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I'm just sayin'


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I slave over wholesome whole food dinners. They come home from friends raving about this awesome Ramen noodle stuff. Argh

I know a girl who came home from a friend's house raving about chciken Parmesan with spaghetti and broccoli. It was all she wanted. Her mom called her friend's mom and asked for the recipe.


It was a frozen entree!

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Ha love it! Must've been my house. My poor girls had lunchables for dinner tonight. I do cook 3 nights a week, but the other nights are grab and growl. I am about to add cooking to the girls curriculum for their handicraft so that'll take care of 3 more nights a week. Hopefully, they learn quickly and surpass my skills. Cooking is so not my thing, but I do like to eat. ;-)

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Yup! I gave up on satisfying these two quite some time ago. I cook, you eat, or make yourself a peanut butter sandwich. Many days, I just go with the peanut butter sandwich route to start with!! I do NOT enjoy cooking. I enjoy it even less when I get complaints about it.


Both of my kids were such good eaters as toddlers, too. They ate anything and everything we gave them. Now... Not so much.

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Seriously. I love to cook and bake. It's very zen for me. Up until the moment I serve my children, who would willingly live off boxed Mac n Cheese and Top Ramen. I'm pretty sure it's not me. DH says I'm a good cook, and when I take things to church potlucks, people sidle up to me and say "what did YOU bring?" and I'm often asked for recipes. Sigh.

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You know what my kids are raving about these days? A big glob of cottage cheese in a bowl topped with diced peaches. They actually cheer when I tell them it's what's for lunch. It is now on the weekly lunch menu.


Um, I *love* that.  :blushing:  {scurries off to add cottage cheese to the grocery list}


I used to like cooking................ then I had children


A THOUSAND times yes.


Dh made "special bread" the other day. You see, I've been sick with some mutant form of stomach flu or something for several days now. I couldn't keep anything but water down until today; there was NO WAY I was cooking.


Anyway, dh finds a package of hot dog buns, spreads butter on them, and sprinkles on parmesean cheese and garlic powder. I think he cooked them in the oven, then served them with pizza sauce from a can.


DS7 declared them "the best bread ever", and asked if Daddy would make them every single day.  :glare: My husband has talents; cooking is not one of them. He literally NEVER even fixes food, let alone cooks. Like, he's legendary in our home for NOT preparing food. But let him whip out some hotdog buns and toast them, and stand back Mommy, we are not in need of your culinary services any longer.


(I know it's just because Daddy made them. Shoot, he could've sprinkled cheese on a dry leaf and his admirers (aka ds7 and ds10) would've gobbled them up. But come ON! I make the most delicious, melt in your mouth dinner rolls. People rave. My boys? They won't eat them.  :sneaky2: )

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I used to be creative--- I used to come up with good, healthy, dinners--- I used to have the energy to actually enter the kitchen.


Now I am tired and I have to actually write down menus for stuff like -- meatloaf and mashed potatoes--- really?

Lately if it isn't premade, from Costco, I just cannot manage it.   I cannot even remember dishes, let alone actually cook them!!  And shopping!!!

I come home with a cart that has cereal, milk, hot dogs, bread and peanut butter--- other than that -- I just cannot **think** of anything. 

I've tried cookbooks and nothing really looks good or doable (shrimp and feta is off the budget). 

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I used to be creative--- I used to come up with good, healthy, dinners--- I used to have the energy to actually enter the kitchen.


Now I am tired and I have to actually write down menus for stuff like -- meatloaf and mashed potatoes--- really?

Lately if it isn't premade, from Costco, I just cannot manage it. I cannot even remember dishes, let alone actually cook them!! And shopping!!!

I come home with a cart that has cereal, milk, hot dogs, bread and peanut butter--- other than that -- I just cannot **think** of anything.

I've tried cookbooks and nothing really looks good or doable (shrimp and feta is off the budget).

I can relate. I ask my family for dinner ideas and I get a bunch of "I don't know? Grilled cheese?" type responses. I was out running errands last night and really should have gone grocery shopping, but I just couldn't face it.

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Um, I *love* that.  :blushing:  {scurries off to add cottage cheese to the grocery list}



A THOUSAND times yes.


Dh made "special bread" the other day. You see, I've been sick with some mutant form of stomach flu or something for several days now. I couldn't keep anything but water down until today; there was NO WAY I was cooking.


Anyway, dh finds a package of hot dog buns, spreads butter on them, and sprinkles on parmesean cheese and garlic powder. I think he cooked them in the oven, then served them with pizza sauce from a can.


DS7 declared them "the best bread ever", and asked if Daddy would make them every single day.  :glare: My husband has talents; cooking is not one of them. He literally NEVER even fixes food, let alone cooks. Like, he's legendary in our home for NOT preparing food. But let him whip out some hotdog buns and toast them, and stand back Mommy, we are not in need of your culinary services any longer.


(I know it's just because Daddy made them. Shoot, he could've sprinkled cheese on a dry leaf and his admirers (aka ds7 and ds10) would've gobbled them up. But come ON! I make the most delicious, melt in your mouth dinner rolls. People rave. My boys? They won't eat them.  :sneaky2: )


The cottage cheese and peaches?  That was my favorite as a child.  It never occurred to me that my kids would like it, I mean, it IS a little goopy looking ;).


That hot dog bun bread sounds great!  My kids also like Banana Dogs - 1/2 banana (sliced the long way) in a hot dog bun spread with peanut butter.

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Yep.  Becca and DH have liked just about everything I've made for dinner, but Sylvia is so darn picky and only wants one of three meals.   :glare:   At least they appreciate my homemade granola bars.  I got into making bread for a while some years ago and DH decided it was "okay" to eat  if he dumped it in a mixture of corn syrup and peanut butter.  I stopped making bread.   :glare:

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