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How late do you let your kids sleep in the summer

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Unless we have to be out of the house the next day I let my youngest two (10 and 13) stay up until 11:00 or 11:30. The problem is the next day they want to sleep pretty late the next day. Normally it isn't an issue unless we need to get out of the house early. I'm still hesitant about letting them sleep their morning away. Many of my friends let their teens and pre-teens sleep as late as they want (noon) but it just doesn't seem right to me. I usually wake mine if they're not up by 10:00 but today it is 10:30 and they are still sleeping. I feel guilty waking them up if they need their sleep but on the otherhand it really messes up their meal schedule.

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Well, it is 8:30 here and I haven't heard from my kids yet. Ds is in his room reading, but I think dd is still asleep. We get up at 7:00 during the school year, so I like to let them sleep in and relax in the summer. I'll roust them by 9:00 if they aren't up yet.

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During the school year they are up at 6:30. During the summer .... 8:00 at the latest but usually closer to 7:30.


Don't get sucked into the fact that some (a lot) of kids sleep until noon in the summer. That's just unnecessarly lazy. My daughters two best friends both do this and it makes making plans very annoying. We'll call around 11:00 to go to the beach/pool whatever when it is a gorgeous day and the mothers will say they are still sleeping! And then they stay up until late late late because they aren't tired. My daughter will get text messages from them at 1:00 a.m. Blech.


Not a good precedent to set.

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It is now 11:50 am here - the youngest got up an hour ago since the next-door girl came to wake her to play. Oldest dd - 14 - got up half-an-hour ago. The 16-yr-olds are still asleep.


I am not a night-owl, so I am in bed by 10. No idea when these teens are crashing!!! but the oldest go to public school - in three weeks one kid will have to leave the house at 6:30am, the other probably earlier. So this late-night stuff will end. ;)


I like having the house and computer to myself in the mornings! I am up at 7ish in the summer.

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Ours are all 10 and younger but I still need peace and quiet at night so they need to go to bed earlier especially during the week. DH has to leave for work at 5:30 am so we send the kids to bed about 8 or 9 so if we want to go to bed at 9 or 10 we don't still have 4 kids up and about. Usually I want them up by 8:30 at the latest but many times they get up earlier on their own.


Unless the whole family has a late night schedule, I don't see a need for kids to sleep so late. There's work to be done and fun to be had and summer break is too short to miss it while sleeping. I know when they are older I will stop telling them when to go to bed but I will expect them up as part of the family to help out.

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Oh, how I WISH I could get my kids to sleep in! We're just an early-to-rise family: DH at 4:30, Mommy at 5-5:30, and both kids by 7. Actually, ds is often awake between 6 and 6:30, but I don't let him come out of his room until 7. I just...cannot start my day any earlier! :001_smile:

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My older guys are up at 6 a.m. most of the year to go out and do farm chores. When we're taking a summer break, they get up a half hour or so later. Without an alarm, the latest they'd sleep is 7 or so. This despite the fact that in the summer, they go to bed pretty late. I am glad actually that they don't sleep in. I don't go in for that myself and would rather people get up and moving.

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Unless we have to be out of the house the

I let my kids sleep as late as they want during the summer, but since they have a fairly early bedtime (9 pm), they don't sleep all that late anyway. Usually they've been waking up between 7:30 and 8:00am. A couple of times this summer after a late night they've slept until 8:30 or 9:00. During the school year they get up around 7:00. My kids are 12, 7, and 5.


I wouldn't allow my teenager to get into the habit of staying up really late at night, and sleeping until noon. I just don't think it's healthy or productive.



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We're year-round 'schoolers so to us, the summer is pretty much the same as the rest of the year (only waaayy hotter!). I let the boys sleep as late as they want unless we have somewhere to be. My oldest is up sometime between 6:30 and 7:30. Our youngest has slept until 10 on occasion but is usually up between 8:30 and 9:00. Their usual wake-up times rarely change no matter what time they go to bed.

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My kids don't sleep in. It doesn't matter if they go to bed at 10pm or 7. They are still up around 7am. Very very rarely does one make it to 8am. (but of course that is always the day mom wants them up and out of the house early for whatever reason...why IS that?)

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They are very active all day, and they stay up late to spend time with their daddy, so I don't care how late they sleep in on days that they can. Monday and Friday we have to be out of the house by 8:30 to get dd to gymnastics, so on the other days, I just let them sleep. Usually it's not past 9:30, if that, but I wouldn't wake them up. I can understand about it messing up the meal schedule, though. That would be difficult.

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My 9 yo is the first one up in the morning (of the kids, I mean). He's up without an alarm by 7:30 or 8:00.


My two teenagers would sleep all day if I let them. And sometimes I do, like when they came home from their missions trip. They were exhausted! Otherwise, I get them up by 10 at the latest. Even that's too late for dh; when he's home he gets the 17 yo by 9. Kinda sad when a 44 year old gray-haired man has more energy than your 17 yo....


dh gets up around 4-4:30 and starts work at 6. While I'm not a natural early riser myself, I can't just lay around when he's out working hard. Without an alarm, I get up around 7:00; with an alarm, I'm up at 5 or 5:30 to go for a run.

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