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Birth Video of my son's homebirth/VBAC, 1 year ago today


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thanks all! I actually tore less with him than my first VBAC, who was 9lbs. My c-section was for a 7lb 13oz boy, so go figure :)


I did end up with some nerve issues where he pressed on something in my pelvis, so I had tingling and numbness in my one leg for several weeks, but it went away. The pregnancy though...trying to bend down to pick up anything, when I'm 5'1" and had a 10lb baby in there, THAT was hard!  He was born at 41 weeks 5 days, just like my other VBAC, so it was long and tiring.

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Beautiful!  Over what period of time were the labor pictures taken?  Bet he's a busy boy now and doesn't stay swaddled very long!


My labor was about 10 hours...from 2am until noonish. I'm not sure when the photographer got there...I'm thinking I had my husband call people around 4am? Not really sure. Labor might have been shorter but I was at "9.9" cm for about 4 hours, trying to avoid pushing. I HATE pushing. So I avoided any position that caused me to feel pushy, lol. Finally gave in to it when I got hungry. 

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lovely... made me teary.  May I share it with my daughter?  She just had a c-section 3months ago and is already talking VBAC for the next time.  I'm a homebirther, so I'm definitely behind her all the way and I'd love to encourage her along. 


Of course! Has she contacted ICAN?

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Oh my!  That was beautiful.  I loved the pics of you focusing, working.  Such intense work, followed by relaxed, joyful moments in between the contractions.  : )  Thanks so much for sharing!


I wish I had been able to become a midwife.  It just wasn't compatible with the rest of the family's needs.   Bummer.



aww, thanks. That is a great description. It was hard, and parts hurt (I HATE pushing!), but it was so joyful too. I had such an amazing group of women with me...the midwife, two student midwives, the photographer who was also a friend, my doula, and a good friend and fellow ICAN leader. We hung out in my bedroom and bathroom the whole time, while my husband was in the rest of the house with the kids. He came in once the baby was crowning, with my daughter. But otherwise it was just women being women, joking, laughing, talking about s*x, etc.

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