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Brussle Sprouts...Hit Me with Your Best Shot

Tammi K

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My family loves brussels sprouts, but only fresh ones. My kids like them steamed (soft/crisp...no mush) with cheese sauce. To make the cheese sauce I make a roux and slowly add in extra sharp cheddar cheese until smooth and cheesey enough. Then I sprinkle in some dill and stir for a bit to blend the flavor. Dump over the top of the steamed brussels and serve. YUM. I have not tried the roasted yet...I think that will be next up!

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Let me start by saying I HATE brussel sprouts - not as much as I hate lima beans ('cause nothing could be that bad :thumbdown:) , but still a really substantial amount of hate going on here in regard to brussel sprouts.


The things is, I want to like them. They are cute. They look like little cabbages and I LIKE cabbage. I like it raw, cooked, even fermented.


I really try to like the little guys. But no matter what I do to them, they still taste like stinky dirt.  I'm a grown-up and grown-ups should eat their veggies, even the stinky ones. So, I keep trying but they are still 'icky'.


So, hit me with your best tried and true brussel sprout recipes.  I'm game for anything - except for the addition of lima beans because there is nothing in this world short of starvation that is going to make that happen ( and I'm not really find of peas, but I digress) - so let's here it. How do you make brussel sprouts?


Google recipes for roasted brussel sprouts with a little butter and maple syrup.  It's heavenly!

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Bacon jam? Isn't that just lard? I'm trying to imagine it.

Well, when you put it that way...


It's bacon cooked down until it essentially becomes mush. See the recipe below. I didn't use a whole pound because i didn't want to ruin so much bacon if I didn't like it. The end result was a little jar. I ate it on a slice of French bread. Delicious!



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I'd go for bacon also.  Maybe hollandaise sauce?  And I agree that Lima beans are a work of the devil.


My dd15 LOVES brussel sprouts and once I made them for her.  The were so awful I told everyone they could throw them outside for the squirrels.  The squirrels wouldn't touch them.


I tried again a few years later, buying the "steam in bag" frozen variety.  Served them with butter and salt.  They were tolerable.  It helps if you think of them tasting like those mini corns that you get in Asian vegetable mixes.

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never ate them growing up either---last year I did a version of this adding a little parmesan cheese on top and the husband raved about them.....I've also done one with adding cranberries-





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