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Gymnastics Competition team tuition?


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I am sure this is going to be an "it depends on where you are" sort of thing. I would also have to know what all that covers in the way of competition. If that is a flat rate that covers monthly tuition, booster club fees, competition fees, maybe your competition leo, then you are talking an okay deal. Our tuition was $85 for 9 hours of training a week (the cost and time increased by level and I think topped out at $105 for 15 hours for our highest levels), but our was a "city" run program and therefore on the cheaper side. That said, all those other things I listed were extra and could easily run an additional $1500+ depending which competitions and whether we needed a new comp leo.

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What if you simply cannot pay an extreme amount of money for gymnastics and your kid has any real talent at all (according to others, not just mama)? This is something that has really been crossing my mind as we move up slowly (even more slowly now that the levels all are being pushed back). What options are there? Fewer hours, possibly more time at a level? Some way to get monies some other way at some point?


We're fine right now. I just worry about one day.

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What if you simply cannot pay an extreme amount of money for gymnastics and your kid has any real talent at all (according to others, not just mama)? This is something that has really been crossing my mind as we move up slowly (even more slowly now that the levels all are being pushed back). What options are there? Fewer hours, possibly more time at a level? Some way to get monies some other way at some point?


We're fine right now. I just worry about one day.


Have you heard about the massive debt some parents take on to get their kids to the Olympics? This would be that kind of a story. If your gym is big into fundraising and you were very successful at it, you might be able to offset some cost that way. Realize the higher the level, the further you will probably have to travel for meets. For some that means airfare, for others a long car ride and overnight or two at a hotel. We didn't make it that far, but the optional girls and boys all face that each season. I say step back now and think realistically what you can afford, and how far you really want to push her. It will be an expensive journey to get her to the elite class that the Olympians come from, and just as expensive to keep her there.


If you view this as a recreational thing for her to enjoy, make sure she realizes that as age appropriately as you can. A really skilled gymnast is going to get bored being held back year after year doing the same skills until Mom and Dad can find more money for lessons.

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What if you simply cannot pay an extreme amount of money for gymnastics and your kid has any real talent at all (according to others, not just mama)? This is something that has really been crossing my mind as we move up slowly (even more slowly now that the levels all are being pushed back). What options are there? Fewer hours, possibly more time at a level? Some way to get monies some other way at some point?


We're fine right now. I just worry about one day.


We had to quit despite dd being quite talented. The gym owners came to me and begged me to reconsider and offered me half off (a very very very good deal). We still couldn't afford it. She had a really hard time for a year. But now she's discovered swimming. And she's quite talented at that too.

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We're paying $320/month for 15-20 hours of L10. She could (and perhaps will next year) go up to 24 hours and we would pay the same. This is what is typical L10 hours at her gym but she has never done that much for health reasons.


What if you simply cannot pay an extreme amount of money for gymnastics and your kid has any real talent at all (according to others, not just mama)? This is something that has really been crossing my mind as we move up slowly (even more slowly now that the levels all are being pushed back). What options are there? Fewer hours, possibly more time at a level? Some way to get monies some other way at some point?


We're fine right now. I just worry about one day.


Our daughter is at a great gym but it also seems to be a lot cheaper than many other places. Our owners really seem to understand that more expensive isn't necessarily better and we have a pretty involved parents organization which gets a lot of grant funding so a lot of those additional costs (leotards, warmups, some meet travel) end up being covered by this. I also know that some of the older team girls have the options of working off some of their tuition by helping with preschool and developmental classes. Our daughter is assisting with one of the preschool classes this year mainly because her little sister is in the class and she had the option of getting a tuition reduction or having a gift to the parents organization (which will in part benefit her) in her name. We went with the latter but if finances were tight I wouldn't have any problem having her take the tuition reduction.

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My daughter knows that the Olympics are not something we're looking at. She also is aware that we are not in need of scholarships (her college, any level, any time, is paid for by the state as long as she goes to a state college, tech school, community college, etc).


She is also very talented in other areas, possibly more talented. Of course, I'd also guess it is pretty early to judge any of it.


It is just that gymnastics seems to get SO expensive. And we have a few kids who also have their interests/talents. And more importantly, we have different priorities. Obviously, we will all have to stay grounded. We simply will not be spending grocery money on gymnastics. Nor will we do some extreme number of hours....ever.


But of course, I want her to have the opportunity to do what she enjoys to a degree workable.

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Hm. We pay $180 a month for pre-team (4.5 hours a week). :glare:

Our gym quoted me $155/month for pre-team (4 hours a week). DD is already at ballet 4 hours a week and didn't want to gymnastics too (whew). She just wanted to go this year to learn to do a good cartwheel. :laugh:

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Sounds good to me.


Curious what level 12 hours is for....


At our daughter's gym:

L5-12 hours over 3 days

L6-15 hours over 4 days

L7/L8-18-20 hours over 5 days

L9/L10-20-24 hours over usually 6 days


I presume that new L4 will also be 12 hours since it is basically the old L5. I think hours at L7-L10 may be even more variable and individualized in 2014 and beyond. Our head coach does seem to do a good job of really having an individual plan for the girls.

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My daughter knows that the Olympics are not something we're looking at. She also is aware that we are not in need of scholarships (her college, any level, any time, is paid for by the state as long as she goes to a state college, tech school, community college, etc).


She is also very talented in other areas, possibly more talented. Of course, I'd also guess it is pretty early to judge any of it.


Is she competing new L3 in the fall? I think you have the right attitude about this. Take it one practice at a time and let it be one her terms as long as it's safe.

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Is she competing new L3 in the fall?


Depends on bars <sigh>


She's been doing gymnastics right over a year. I'm so surprised bars are still bugging her. She did make major improvements "overnight" when she found out there was a good chance she'd be held back because of them. So we'll see :)


ETA: Otherwise, she'll rock it, with scores over 9, I'm sure.

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Our coach/owner keeps telling us how reasonable her rates are, but I have never actually checked into it myself. She charges $210/month for 12 hours of practice per week. So, is this reasonable?




Sounds reasonable to me! Our dd trains 15 hours a week during the school year and 19 during the summer for $213 a month. Some of the gyms we compete against are $350 a month. Gasp and faint!

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Ours is boys but cost is similar. We pay $240 for 16 hours over 4 days for level 7 and 8. Level 9 and 10 pay $280 for 20 hours. Levels 5 and 6 go 12 hours over 3 day for $200. We think the price is good. This doesn't count travel, coaches fees, meet fees, uniforms, private lessons and such.

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What if you simply cannot pay an extreme amount of money for gymnastics and your kid has any real talent at all (according to others, not just mama)? This is something that has really been crossing my mind as we move up slowly (even more slowly now that the levels all are being pushed back). What options are there? Fewer hours, possibly more time at a level? Some way to get monies some other way at some point?


We're fine right now. I just worry about one day.



It's very hard. I worry about one day too, but I figure I'll just cross that bridge when I come to it. There's absolutely no way Rebecca could go back to a rec class and she would be completely devastated to lose gymnastics.

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I'll just throw this into the convo for fun. My DD left gymnastics at 9 years old. She was training for level 8 but decided that she was finished. When she quit, she was at a top gym in Texas (top gym as in they have several girls currently on the national teams). She was training 24 hours per week with a monthly tuition of $595. Your $210 sounds great to me!

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It's very hard. I worry about one day too, but I figure I'll just cross that bridge when I come to it. There's absolutely no way Rebecca could go back to a rec class and she would be completely devastated to lose gymnastics.


We've thought about this long term too. We decided the same thing - cross that bridge when we come to it. Right now, it's affordable for us. And, like Rebecca, there is no way Meg could go back to rec now.

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My dd competes on a YMCA gymnastics team and we have it great compared to every one here. $75/month (which is going up starting in August because we all agree our head coach deserves a raise) for 7 hours/week (10 hours in the summer). Meet fees and uniforms are on top of that. The rates are slightly higher for optional levels (dd is L5), they have an extra practice per week. Even adding in our monthly Y membership fee we are not at $200/month.


Tangent question - what are everyone's meet fees? Our regular season meets are $15, districts, regional, and nationals all get progressively higher, with nationals at $100.



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My dd competes on a YMCA gymnastics team and we have it great compared to every one here. $75/month (which is going up starting in August because we all agree our head coach deserves a raise) for 7 hours/week (10 hours in the summer). Meet fees and uniforms are on top of that. The rates are slightly higher for optional levels (dd is L5), they have an extra practice per week. Even adding in our monthly Y membership fee we are not at $200/month.


Tangent question - what are everyone's meet fees? Our regular season meets are $15, districts, regional, and nationals all get progressively higher, with nationals at $100.



Our meet fees vary as to level. My dd was a level 4 this year and we paid $110/month for seven months. It will increase next year if dd moves up. I think it's $130 for L5 (the new L4).


But, if you are a fundraising family, those costs are offset a bit.

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My dd competes on a YMCA gymnastics team and we have it great compared to every one here. $75/month (which is going up starting in August because we all agree our head coach deserves a raise) for 7 hours/week (10 hours in the summer). Meet fees and uniforms are on top of that. The rates are slightly higher for optional levels (dd is L5), they have an extra practice per week. Even adding in our monthly Y membership fee we are not at $200/month.


Tangent question - what are everyone's meet fees? Our regular season meets are $15, districts, regional, and nationals all get progressively higher, with nationals at $100.




We paid anywhere from $50-$85 for a meet at level 5.

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FWIW, that sounds downright cheap to me-I paid $250/month for tumbling, cheer, and dance last year, a total of 6 hours/week, and DD's considered recreational in all of them (Junior 1 dance, level 2 rec cheer, Beginner/intermediate tumbling) That didn't count any leos, shoes, recital costumes, cheer uniforms, recital fees, or cheer competition fees.

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Each meet is about $100. I think we do about 5 meets plus states and regionals. Regionals starts at level 5 for boys. I think it starts at level 7 for girls. At our gym the girls meets are similar. A big meet like Stanford costs about $115 while a smaller meet like from our gym is $85. Then of course you pay to watch your child. The standard rate seems to be $10 for an adult and $5 for a child. Adults tend to be age 13 and up. This seems to be standard in our area for both boys and girls meets.

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Each meet is about $100. I think we do about 5 meets plus states and regionals. Regionals starts at level 5 for boys. I think it starts at level 7 for girls. At our gym the girls meets are similar. A big meet like Stanford costs about $115 while a smaller meet like from our gym is $85. Then of course you pay to watch your child. The standard rate seems to be $10 for an adult and $5 for a child. Adults tend to be age 13 and up. This seems to be standard in our area for both boys and girls meets.



Oh gosh, the paying for admission too! So many costs.

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