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Today I was an extreme couponer!


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A local store was having a "grand re-opening" after a remodel. I got coupons in the mail. Using that, I made a plan. I used the coupons with the lowest price, and bought with coupons, on sale. There were several "free" items and several $.4.00 off produce type coupons. I got $10 off the entire total.


Things like bananas, spinach, tri color peppers, cheerios, strawberries, eggs, frozen fish, beef, greek yogurt, sandwich meat, deil soup, whole wheat bread, a frozen pizza, a skillet meal, some snack foods............


The total WOULD have been: $169.00. I paid $60.05. The meat alone (mostly beef) cost $57!


Woohoo. Now all I need is a meal plan.

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:hurray: :hurray:


Nobody believes me you can eat healthy, save money and still use coupons. :hurray:

Around here, I only ever see coupons for the higher priced, brand name, pre packaged meats (which you save no money using, because they cost considerably more than the store packaged or freshly prepared meats).

NEVER have I seen (around here) coupons for produce. Not once. Our coupons are for cereals, canned goods, frozen meals, juices, and occasionally frozen vegetables.

Given, I shop for what I need, regardless of coupons, but it would be LOVELY to spend less and get the same quality foods. I belong to several of the larger coupon blogs and sites (for printable coupons), but our stores do not really offer coupons (and when they do, again, it's for diapers or cereals or canned goods).

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:hurray: :hurray:


Nobody believes me you can eat healthy, save money and still use coupons. :hurray:

Around here, I only ever see coupons for the higher priced, brand name, pre packaged meats (which you save no money using, because they cost considerably more than the store packaged or freshly prepared meats).

NEVER have I seen (around here) coupons for produce. Not once. Our coupons are for cereals, canned goods, frozen meals, juices, and occasionally frozen vegetables.

Given, I shop for what I need, regardless of coupons, but it would be LOVELY to spend less and get the same quality foods. I belong to several of the larger coupon blogs and sites (for printable coupons), but our stores do not really offer coupons (and when they do, again, it's for diapers or cereals or canned goods).

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Around here, I only ever see coupons for the higher priced, brand name, pre packaged meats (which you save no money using, because they cost considerably more than the store packaged or freshly prepared meats).

NEVER have I seen (around here) coupons for produce. Not once. Our coupons are for cereals, canned goods, frozen meals, juices, and occasionally frozen vegetables.

Given, I shop for what I need, regardless of coupons, but it would be LOVELY to spend less and get the same quality foods. I belong to several of the larger coupon blogs and sites (for printable coupons), but our stores do not really offer coupons (and when they do, again, it's for diapers or cereals or canned goods).



Me too. I tried coupons and I could get all sorts of things for close to free if I would live on prepackaged foods and pop-tarts, etc.

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Me too. I tried coupons and I could get all sorts of things for close to free if I would live on prepackaged foods and pop-tarts, etc.


I have a stock of about 3 years worth of deodorant......FREE


I have at least 6 months worth of shampoo..........70% off


We use coupons for eggs (organic, cage free and cheap!), cereal, cheese, milk, ice cream, paper towel, toilet paper, toothpaste, laundry detergent, cookies and chips ( :ohmy: ), I could go on and on.


I usually have a large stash but we are moving so I have not been able to coupon.


www.crazycouponlady.com is a great site


Seek out produce brands you use on Facebook, like their pages and you will get coupons.


Last summer I got pineapple for $1 using coupons I got on Facebook (unheard of in my neck of the woods). We used so many I think the cashiers at the food store were getting suspicious.

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That is truly boast-worthy! Excellent job! You should be really, really proud of yourself. I know you're already stretched thinly time-wise, but if you can do this consistently, I would be very interested in purchasing an e-book from you so I can save like that on healthy fare. I know how to extreme coupon, but I have never been all that successful with meat and produce. You scored big time! :)

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Seek out produce brands you use on Facebook, like their pages and you will get coupons.



I can't remember the last time I bought "branded" produce? The stuff I buy is just stored unlabelled in big bins in the grocery store?


I have a stock of about 3 years worth of deodorant......FREE


I have at least 6 months worth of shampoo..........70% off


We use coupons for eggs (organic, cage free and cheap!), cereal, cheese, milk, ice cream, paper towel, toilet paper, toothpaste, laundry detergent, cookies and chips ( :ohmy: ), I could go on and on.



Please understand that I completely believe this works for your family, and I'm happy you've found ways to feed them both inexpensively and healthfully.


I think what's frustrating for some of the rest of us is to be told all the time how this is so wonderful when we've tried and can't make it work for us.


For example, looking at your list:


Unless that deodorant, shampoo, toothpaste and laundry detergent stash happens to be made up of the one or two brands we've researched and determined are cruelty free (meaning they contain no animal-derived products and were not tested using animals at any point), I won't buy any of them. If you can find me enough coupons on those one or two specific brands and point me towards sales significant enough to get me that much product for free, I'll be everlastingly grateful. I've tried. I've signed up for paid coupon matching services. More than once. As far as I can tell, those opportunities simply aren't out there if you have the restrictions we do.


As vegans, we don't buy: eggs, cheese (except for one block per week for my husband), milk or ice cream. We do buy some vegan substitutes for some of those products, but I have the same issue as I do with the cruelty-free toiletries and household cleaners.


No one here eats cereal.


We buy limited amounts of cookies and chips and similar foods and, again, only very specific brands or flavors. I do use coupons on these when I find them, every few months, for savings that might add up to $1 or $2 every few weeks.


I don't use paper towels. I do buy toilet paper, but I try to buy the stuff made from recycled materials. I'm not aware of any national brand that makes such a product and have never seen a coupon for one. However, since I buy the store brand, I'm already buying at a discount.


As I said, I'm genuinely pleased coupons work for you!

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@Jenny in Fl, No you probably won't be able to find those deals with those restrictions. I extreme couponed for about 4 years. I used it to get free shampoo, body wash, shower gel, etc, but I had no brand restrictions in mind. Food was tougher, but doable: Barilla plus pasta, Hunts tomato sauce etc. You can try emailing the brands you do use and complimenting them on their product or tell them why you like it and ask them to add you to your mailing list. Some will send samples or free coupons in response. Some won't.


With the changes in the past year in the couponing field (restrictions on the coupon, lower $ value), I don't do it any longer. I get store brand cheaper (or the same).

Now with cutting out gluten, for sure I don't use them.


I think the event that happened in OP's particular case is an example of a one time event (store "reopening" with special mailed coupons). It has happened to me on occasion when a new store opened in the area. But that has been a while. My Kroger stores used to send out once every 3 months coupons like "Save $1 on $3 or more purchase of fresh fruit" etc. Now I do't live near enough to a Kroger store to make it worth it.

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