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Unwatchable movies (s/o celebrities)


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Dinotopia. Seen that four hours of HELL? Don't.


HATED The English Patient, before Elaine on Seinfeld hated it. Rilly, rilly hated it.


Anything with Keira Knightly and her bared teeth menacing "smile." I was so disappointed that she was cast in Anna Karenina, because I would like to have seen that.


But Anna Karenina is such a bad person. It was good casting, IMO, for that reason. The production has a strange twist, looking like a combination of stage and screen. It was different, but I enjoyed it.

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But Anna Karenina is such a bad person. It was good casting, IMO, for that reason. The production has a strange twist, looking like a combination of stage and screen. It was different, but I enjoyed it.


Well. I hadn't thought of that. Because I read Anna Karenina over the summer I worked as the "chaplain's assistant" on my college campus. I never saw the chaplain. My job was to unlock the doors, set everything up, make sure no one was drinking or taking drugs in the bathrooms, and then lock up at the end. The mothers-of-brides I dealt with ALL SUMMER LONG made Anna look like a bleeding saint.


Hmmm. Mrs. Mungo, there are so many things about you that I love. Now here you go again, making me think.

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Okay, here goes, my top most hated films ever:


Mosquito Coast with Harrison Ford...almost knocked the infatuation with him right.out.of.the.water.


Star Wars - so this covers six films and again, if Harrison Ford had not become Indiana Jones, it would have been curtains for him in my eyes.


Anything with Keanu Reeves..anything.at.all.


Legends of the Fall...Anthony Hopkins (normally a favorite of mine) could not save this from despair.


Titanic - I was rooting for her to just get it over with and push ole Leondardo's head under the water herself. If had she chosen to leap off the board and die with him, I would have stood up and cheered. Unfortunately, I had 17 middle/high school piano students at the time and ALL OF THEM wanted to learn to play the theme song. I thought I would end up committing suicide. This is TOO MUCH for any one music teacher to endure at one time. Weeks on end of "My Heart will Go On". Dear Lord, please do not allow that heart to keep going, make.it.stop!!!!!!


Oh, and there was some hideous movie back in the late 80's with Jane Fonda...some sort of horror or sci-fi flick. I think it had to do with Aliens and a gate or something. We had to leave. It was get up and go, or pay for professional counseling to get over the immense trauma of watching that film.


And finally, Wayne's World. It makes my brain hurt, very, very badly.





IIRC, Mosquito Coast had River Phoenix too, didn't it? I vaguely remember seeing it before.


All I remember from Legend of the Falls is long haired Brad Pitt. That was back in his dreamy days.


I have never seen the Titanic and plan on keeping it that way. I have, however, been exposed to a few bits and pieces. I think she should have shared the door, or at least tried! And I love your review of it!!


I love Wayne's World and Bill and Ted. :lol:


I will blatantly ignore Star Wars being on the worst ever movie list. :glare:

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Legends of the Fall...Anthony Hopkins (normally a favorite of mine) could not save this from despair.


Oh, and there was some hideous movie back in the late 80's with Jane Fonda...some sort of horror or sci-fi flick. I think it had to do with Aliens and a gate or something. We had to leave. It was get up and go, or pay for professional counseling to get over the immense trauma of watching that film.




I have found that I really prefer Brad Pitt in movies where he is kinda or EXTREMELY crazy. I don't tend to like his more serious rolls. He was very pretty in it but it was a tiresome movie. Aidan Quinn is also in that, also looking beautiful. If I had all those actors handy I would have made a MUCH different movie. My friend (my friends had terrible taste in movies) made me see Legend of the Fall in the theater and I remember thinking it was terrible.


I think you mean Barbarella?

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My most hated movie seems to be the rest of the world's most loved - A Christmas Story. I just can't stomach it.




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I love Robin Hood in spite of Kevin Costner. I love Morgan Freeman, Alan Rickman, & Christian Slater, plus I loved the actors who played Little John, Fanny (Little John's wife), and Maid Marian. Definitely have to overlook KC's role in this movie.






I liked The Hobbit too. :)


So did I.



These movies are fun b/c you can get all MST3000 on them. :) I love MST3000, though some are not as funny as others.



My dd and her boyfriend loved MST. I had to get on her, though, about making MST comments when we were watching TV as a family, lol.

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My son and I watched Young Hercules last night. Has anyone seen this? It was definitely MST3K worthy. My son and I were laughing so hard at the giant who was repeating "Give me back my fleece!" and at the final battle between Pelias/Ares (who looked like a character from Trailer Park Boys) and Hercules. Wow. That movie was dreadful from beginning to end. Even my son who's 11 complained about the "cheesy punchlines".


Maybe I missed it, but did no one mention The Sweetest Thing? Really? I'm no prude-- I enjoyed American Pie, but The Sweetest Thing was just so ridiculous.


Did anyone ever see the movie Nowhere (1997)? I thought it was called Doomed, but when I looked it up it said Nowhere. Weird and highly unwatchable.


There were some great movies mentioned on this thread, but not every good movie is going to appeal to everyone. I personally hated Breaking the Waves.


As for Christmas movies: Elf is great and The Christmas Story is not. I also hate Love, Actually, though I think that is not a very popular opinion around here.

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The Notebook

Both of the Hulk Movies

Donnie Darko


Regarding, LOTR, there is that one scene at the end where everyone laughs ridiculously and other characters come in and they're all laughing ridiculously and it just goes ON for so long....I cringe every time.

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This is one of my favorite movies!

eta: I'm with you on The Notebook, though. Glorified dysfunctional relationship, plus the guy is not really all that poor. He bought and fixed up a mansion with a private lake!



To be fair, I don't think it is a bad movie....it just bothers me and creeps me out in some way. I watched it when I was younger and felt it was disturbing at the time. The rabbit is freaking scary.

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To be fair, I don't think it is a bad movie....it just bothers me and creeps me out in some way. I watched it when I was younger and felt it was disturbing at the time. The rabbit is freaking scary.


Ah, that makes sense. You're right, Frank could give someone nightmares. It is especially creepy when the therapist asks Donnie's parents if he's told them about him.

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The Notebook

Both of the Hulk Movies

Donnie Darko


Regarding, LOTR, there is that one scene at the end where everyone laughs ridiculously and other characters come in and they're all laughing ridiculously and it just goes ON for so long....I cringe every time.



*gasp* Grease? Or did perhaps you mean Grease 2?


Grease is one of my all time favorites. It has been at the top for years and I even saw it in the theatre when I was a young child. It was a family favorite growing up, so I suppose I have fond memories overall of the movie, though I do love the movie for itself. I just saw it again recently in the theatre, it was awesome! :)

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*gasp* Grease? Or did perhaps you mean Grease 2?


Grease is one of my all time favorites. It has been at the top for years and I even saw it in the theatre when I was a young child. It was a family favorite growing up, so I suppose I have fond memories overall of the movie, though I do love the movie for itself. I just saw it again recently in the theatre, it was awesome! :)


I just can't do it. Between the endless pining, the attempted date rape, Danny ditching Sandy at the dance, and the ending (oh, big deal, he's sacrificing by wearing a sweater *eye roll*) with her, um, transformation. Nope. I see nothing redeeming in that film.

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Oh, that one is horrible. I had the misfortune to watch the last half or so once. Definitely not for me!


I wanted to throw popcorn at the screen by the time we got to the graveyard scene in Forrest Gump. It was Spielberg at his emotionally manipulative worst.

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*gasp* Grease? Or did perhaps you mean Grease 2?


Grease is one of my all time favorites. It has been at the top for years and I even saw it in the theatre when I was a young child. It was a family favorite growing up, so I suppose I have fond memories overall of the movie, though I do love the movie for itself. I just saw it again recently in the theatre, it was awesome! :)


No,I definitely mean Grease. I don't think I could bear an attempt at Grease 2. The original was very popular among girls growing up but I just couldn't bring myself to not hate it.


I just can't do it. Between the endless pining, the attempted date rape, Danny ditching Sandy at the dance, and the ending (oh, big deal, he's sacrificing by wearing a sweater *eye roll*) with her, um, transformation. Nope. I see nothing redeeming in that film.


Exactly. Though actually, I thought he quits the team so he isn't 'lettered' anymore either like he originally did to make her happy. She is the only one who compromises. She asked him to be a gentleman and establish some legit goals and stop being an ass but eventually she learned an important lesson: that you should always change yourself to please a man who doesn't like you for yourself and that becoming an 'easy' (in comparison to her being characterized as a prude before) slacker is some kind of amazing accomplishment because at least he might stop being annoyed by your basic standards. They seriously had no real relationship and I found both of them to be losers. The only positive thing about that was the catchiness of the 'Sandra Dee' song and that probably isn't what you want to run around having stuck in your head in 5th grade.


I wanted to throw popcorn at the screen by the time we got to the graveyard scene in Forrest Gump. It was Spielberg at his emotionally manipulative worst.


I didn't like that movie either though most people I know did. I was confused by certain things like, if Jenny died from AIDS in the end, did her son have it? Did she give it to Forrest or was it something she contracted in between having their son and meeting him again...I know that wasn't 'important' but I always think that in the end.

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Just so you know, the Avengers movie listed above is referring to this one: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0118661/

It is not the Marvel comics Avengers.


My dh loves horrible awful terrible movies. I will usually sit through a few minutes of them and then go upstairs. Some of his favorites are: Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas, The Hangover, Harold & Kumar, Videodrome, Reservoir Dogs, Glengarry Glen Ross, ...

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No one has mentioned my two favorite love-to-hates: Starship Troopers and Love Story. My mother kept gushing about how Love Story was such a beautiful movie, but all I could see were two boring, self-absorbed people in the '70s.


My grandpa was a romantic. When I was 17-20ish I worked for a few video stores. At the time my grandpa was dying of lung cancer. Every night before closing I would call him and find out what movies he wanted for the week. Every week it was the same "Do you have Love Story yet?" "Nope we don't carry it anymore Grandpa." DEEP SIGH "Okay, well bring me Casablanca or Dr. Zhivago."

I decide one night that the man needs to see Love Story before he dies so I purchase it for the store. He watches it 2 weeks before he passes away. Nearly 10 years later I pick it up and fondly remember my grandpa. I rent it. I never wanted to strangle 2 little brats more in my life. What was that!? Ryan O'Neil deserved to be *itch slapped more than once for no other reason than he was a pompous jerk. I only made it to the point he brought home the plane tickets before I yelled out " I hope your plane goes down you idiots! I want my time back!"


I love the memory of my grandpa but I seriously questioned his taste after that show. I can't bring myself to watch Dr. Zhivago for the same reason. :)


The Robin Hood movie starring Kevin Costner (so funny how he finally just gave up on the English accent). Couldn't be saved even by Morgan Freeman and Alan Rickman. I do, however, love the soundtrack.


I can't stand it when dh is on a Robin Hood kick. Kevin Costner should never have been paid for that film and we all should have our money reimbursed.


Pitch Black.


*Shudders* Horrible, horrible, horrible movie.

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This is one of my favorite movies!

eta: I'm with you on The Notebook, though. Glorified dysfunctional relationship, plus the guy is not really all that poor. He bought and fixed up a mansion with a private lake!



Hated The Notebook. I know dieing together at the end is supposed to be the icing on the cake of this glorious love story but at the end of the movie I couldn't help but think how selfish he was. No thought at all to his kids and grandkids. All about the love for his wife.

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No,I definitely mean Grease. I don't think I could bear an attempt at Grease 2. The original was very popular among girls growing up but I just couldn't bring myself to not hate it.



Exactly. Though actually, I thought he quits the team so he isn't 'lettered' anymore either like he originally did to make her happy. She is the only one who compromises. She asked him to be a gentleman and establish some legit goals and stop being an ass but eventually she learned an important lesson: that you should always change yourself to please a man who doesn't like you for yourself and that becoming an 'easy' (in comparison to her being characterized as a prude before) slacker is some kind of amazing accomplishment because at least he might stop being annoyed by your basic standards. They seriously had no real relationship and I found both of them to be losers. The only positive thing about that was the catchiness of the 'Sandra Dee' song and that probably isn't what you want to run around having stuck in your head in 5th grade.



Well said.

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I just can't do it. Between the endless pining, the attempted date rape, Danny ditching Sandy at the dance, and the ending (oh, big deal, he's sacrificing by wearing a sweater *eye roll*) with her, um, transformation. Nope. I see nothing redeeming in that film.

No,I definitely mean Grease. I don't think I could bear an attempt at Grease 2. The original was very popular among girls growing up but I just couldn't bring myself to not hate it.




Exactly. Though actually, I thought he quits the team so he isn't 'lettered' anymore either like he originally did to make her happy. She is the only one who compromises. She asked him to be a gentleman and establish some legit goals and stop being an ass but eventually she learned an important lesson: that you should always change yourself to please a man who doesn't like you for yourself and that becoming an 'easy' (in comparison to her being characterized as a prude before) slacker is some kind of amazing accomplishment because at least he might stop being annoyed by your basic standards. They seriously had no real relationship and I found both of them to be losers. The only positive thing about that was the catchiness of the 'Sandra Dee' song and that probably isn't what you want to run around having stuck in your head in 5th grade.






I've never came at it from that angle before. Interesting, though that's not my take on it. You have some valid points.


FWIW, Danny didn't quit the team. AFAIK, he continued doing the long distance running and earned his letter.


And I love the music. :)


Grease 2.... *shudder*

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I'm going to cause a riot by saying this, I think, but I absolutely hate The Lord of the Rings movies. They're the most boring things I've ever seen. Here's the plot summary:


Walk through the woods. Then walk some more. And then it gets exciting when they keep walking. Blah.


NO!!!! You didn't just say that! I have the regular AND extended edition copies. I watched them for like 3 days straight after my last birth because it's good for chilling out.



There. I said it. I cannot watch Titanic without seeing Leo in his role for What's Eating Gilbert Grape.


The movie was horrid anyway. Boat sinks, people die. The romance inserted didn't make that movie any less horrifying for me. It didn't help when so many people I knew would tell me that I looked like Kate Winslet. Right after people were saying things like "She was too fat for that role, but had an amazing rack. Oh, hey. You know you look a lot like her!". Gee, thanks. Is it that I'm a fatty or are you checking out my chest? I liked Winslet in other movies, though.

We must be soulmates. In high school, I went to see it with now-dh, then best friend. OMG, we laughed through the whole thing. First, it made me hate British people until I realized that was stupid. The romance was stupid, and it just seemed like a really poor way to earn a buck off of a tragedy.


In general, I hate romances, comedies, and most movies based off of books I like. My exceptions to that would be LoTR and some of the HP movies. I loathe the 4th HP movie because it just was offensive to Dumbledore and really poorly done in so many ways. I tried to watch the 6th movie THREE TIMES in the theatre. A friend on here was with me for one where we ended up in the ER (long story), then my toddler was not letting me watch it the next time I tried to go. FINALLY I got to see most of it the third time and I was so freaking disappointed.


I like most of the movies on here that people have posted. Well, the ones I've seen, at least.


The hands down worst movies ever, to me, are:


Babel. I almost puked I was so upset with this movie.

No Country For Old Men. Seriously. Don't watch this. What.the.heck.

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