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"Stay gold, Ponyboy. Stay gold."


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I say, "Please don't eat anything. Please don't eat anything!"  Our puppy is now 10 months old and she chews more now than she did before.


The puppy need to be crated if she eats things while you are gone.  It is more an issue of safety for the puppy, then the sanity of the owners.

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The puppy need to be crated if she eats things while you are gone.  It is more an issue of safety for the puppy, then the sanity of the owners.


The one time I had a small puppy, I put it on our enclosed patio when I went out, thinking that it couldn't get into too much mischief there (this was after he'd shredded a phone book and several articles of clothing out of the laundry).


When I came home, pup had chewed off, and eaten part of, its own nylon collar (still haven't figured out quite how he managed that one) and had eaten some of the landscaping rocks (those crumbly red/gray lava rocks).   :ohmy:


NOTHING is safe from those little razor teeth!  It's a good thing he was a cute little furball!

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The one time I had a small puppy, I put it on our enclosed patio when I went out, thinking that it couldn't get into too much mischief there (this was after he'd shredded a phone book and several articles of clothing out of the laundry).


When I came home, pup had chewed off, and eaten part of, its own nylon collar (still haven't figured out quite how he managed that one) and had eaten some of the landscaping rocks (those crumbly red/gray lava rocks). :ohmy:


NOTHING is safe from those little razor teeth! It's a good thing he was a cute little furball!


Our bananapants Goldish Retriever eats off her own collars! And her late sister's. And a seat belt when we tried the safety harness for dogs in cars thing... Bless her heart. She's microchipped, but I worry about her getting out (she also fancies herself a sprinter) without a collar and tags. She won't keep one on at all unless she is on a walk. She doesn't need to be crated though now that she's 3; she just sleeps on the couch when we're gone.

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Someone was watching our Golden be a ditz a few days ago and remarked, "She'll be better when she grows up..." Um, she's four--I don't think it's going to get any better! However, she did what she needed to do--made violin girl get up in the morning after Ed's death, If dd didn't, the Golden chewed her apartment to the ground...

Aww. Good dog.

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Get you, alluding to a respected novel. If only we were so sophisticated around here. When we're about to undertake something intimidating, somebody is sure to remark, "We're doing the Pamchenko!"


I'm not proud of it.


I really thought this post was going to be some kind of brony thing.  You can tell we've had more My Little Pony than classic lit around here as of late.

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I worked for a vet who would warn new retriever puppy owners that "they will eat anything not bolted down, and chew on anything that was."

Yes, like the wooden screened porch. The kids did a doozy on it the first time around, now the Golden's trying to finish it off. The crate is my best friend.

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This is only funny because it's not my dog!


Is it a Lab, by any chance?

My first thought as well. When our beloved (now deceased) Lab was about 6 months old, our vet told us, don't worry, there's nothing better than a two year old Lab.


When she was two, he told us, hang in there, there's nothing better than a four year old Lab.... ;)

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This is only funny because it's not my dog!


Is it a Lab, by any chance?


No, she is a pit bull/dingo mix. She is tons of fun, but very active. We do crate her if we are gone for long periods of time. I was beginning to let her stay out of the crate with the other dogs since she is now house trained. Guess I can't trust her yet.

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No, she is a pit bull/dingo mix. She is tons of fun, but very active. We do crate her if we are gone for long periods of time. I was beginning to let her stay out of the crate with the other dogs since she is now house trained. Guess I can't trust her yet.

Heh...Well, she could also end up eating the plastic tray in the bottom of her crate, too. So, I suppose... My BIL's Lab ate about a third of the plastic tray in the bottom of her crate. Being the handy person that he is, he got a piece of metal, bent/welded/finished the piece to an apppropriately shaped bottom. The thing is crazy heavy, but at least she won't eat it. :)

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So, is there nothing better than a 10yo Golden????

That's the rumor, anyway... ;)



We just hope this one has some brains by then, but we don't hold out much hope. We had to put down our very first GDB a few years ago--she was 16! She was a Golden/Lab. What a great dog. I think God gave her all the brains and skipped Abbie...

Hmm, our lab was also named Abby... I'm seeing a trend here, LOL!! And just for the record, she had a heart of gold, but never did fare well in the brains department...

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No, she is a pit bull/dingo mix. She is tons of fun, but very active. We do crate her if we are gone for long periods of time. I was beginning to let her stay out of the crate with the other dogs since she is now house trained. Guess I can't trust her yet.



That's the rumor, anyway... ;)




Hmm, our lab was also named Abby... I'm seeing a trend here, LOL!! And just for the record, she had a heart of gold, but never did fare well in the brains department...


Our pit bull is an Abby and can't be trusted uncrated and alone at 3yo.  She chews everything, bolted down or not.  She's way too smart for her own good, too.  


I scoff at any dog toy labeled "indestructible."  So far we've only found a handful of toys that are even worth spending money on.  She has a 12" ball/rope like this one that works only because it's too big for her to get a firm grip on so she can chew it. That's the best toy ever IMO.  The extra-long 5-knot ropes are good to play tug with, and the only stuffed animals she's allowed to have must be mouth-sized so all she can do is carry them around.   Anything (and I do mean anything) large enough for her to hold down and tug on at the same time will be shredded.

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