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My BABY starts kindergarten tomorrow!

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My baby will be starting 1st grade in a few weeks--this year the first day of school will not be as traumatic on ME as last year was! My dd had a GREAT year too...


I'm having a harder time grasping the fact that my oldest dd will turn 18 in 2 weeks!!!


Hug your baby and take lots of pictures.

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. . . my baby went off for a week of choir camp today and had nary a backward glance to spare for me as he ran off to join his cabin-mates.


He went for just two nights last year and had such a great time that he has been nearly vibrating with anticipation for days about going back.


I'm glad he's happy, and I hope he has a great time, but I feel very weird not having him in his room where I can go peek at him before I go to sleep.


Of course, when I mentioned to my darling daughter (who is headed back to college in about three weeks) that I didn't like having him gone, she oh-so-helpfully pointed out that she'd be gone soon, too.



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My baby boy is going to preschool this year, and I'm feeling the same way. How can he be almost 5? I don't want to lose all the cute little words and pronounciations. And I don't want him to stop snuggling up with me to go to sleep and holding my ear when he's tired. I want to carry him forever and always have him call me Mommy. AAAAAAHHHHHH! I don't want him to grow up. I guess I need to buy a new videotape for our video camera and capture some of the extreme cuteness because I don't want to forget it. But it still doesn't stop time. Can I cry now?

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:grouphug: Hope today was a special one. It's ok cry and be happy at the same time.:grouphug:


Thanks, all. It's funny doing this for the last time with all the 20-somethings in the room who are doing it for the first time.


The teacher's youngest dd started K-5 last week. She's returning to the classroom after being a stay-at-home mom for the past nine years.

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So, how was it Pam? For dd and for YOU!?


It was just orientation -- I guess I thought it was going to be "first day lite" but that's tomorrow. Today was just about the parents.


And I already have to write a note to the principal. About how I didn't appreciate walking into a room where they were entertaining the 4-5 y/o's while their parents were doing twenty minutes of parent orientation by having the little people watch ...


Ok, wait. Don't YOU think they should have -- if they MUST be showing them television -- been giving them Dora or Blue or Diego or, gosh, even Oscar the Grouch? Something quasi-educational?


Nope. A Disney movie. One of the intense ones, with packs of snarling, dark animals and wicked bad guys with glowing red eyes.


You know, I'm not an unreasonable person. I know other families watch these things; I do not look down on these choices. They know their kids better than I do. I would say that while I prefer to WAIT for my children to see such intense animations, and I prefer that they see them in entirety so that they see that *the good guys win*.


But when my kid's first exposure to such intensity is the first day of KINDERGARTEN when she's not even with her new teacher, in a room with 60 little people and five or six adults? When she told the adults that the movie is too scary and that she's not allowed to see it? (I honestly don't know what it was and I'm sure I've never explicitly forbidden it. Instead of checking the title, I just gave the nearest adult the evil eye and got her out of there, while asking out loud why in the world they were showing a scary movie to brand new kindergarteners. I was one of *those* [insert eyeroll here] parents who are sooo ridiculously protective.) Inappropriate. Nothing to yank her out for, but it did NOT sit well with Mama-Who-Wavers.




Her teacher is very mature and together and nurturing. It'll be a good year. But I'm going to offer suggestions for the first day of school next year. Take them to the playground, for heaven's sake.

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...it did NOT sit well with Mama-Who-Wavers.




Her teacher is very mature and together and nurturing. It'll be a good year. But I'm going to offer suggestions for the first day of school next year. Take them to the playground, for heaven's sake.



I'm going to wrestle with how to respond to our "first days". Remembering back to that one year our oldest spent in public school - 1st grade it was - and how often I wanted to clop the teachers/administrators on the head and say, "Are you nuts?" I just know I'm going to have so many similar instincts, only now I'm really, really going to be viewed as the overprotective parent because I still think they should take them to the playground! :D



Hang in there, Mama. You know you are doing all the right things under the circumstances. I can't believe that little nugget of yours is in kindergarten! Peace, dear.

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