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Roughly How Many (Physical) Books Do You Own?

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A whole lot less than we used to. I don't really know. We have 3 full nearly floor to ceiling bookcases plus a few single shelves in the living room and a bookcase in the office. Also, a number of boxes in storage for our time living in an apartment again. We live in under 1000sf. When I was in college we had enough to open a lending library of our own. Getting rid of most of them has been GREAT.

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I have about a dozen for myself, if that. I hardly ever re-read anything, so I prefer the library and purged several bookshelves to get it down to this when we moved last spring. DH has 30-40, eyeballing the shelf - also purged recently. We don't purge DD's so much as we try to get high quality books for her and she is still young so they're picture books. She owns maybe 300, stored in milk crates in her bedroom so she can flip through.

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2 floor to ceiling built-ins full in our family room - plus 3 stacks about 2 ft high next to the shelves.

About 50 books lined up with book ends on either side across top of my entertainment center.

2 (7 ft tall 3ft wide) shelves on either side of our computer desk.

1 small shelf near my bed.

4 of those foldable shelves that are 4ft tall in the upstairs hall (it's a big hall).

2 (5ft tall) shelves in my Dh's art studio (spare bedroom).

a foot tall bookshelf in Ds's room and the same in Dd's room.


I have no idea how many!


Now I need to go check out library software.............. :leaving: 


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