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Anyone ever use homeschool buyers co-op?

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I always buy Memoria Press products through them since they are 25% off. I have bought a variety of other products through them as well, and have always been pleased with the service. As an added perk, you can get bonus points with purchases, so with the points I accrued buying MP products for this past school year I got a free subscription to the Happy Scientist.

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I live there....jokes.


I've been a member for ages, and purchase off them every now and again. I have the newsletter sent to my inbox, and look through that when it comes, but every now and again I will still go to the site and check what they have.


The only con is that some of the items (usually the ones I want the most) are US only. (Like Looney Tunes Phonics, PBS Kids, etc)

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I guess I'm the only one that ever had an issue. I bought RS Math a few years back, the one and only time they they had them on special. They lost my order and I was told tough luck they wouldn't honor it. At first I couldn't find my confirmation email, so it was a bit understandable however when I did find it and sent it to them as proof they just ignored it (it had been so long I had deleted it and had to dig through my email trash to find it). That deal was a huge mess though all around. It really messed up our school year, as it pushed back our start time waiting for it to ship and then waiting for a response from then and finally just ordering it myself.

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