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If you don't want to sell it...

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And you can't give it away, what do you do with old curriculum?


Our unschooly friends don't want this stuff, selling is too much hassle.


What do I do with old stuff? I have things like Right Start B taking up a lot of space, and a ton more.


If I donate it, can we get a tax write off?

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That's a good idea!  We have a few local yahoo groups - I bet if I post it, someone would come take it away.  


It is definitely too good to toss, but I am not going to mess with selling it.  And taking it to GoodWill feels strange.



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I have a homeschool friend whose mother often buys her curricullum at Goodwill. Not that my friend wants it (she passes it on...) but there is a market for homeschool curriculum at second hand stores. I also know some new public school teachers that shop at used book stores and second hand stores, especially as they are builidng up their classroom library.


You can donate to charity and take the write off, as long as it is a legitimate charity. They normally ask if you want a receipt and you can claim its value as you deem reasonable.


What I normally do - go through some of the higher dollar items - or items I know keep their re-sale value and list those for sale. After everything has sold that I think will sell, I list on our homeschool group - Free, in a box at my front door, come and get what you want. After that, I take what is left to second hand store.

If I tried to list everything, it would be a hassle. But choosing the items with the best chance of selling cuts down on the craziness. I also price to sell - 40% of new price for new/like new/very good condition, 25% of new price for good condition.

I don't list small items, like $2 for a book or whatnot.

If possible, I group items together or include smaller items that I don't think would be worth selling on their own.I might list five related books for $5 each or $20 for all five.

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I take everything to GoodWill.  I can say that since we have only been HS'ing for 2 years, I have taken very little HS'ing stuff.  However, I frequent GoodWill for books and I LOVE finding good quality HS materials there.  I've gotten some pretty good stuff for great deals. I love it.  Everyone deserves to a good deal sometimes. 


Recently, I came away with a Saxon 54 textbook and a McGraw-Hill science text book...for reference material...and I saw some BJU highschool material while I was there.  I've also gotten a health text book...Harcourt...and a few other things along with all the great literature I find there. I get a nice big smile when I come across good stuff.  :D

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Do you have a homeschool friend who is tight on funds? A friend used to give me things to sell online when she didn't want to mess with them, and it helped me be able to get some of our next year's curriculum some years. Maybe you know someone that likes to sell online that you could bless?

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Do you have a homeschool friend who is tight on funds? A friend used to give me things to sell online when she didn't want to mess with them, and it helped me be able to get some of our next year's curriculum some years. Maybe you know someone that likes to sell online that you could bless?


What a great idea!  Yes, I do know a few unschooly families that are tight on funds right now.  They won't use our materials (too schooly for them) but I can ask about this option.  Great idea!

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I'd see if anyone on the boards here wanted it for the cost of shipping if you don't know anyone IRL that wants it. That way you know someone who really wants it will get it. (I don't need any curriculum, so I'm not saying it for that reason.) When I have stuff I don't want to sell, I know people with younger children I can give it to.

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Our unschooly friends aren't interested after all, though they might use some of it, so I'm piling it all into a crate, and I'm going to post it on our local homeschool group.  I'm going to let people just come take what they want - they can sort through the crate and see if they want any of it, and take what the need/want.


Some of it would be hard to sell - some marked or missing pages in the consumables (before we figured out that we wanted to switch programs), lots of file folder games and centers with laminated pieces.  I wouldn't know how/where to sell some of it.  


Giving it away feels best!  Thanks for all the ideas!



I'm in VA....... ;)


Which GoodWill are you going to?? :lol:







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