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Update on girl expelled for bomb making--pretty interesting turn of events...

Chris in VA

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This is a happy outcome! (Those camps in Huntsville are COOL!)


My opinion remains, however, that she was foolish to select a schoolyard for her experiment. Rather obvious that she would get in trouble. Her own backyard would have made so much more sense.

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I was full of common sense as a teenager. Never did one foolish thing. :lol:



What you mean cutting class, sitting on the hood of a car doing donuts, and riding in the trunk when we could only fit 12 people inside of the 5 passenger car weren't foolish things? Phew! what a load off my mind :lol: And to think I was the good kid in the family (though my parents don't think so), and was fairly smart, but boy oh boy did common sense often lack those years.

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What you mean cutting class, sitting on the hood of a car doing donuts, and riding in the trunk when we could only fit 12 people inside of the 5 passenger car weren't foolish things? Phew! what a load off my mind :lol: And to think I was the good kid in the family (though my parents don't think so), and was fairly smart, but boy oh boy did common sense often lack those years.



Wait a minute ... do I know you? :lol:

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I'd like to hear what those who thought she committed a felony think.



I was one person who argued that the charges were reasonable (though I never wanted her to get a felony conviction). I am really happy with this twist. I want a good future for the kid, of course I do!


I will also add that I really naively overlooked the potential racial double standard in terms of punishment the student faced, until it was brought up really late in that thread by a person from the area.


In my defense......... the article really does minimize the issue by saying made a "small explosion" by "mixing cleaning solution and tin foil (she was just curious, nobody was harmed)" without mentioning that she made a very dangerous and famous variety of bomb. One that can remove fingers, cause blindness, lead to boiling liquid in the face causing chemical burns. That is fairly well known among teenagers thanks to YouTube.


Nevertheless, this is the best case scenario ending to the story IMO.

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So, I have to ask if anyone else sees the potential for other parents to see this case as a cash cow? Meaning this girl's mom is getting quite a bit of $ directly as well as having a trust fund for her daughter now...does this bode badly for future cases?


I guess it strikes me as odd that the mom's daughter acted really stupidly and the mom is getting $ for it.

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For what it's worth, I don't think I ever said I "thought she committed a felony." What I said, more than once, was that I thought it was appropriate for her actions to be taken seriously and to let the situation work its way through normal channels, which it seems has happened. I did not advocate a rush to judgement and pointed out that being charged with a crime is not the same as being convicted of it.


With that said, no, I don't think it's necessarily awesome that she will be rewarded for what was, without question, a stupid and reckless action. I'm perfectly willing to assume she didn't know for sure how dangerous the contraption would be, but I can still think of no legitimate or justifiable reason for her to have assembled it or set it off on school grounds.


Charges dropped if it's determined that's appropriate? Absolutely. A small fund to cover her family's legal expenses? I wouldn't be in a rush to contribute, but I can see why folks might be moved to do so.


A big, fat reward of an all-expense paid trip to do something really cool? Ummm, no.


And, in all honesty, if my own kid did something that stupid and dangerous (which isn't out of the realm of possibility, sadly), I would not allow him to accept a similar offer.

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I'm glad it seems to be working out for her. While it was not exactly the wisest choice to make, I can assure you I made many, many unwise choices as a teenager. So many. It would be a shame if one bad decision messed up her future. I honestly home she'll get an offer to attend a magnet school, where exploration is encouraged. She's got Homer Hickam in her corner, which as one commenter on the article said is a big @#$d@mned win. I wish her luck and hope she and her twin have a great time at space camp. I'm not a science kind of person, but I always wanted to go to space camp!

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