any ideas on approximately what percentage for each medal?


I know I sound like a really pushy mom. It is more not letting her give up her free time if apt to be completely disappointed. She doesn't have that much of it!

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I did DD's registration as "other" for grade (since 6 was the lowest number) and 1/2 as the level of Latin/Greek, since I wasn't comfortable putting 0, and she hasn't had what I'd call a true high school class yet. They haven't gotten back  on my e-mail, and I didn't want to forget. I warned DD that she almost certainly won't medal this year, and she still wants to do it because "All those neat words, mom!"



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I know the medal levels have to be someplace on that website but I can't find them. Dd is interested but is quite busy this fall. As bad as this sounds I would hate to have her put the time into prep if it is unlikely that she would medal. Any ideas on approximately what percentage for each medal?

"There are two divisions of awards, one for students who are taking Latin or Greek classes (or have previously taken them) and one for those who have not taken a Latin or Greek class.

  • For each division, there are three levels of awards. The groups are divided into Novice (8th grade and below), Intermediate (9th and 10th grades), and Advanced (11th and 12th grades). We then use the scores within those two groups to determine the results for each group.
  • There are three levels of awards within each division: gold, silver, and bronze. Each level is calculated on a percentile basis based upon the final results. The exact percentiles will be determined after all of the scores are in.
  • The results should be released and medals mailed to the winning students by early January." (from the FAQ)
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