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Baby name thread ...


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DH and I just finished our paperwork to start with another adoption agency today so I'm feeling hopeful and thought it would be fun to let everyone comment, criticize, and help with baby name choices.  We're doing domestic newborn adoption and we haven't specified gender so it could be a boy or girl. 


In the running:



Juliet (or Juliette) Jojean Maria McCartney

Juliet (or Juliette) Anna Maria McCartney



Joseph ______ McCartney

James ______ McCartney

John _______ McCartney


We like the idea of two middle names but it does sound a bit cumbersome?  Has anyone done two middle names?  We have a few ideas on boy middle names but nothing we're in love with.  Any suggestion?  Any preference on spelling of Juliet/Juliette?

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James Patrick


John Paul


Is Aslandria a boy or girl name?


As a Catholic I do love John Paul.  I asked DH and he gave it an approving nod.  :)  My first suggestion for a girl was Mary Margaret or Mary Elizabeth but he vetoed them as being a little too Catholic schoolgirl circa 1955.

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Is Aslandria a boy or girl name?


As a Catholic I do love John Paul. I asked DH and he gave it an approving nod. :) My first suggestion for a girl was Mary Margaret or Mary Elizabeth but he vetoed them as being a little too Catholic schoolgirl circa 1955.



It's a troll name.

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I prefer the Juliet spelling. The problem with 2 middle names in the US is that our paperwork isn't structured to accommodate, which means that one is the actual middle and the other is an add-on that doesn't fit. There is only one spot for a middle initial.


I like Juliet Maria and James is my favorite of the boy choices. I also like Mary Elizabeth and Mary Margaret and I am not Catholic.

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You might want to not post your last name, just for privacy.


My Dd is Mary LeighAnn   so traditional first name but not quite 1955.  


Thank you for your concern.  It's an important reminder that you can't be too safe.  A stalker will have a heckuva hard time finding me by searching for Amy McCartney in the lower 48 states.  B)

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I like the traditional spelling of Juliet. It says classy. Not feeling the Jojean. But if you like it, go for it.








Jean- have you considered the possibility of the nickname JJ happening at some point with two "J" names?

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While I think having 3 names is fine I do feel the girl name choices are a bit cumbersome.  Really not a fan of JoJean especially with Juliette. Sorry.  :)


As for the spelling, our littlest girl is Juliette Elise.  I really love the spelling as I think Juliet looks cut off/not finished.  It also seems more masculine for some reason (perhaps because of Julian?).  The "ette" ending seems so feminine and sweet.



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If it's a girl, I love the choice with Anna Maria since that is one of my names and everyone comments on it. I hated it as a child but have grown to see it as a beautiful name.


My parents gave my brother six names. He was named after all his uncles. A bit ridiculous, but good fun all the same.



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I love Juliet with the one t. It was on the list years ago. Might as well make life easy for the person getting the name. ;) My dd has a popular first name (I didn't know when I used it because several spelling variations so it doesn't rank high with any one spelling) and she is very tired of correcting people. We used the traditional Scots spelling. I wish other people did!



Two middle names.....family tradition for the whole name so my mom has two, I don't FYI. Hers is easy because she is Mary Ann Elizabeth. She frequently drops the Elizabeth or uses Maryann Elizabeth.


I love the name Joseph. I think it is pretty popular in England right now. Two recent births in my circles have used it.

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Sorry, I really don't think you can use John Paul McCartney ... unless you add Ringo and George [ducking] 


I think I prefer the spelling of Juliette, although mumto2 is right that she'll be forever spelling it for people.  I agree with the others that JoJean doesn't work.  Would Joanna work instead? Still part of your grandmother's name but then the Anna would be there too ...

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Oh, and consider the word his/her initials will make. I thought of Joseph Ian and really liked it until I realized his initials would spell Jim. But you might like that. I can see how it would work to his advantage later in life.

Maybe one of these might strike your fancy



Adam (I haven't seen an Adam in forever)









Philip (another I've not seen in a long time)


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.  I really love the spelling as I think Juliet looks cut off/not finished.  The "ette" ending seems so feminine and sweet.



Juliette is a very pretty name.


As for wanting to name her after your relative.. My inlaws absolutely hated ds name. We told them while pregnant we would be naming him after my dad, who has a pretty old fashioned but different name. We did it anyway. I love it. My dad was THRILLED.


Do what you wanna do :)

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Thank you for your concern.  It's an important reminder that you can't be too safe.  A stalker will have a heckuva hard time finding me by searching for Amy McCartney in the lower 48 states.  B)


Yes, and your birth date is listed in your profile, along with your metropolitan area. And we know your grandmother's unusual name, and we can assume from your signature that your husband's first initial is K.


And I haven't even read through your posts to see what other information you've left behind.


It really would be quite easy to find you, I'm just sayin'.

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Yes, and your birth date is listed in your profile, along with your metropolitan area. And we know your grandmother's unusual name, and we can assume from your signature that your husband's first initial is K.


And I haven't even read through your posts to see what other information you've left behind.


It really would be quite easy to find you, I'm just sayin'.


Thank you.  Please rest assured that nobody would be able to find me.  Those aren't real names but they are close enough to give an idea of the sound for the sake of naming a baby.  My last name is a MacC**** name and is close to McCartney but not close enough to guess.  My grandmother's name is an entirely different spelling but sounds similar to that spelling.  We're fairly careful online. 

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Sorry, I really don't think you can use John Paul McCartney ... unless you add Ringo and George [ducking] 


I think I prefer the spelling of Juliette, although mumto2 is right that she'll be forever spelling it for people.  I agree with the others that JoJean doesn't work.  Would Joanna work instead? Still part of your grandmother's name but then the Anna would be there too ...


I would go for a little John Paul Ringo George baby but I don't think I could convince DH.  :)


I think I might have overdone it with DH on the baby name discussion because he started suggesting silly name like "What if we use James as a middle name and use Orenthal for the first name."  Took me a bit to catch on to that. 


I did read all the names suggested to DH and he loved Chucki's suggestion of Julius.  He's a huge fan of Roman history.  Guess a Julius for a kid is better than Nero or Caligula.  I think it would be poor form to name a son after a person who's famous for murdering their mother. 

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I think Juliet/Juliette (I think I prefer the feminine look of the "ette") Anna Maria is lovely!  Two middle names, yes, but that particular combination doesn't seem too cumbersome to me.  For the paperwork, could you use Annamaria, all one word?


Love your boy choices too!  I'd have used James if it wasn't already used in our family.  DH didn't go for Joseph/Josiah, but a little baby Joey -- I could have gone for that!  John Paul sounds good with a last name similar to what you have.

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Ds was going to have Alexander for a middle name...at the last minute we used a family name. I still LOVE Alexander. I also love Alexandria. :)


I like the name scarlet too. :) totally serious, but it isn't very catholic sounding.


Oh and I love the name sage. I wanted Sage Elizabeth if I had a girl.

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If we ever have more (through adoption or biological). We like the name Hayden James, so what about James Hayden Mc.....


Love Juliet. What about Juliet Louise. 


Also love Mary Elizabeth.


We were talking about baby names last night, and I said I really like the name Adele. DH quipped, well if we get a newborn, she would be a New Deli :)

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