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Do you do anything special for round number anniversaries?


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This October will be 15 years dh and I have been married.  We never really do anything special for anniversaries.  Well, on 11 dh joined the church and we "got married again".  But that was more of his day than our day. 


There aren't any fancy hotels we nearby where we can spend a wild night being pampered with room service.  Maybe we should start small and go out to dinner.  Maybe we should just wait for number 20.


Any ideas?

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Congrats! We took a second honeymoon for our 11th Anniversary, it was supposed to be for our 10th but it was postponed as I was 8 months pregnant during our 10th anniversary. I think getting "remarried" as you put it sounds so lovely, maybe I should make my hubby renew our vows...;)


One anniversary, I don't remember which one, my husband reenacted our first date. We did all the things we did on our first date. It wasn't anything fancy, but it was really sweet in a cheesy way :).


Maybe you could treat yourselves to a day of pampering. You could book a couples massage somewhere, or whatever else you find relaxing, then have a nice dinner.


I say any anniversary is worth celebrating in a big way, regardless of the number. Marriage is hard, you need to celebrate being successful at it!

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The question is, what do you and your dh want to do???  As the other date threads show, what floats my boat might sink yours.... 


We rarely celebrate anniversaries - ours happens at a rather inconvenient time  of the year for us, and celebrating "the day" has never been terribly important to either of us.  That said, we celebrated our 30th anniversary this year with a big trip, which was very nice.



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The question is, what do you and your dh want to do???  As the other date threads show, what floats my boat might sink yours.... 


We rarely celebrate anniversaries - ours happens at a rather inconvenient time  of the year for us, and celebrating "the day" has never been terribly important to either of us.  That said, we celebrated our 30th anniversary this year with a big trip, which was very nice.




We've never actually celebrated on by ourselves.  On our first anniversary we were bringing dd home from the hospital on that day.  She was born 363 days after our wedding. Ever since then the birthdays have eclipsed the anniversary.  My birthday is 7 days after dd's. 


That week is just a blur of birthday celebrations. 

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Usually a piece of jewelry for me (that I pick out).


A small anniversary band for our 1st (didn't have an engagement ring), a family ring and a bracelet for our 10th, a larger anniversary band and gold watch for our 15th, and a proper engagement diamond for our 20th.


Every year, we go out to dinner, sometimes alone, sometimes as a family.


Dreaming of a trip for our 25th in 3 years (since I can't think of any more jewelry I could need :). If we can't afford a trip, we'll ship the kids to grandma's and stay home alone!

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We really do not celebrate anniversaries, although some years DH buys me flowers. For our 10th, he bought me a beautiful necklace. For our 20th, I'm planning on a weekend getaway. My youngest will be 17 and my oldest 23, so they can certainly handle being alone for a weekend. I want to go somewhere that we can walk around and look at pretty things. Maybe like a botanical gardens. I want a super nice hotel with fabulous food. Our next big anniversary would be 25 years. I have no clue what we might do then.

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Apparently, we have babies, LOL. I was 7 months pregnant with #3 on our 10th anniversary and 8.5 months pregnant with this baby on our 15th anniversary. But we don't really do anything special for the round number anniversaries; we go out to dinner (usually with the kids, although last year, my parents watched the 3 older ones so that we could go to a fancier restaurant and just have the 12mo with us), and DH often brings me chocolate. We did take a trip for our 10th, with the kids, and that was a lot of fun. I can see us going away for our 20th, though, just the two of us, since we will likely not have any very little children.

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DH and I make a point of always honoring our anniversary any time he isn't deployed.  Some years that may only be dinner out, but for all the big 5-year intervals we do something very special.  Here are he things we've done for the last 5 years:


2 week cruise to Hawaii (20th)

Dinner out during a Disneyworld trip with extended family (19th)

Weekend in Healdsburg, CA (18th)

2 night trip down the PCH (17th)

Deployment - just talked on the phone a lot (16th)

1 week trip to Hawaii (15th)


It looks kinda extravagant doesn't it?  But - it isn't.  We consider it a really important investment into our relationship and I think the dividends are substantial.


I don't think anyone needs to go on a trip if they can't afford it - but in whatever way you can - honor it.



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