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Am I way too old to be doing this??!?


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I just saw this video for a DVD release of a band that I'm a fan of from their world tour last year. I'm SUCH A DORK that I have literally watched it like 10 times.



I thought only teenagers were fans like this.

But seriously. Sigh. It doesn't help that it's one of my favorite songs. That has a lot to do with it, I'm sure. But I just feel like SUCH AN IDIOT as I sit here and grin and watch/listen to it repeatedly.

Please make me feel better about myself lol... DH already thinks I'm having an early midlife crisis!!! :lol: :lol:

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Sigh. This is where it gets really crazy. :lol:

They're a Korean band called BIGBANG. I assume it's always capitalized lol, I always see it like that.

Like I said, my DH is convinced...

Oh, and since this will give me an opportunity to watch it yet again, here's the video. Or the link, at least (if the video won't come up for some reason).



Ok, and I won't lie, I love this song anyway, but the first 17 seconds? Aiya.... :svengo:

OMG I'm freaking 30 years old...Aish.

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With the internet, it is so much easier to be an obsessed middle aged fan from the comfort of your own home.   I've been searching for old interviews and performances on youtube of a 60s icon over the past 50 years.   Things I never knew about this person, music they made, films they were in.  It is so fun.   I'm just glad I couldn't do it when I was 16. 


And follow people in other countries too.



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Well, last September I took my younger dd to see Rush - the three man trio are all 60+ now and still rocking strong. I was able to get one of my old album covers signed by the trio for my dd. We also have all of their music and concert videos and we each have a concert shirt - at least one of my kids likes my favorite band!


ETA we just learned their latest concert video from the tour they are currently on will be released this fall. We are hoping it may be shown in a local movie theatre so we can see it on the big screen before we buy our own copy.

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Oh!  One can NEVER be too old to appreciate good music.  Music speaks to the soul.  I'm a classical/pop crossover fan and YouTube has been a great place to find and listen to artists.  I've drug my sweet dh to Il Divo, Nathan Pacheco, Alfie Boe and Tenors concerts several times.  Don't be embarrassed by appreciating great music.   We do....and we're WAY past 30.  Our adult kids just smile at us.

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Well... I just made a confession to my dh last night, and I told him I would never tell anyone else, BUT if it makes you feel better...


I haven't read anything other than the Harry Potter series since like... October/November 2012. :leaving:


Everyone knows I'm obsessed, but they dont know that its THAT bad.


ETA: The DVDs never leave my DVD player. I play them as background noise while I clean, etc. It probably plays 8 times a day.


Now that Ive started confessing, I can't stop... I admit I have a problem. I need a Potter rehab.



So don't feel bad. I'm 24 and I am definitely too old to be that obsessed.

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Me, I live in a rural area, look like a cross between a Mennonite and a soccer mom, and I love to listen to Green Day! Boy, I can tell you, that stuff sure gets my house cleaned in record time! I prefer the early stuff and have to be careful to edit out all the terrible language if I am singing it out loud and anyone else is around. :huh:

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