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Is this a midlife crisis?


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So I turned 51 a couple weeks ago.


Recently I started wearing perfume. I've never really worn perfume. I dabbled with it in college, but never had a "signature scent." In fact I don't think I've worn perfume at all in the past 20 or so years. Now I have more than 1 bottle on my dresser and wear one every day.


I wear lipstick all the time now.


I've started wearing more jewelry. Nothing fancy just a bit of bling. In fact, I've made a few bracelets from dd's jewelry making supplies. I've discovered memory wire and beads! I wear at least a necklace almost all the time now.


Tonight, I bought 2 fedora hats from Charming Charlie (one was 50% off) and plan to wear them a bunch.


I joined Weight Watchers (with dh).


I downloaded Depeche Mode from itunes.


So......is this a midlife crisis????

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Crisis? Heck, that sounds like midlife awesome to me. Carry on, girlfriend.


Did you download old, or new, Depeche Mode? They are one of my favorite bands of all time.


New Depche Mode. I confess I was not a fan back in the 80s. But, I like their new Delta Machine cd quite a bit.

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I think it sounds wonderful! I have started doing the same in the last year, and it feels so nice! I think it's less of a mid-life crisis (I'm 32) and more of a "No more babies! Time to get myself back in order a bit, now that I have a few extra minutes a day!"


I'm also taking a Spanish class through church, tennis lessons, and self-teaching the fiddle! All things I've been wanting to do but was too lazy to do before having kids and too busy to do during pg and bfing.


Clarification: I do not think that if you don't wear make up/perfume/jewelry, you don't have yourself together! It's just how I felt about myself. Like it was time to spend a little time on myself now that I didn't have a baby in my arms 24/7. (I am so not a baby person, so those years were tough for me.)

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I agree, it sounds like you are out of the little baby/toddler/little kid mode. You have the time and energy to think about you. It's a good thing. Enjoy Depche Mode. Personally, I discovered Radiohead (plus a bunch of newer groups) :)


:001_wub: Radiohead!

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Sounds like enjoying life to me. :) Having fun and enjoying life is my 2013 resolution. I've been trying new makeup, clothing styles, going out with friends more, treating myself to things I enjoy (reading "fluff" books, watching movies, candlelit baths at night, regular exercise, yoga, painting, sketching...just to name a few.) Also, I got a tattoo and I am hosting a Twilight Viewing Marathon later this month. I don't see all of this as a mid-life crisis, I just see it as getting a life! ;)

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Sounds like enjoying life to me. :) Having fun and enjoying life is my 2013 resolution. I've been trying new makeup, clothing styles, going out with friends more, treating myself to things I enjoy (reading "fluff" books, watching movies, candlelit baths at night, regular exercise, yoga, painting, sketching...just to name a few.) Also, I got a tattoo and I am hosting a Twilight Viewing Marathon later this month. I don't see all of this as a mid-life crisis, I just see it as getting a life! ;)



I want to come to the Twilight Viewing Marathon!

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Nope, it's not a mid life crisis -- not till you're going to the nail salon for those beautiful gel nails.


Oh. Wait. Did I just give you another idea? :)


No, really, it sounds like you are just enjoying life's little pleasures, it's never too late for that in my opinion!


(off to find all those lipsticks I've bought and forgotten all about)



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I started acting the same way last year (or my version anyway which includes exercise, decent clothes and Breaking Benjamin music). I agree, it was finally having children who can feed/dress/wash/toilet themselves. I had a stinking minute KWIM? It's a good thing.


Haha....me too. I have a stinking' minute now!!! I get my nails done, and a massage here and there.


This year was a MAKE ME HAPPY year. I already cared for my aging parents, I have no more infants nd I am not a grandma yet..SO, this is time for ME!

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Nope, it's not a mid life crisis -- not till you're going to the nail salon for those beautiful gel nails.


Oh. Wait. Did I just give you another idea? :)


No, really, it sounds like you are just enjoying life's little pleasures, it's never too late for that in my opinion!


(off to find all those lipsticks I've bought and forgotten all about)





Gel nails?? Gel nails? What are they? :)


I wore my fedora to the market today!!

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No fedora here, but I'm on similar track. I've lost a good amount of weight, and bought some "real" clothes (i.e. not mom-clothes) while on vacation. I redid my hairstyle too.


I'm 4-5 years away from finishing up with homeschooling, and the DC are more and more independent. I am actually doing things for me!

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No fedora here, but I'm on similar track. I've lost a good amount of weight, and bought some "real" clothes (i.e. not mom-clothes) while on vacation. I redid my hairstyle too.


I'm 4-5 years away from finishing up with homeschooling, and the DC are more and more independent. I am actually doing things for me!


I wonder if this is what is going on with me too. Oldest dd will be a senior next year. Youngest a freshman. Actually she was doing 9th grade work starting with the winter semester. High school is certainly not easy and the time commitments for various outside activities has gone up. But, the independence is greater too. There were periods of time this past year that I didn't think I would ever catch my breath. Then, it would slow up and settle down. This summer is (dare I say it too loud) peaceful so far.


And I love my hat!!! Now, I'm looking for a pair of blue sunglasses :)

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