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Who's going to tackle Monday with me?

Jean in Newcastle

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5:40 am here and it has been a very rough night. I have been avoiding nightshade vegetables and yesterday had a slip-up again. Can you believe that I carefully avoided the french fries that were calling my name and then ordered the mashed potatoes without even thinking?! D'oh! My tummy has not been happy. Dh has to leave the house by 6:30 am this morning. I hope I can sleep in a bit afterward.


Clean kitchen

Laundry - this is a priority


Pharmacy - call in prescription and pick up for ds and myself

Put Feldenkrais appointment on the calendar

Put chiro. appointment on the calendar

Have serious talk with ds re. his own health concerns

Yard work?

Find out when ds and dh have to leave for seminar tomorrow and details like food and clothing needs.


Work on first camp lesson? (Goal for this week - not necessarily today specifically)

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Good gravy Jean! I'm so sorry you had a rough night.


I've been down with a sinus thing for a few days and feel like my head has been punched then detached from my body :( I'm not sure what I'll get done today. I would like to


---monitor dd13's Geometry work

---read some more from The American Odyssey in prep for next year

---sit with dd18 as she looks through courses for the fall (orientation and registration is next week)

---exercise if my head stops hurting

---tend to the garden if my head stops hurting

---plan meals for the week

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So sorry you had a rough night, Jean. I thought you might have when you posted this so early. :(


We're pretty quiet here, but we have friends come over for dinner. They're moving to Turkey next year, so we'll have Turkish food for dinner because I love it. I need to get the menu together, go shopping, and start some food prep. And spend hours outside with my youngest while he plays.


I hope you can get some more sleep, Jean!

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Oh Jean, I am sorry, hope your tummy settles down.


I have been sick since last Sunday, mostly I just feel exhausted, utterly done. Makes me nuts I have things to do!

-continue decluttering project


-pick up dd from work

-get stuff ready for double chem lab, hope to finish this week

-finish pricing stuff for book sale

-go get a few more boxes from liquor store for decluttering project


what I really want to do is go back to bed

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Evil potatoes!

Got up early and took a walk with dh. That was nice.


For today:



Reading w/dd6

Supervise/encourage ds17 to finish Physics chapters (and then he's DONE!!) - well, maybe tomorrow

Grocery shopping - will have to wait until morning

Misc. shopping w/ds17 for music festival supplies

Bring dress clothes to cleaners

Boys' laundry

Start new batch of sauerkraut? Nope, not today


Lunch - tuna salad, buns, applesauce

Dinner - burrito lasagna, peas

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Woke up with DH telling me DD13 needs to see the doctor today. She woke up with a sore throat bad enough that she was in tears. She has no other symptoms, no fever. The doctor's office phones open at 8:30am. I'm going to try to be one of the many who call as soon as they open. They are a 40 minute drive away. Ugh, but we love and trust our pediatrician.


Second item on the list to tackle is called the dentist and ask if I really scheduled my children's dental appointment for Wednesday 8am. I never schedule appointments that early. What was I thinking! If I really did, then I need to figure out who to get DD's wires out of her braces before the appointment and put back in after the appointment.


I'll figure out what else to do after those are tackled.

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My Monday is completely not what it's supposed to be. DH is passing a kidney stone (and is on narcotic pain meds), DW#2 works and can't miss any more, and DS has a fever keeping him home from daycare, and DD has a double infection in her left ear, so I skipped class. So far I've done some dishes, started some diapers, and done some reading for class. To do the rest of the day:


Finish catching up dishes

Read ahead as much as I can because my library time the rest of the week will be greatly diminished

More laundry

Pick up toys

Take DW#2 to work

Schedule DD a dr. Appt.


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(((Jean))) & (((Luckymama))) & (((Lizzie))) & (((Joann's dd))) & (((Ravin's kids))) sorry you're not feeling well.


I'm off to a slow start today.



Started on laundry

Cleaned bathtub


To Do:


More laundry

Do some cleaning in girls' bedroom

Sort through some stuff in my room



I should go grocery shopping today but I think I will put it off until tomorrow.

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My list isn't too bad today but the rest of the week should be a different story since I'm going to a convention on Friday and need to get things or order before leaving. Its already 2 here and here is what I've got done and left to do. By 3 I plan on having 3 more things marked off


Laundry folded

Laundry away

Baby to dr

Thrift store trip

Simon phonics

Rosalyn phonics

simon math

rosalyn math

call hotel and switch travel nights

grocery list

meal plan

grocery store

finish book buy list for convention!

list rest of books for sale

30 minute read aloud

30 minute read for my pleasure

store books that are too old for my kids

Pick dh up for lunch

call mechanic and make appointment

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It's noon and we are well under way



Before school care child

Clean my office

Take ds14 to work


To do



Living room


Back room

Move filing cabinet

Move desk

Move tv

Move box of pet gear

Collapse from exhaustion


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Good gravy Jean! I'm so sorry you had a rough night.


I've been down with a sinus thing for a few days and feel like my head has been punched then detached from my body :( I'm not sure what I'll get done today. I would like to


---monitor dd13's Geometry work (in progress)

---read some more from The American Odyssey in prep for next year

---sit with dd18 as she looks through courses for the fall (orientation and registration is next week)

---exercise if my head stops hurting

---tend to the garden if my head stops hurting

---plan meals for the week


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2 more things on my list to knock out! reading to kids for at least 30 minutes and making my list of books I want to buy at the convention and prices I'm willing to pay. Seems like i'm almost done but that doesn't even count the givens of everyday like dinner, meal clean up, etc. Anywho, time to play with the kids

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Showered, dressed.

Cooked and ate breakfast. DD13 and I had smoothies. Everyone else got eggs with spinach and sausage.

Called dentist and doctor.


DD13 has strep throat and ear infections. We just got home from the doctor's office and pharmacy. She's taken her antibiotics, and I sent her to bed. She says she didn't sleep well last night, but doesn't want to take a nap. I told her to take a nap anyway.


I called the dentist. No, their appointment wasn't for 8am. It doesn't matter now. They don't even want me to bring the healthy kids on Wednesday. Have to call and reschedule four appointments.


Still don't know what I'm going to do next. I guess I'll take the day as it comes and see what needs to be done and what I feel like doing.

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Took a bath, did some more laundry, cleaned out lingerie drawer, sorted through a pile of clothes and junk and got rid of a lot.


Going to eat lunch, fold some laundry, and do some schoolwork.


Help - what to do with a big box of photos, given that they're not going to be scrapbooked any time soon (or ever)?!

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OK, turned out there weren't as many photos as I thought and most have been scrapbooked already. Putting the rest in a shoe box and sticking in storage.


Cleared out two large garbage bags of junk and 1 bag to go to thrift store. Did some more laundry.


Still need to do schoolwork.

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Took care of Geometry w dd before her online class in just over an hour's time.


A storm came out of nowhere so I will not be gardening. Exercise is doubtful as dd likes me to be at the same table when she's "in class."


Dh made me a gin and tonic :D And he's going to grill as soon as the rest of the storm moves out. I love that man!

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Ds to water polo practice

Dd to swim lesson


Beds made

Upstairs vacuumed



To do:

Pick paint color for laundry room (can't decide between green and blue)

Donation bags to Goodwill

Book donations to library

Work on garage, fill two donation bags

Windows (when the sun moves to other side of the house)

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I am extremely unmotivated and haven't left the couch for anything other than bathing the dog. The poor thing has flea allergy dermatitis, and nothing we've tried gets rid of the fleas. I figured a bath with hydrocortisone shampoo would get rid of the ones one him at the moment and give him some relief from the itching. The only problem with that is that he hates water, baths, or getting wet in any way.

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The last two hours were taken up with a nap, dozing and a snack of some eggs. I'm having a hard time. I don't feel really well but I do need to get some basic things done.


I am going to work in the kitchen. Getting the kitchen clean is paramount at the moment.


Then I need to figure out what to have for dinner that doesn't involve nightshades.

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It's noon and we are well under way



Before school care child

Clean my office

Take ds14 to work


To do



Living room


Back room

Move filing cabinet

Move desk

Move tv

Move box of pet gear

Collapse from exhaustion


Just crossing off move desk makes it seem like such a small task but really it meant dismantle desk that was sitting in the middle of dd's room amongst her mess. Carry all the peices to my office. Take apart computer and remove everything from foling 6' table I had been using as a desk. Fold up table and haul to garage. Sweep and wash floor where table used to stand. Reassemble desk. Reassemble computer station on desk. But just cross off move desk lol


Just have to finish with floor in here and then I can move the filing cabinet, which is sitting in the middle of my front entrance since bringing it in from the garage last night, into here and start putting away the stacks of crap that normally sat on top of my table/desk.


This tiny room suddenly looks huge with the long table out and the normal sized desk brought in.

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Nothing to tackle today. It was a party day since I got a nice present.


A new weedwacker. :) it is battery powered so no need for a cord or gas. I just take the battery in, plug it in. After about an hour I'm good for 15 minutes of weedwacking.


And once I'm all caught up that will be enough to do my areas that need weedwacking. Till then it

S the perfect amount of time. Just enough time to make me feel like a can conquer the world with my high powered weapon of weed destruction. But not to much time that I get bored.


What should we do today Brain?

Why, what we do every day. Try to take overe the world... Or at least reconquer the back yard.



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Dishes are caught up, laundry just need to be folded. I only have 2 pages left to read for tomorrow's class. DD has decided she's well enough to go to camp tomorrow, so still to do:


Pack lunches

pack DD's backpack

Get DD to shower

get DD's meds into her

Get DD to bed by 7 PM

Pack my bag

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Evil potatoes!

Got up early and took a walk with dh. That was nice.


For today:



Reading w/dd6

Supervise/encourage ds17 to finish Physics chapters (and then he's DONE!!) - well, maybe tomorrow

Grocery shopping - will have to wait until morning

Misc. shopping w/ds17 for music festival supplies

Bring dress clothes to cleaners

Boys' laundry

Start new batch of sauerkraut? Nope, not today


Lunch - tuna salad, buns, applesauce

Dinner - burrito lasagna, peas



We were all home after lunch, so instead of grocery shopping we had story time. Trying to finish our book before ds leaves on Thursday.

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Went to pharmacy in person and I'm glad that I did because I needed to figure out some stuff with the help of the pharmacist. So much easier to do in person than over the phone.


Folded and put away a small amount of laundry. I hope to get some more done over the course of the evening.


Got the calendar caught up.


Ds still has a rash but the hives aren't as bad.

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I managed to get 2 loads of laundry folded and put away except for a mound of socks that I just did not have the patience to match up.

Someone (and I sincerely bless their heart) washed and dried a load of laundry.

I ironed dh's shirt for tomorrow.

And I treated with Nature's Miracle and blotted up the place where our big dog either threw up or pee'd on the dining room rug. I hope he isn't sick or something because he hasn't done something like that in many many years.

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