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So did I just break my arm... (calling Dr Moms/Dads with experience) update...

Jann in TX

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Update in post 15


I was taking a quick walk on our nature path before my last class and I tripped over a tree root.

I went down HARD-- and even though I know better I caught myself with my hands.


My left knee is going to have one heck of a bruise, but my left wrist is showing signs of swelling and my whole left arm is tingling (elbow and shoulder are hurting) If I try to touch my left index finger to the thumb it hurts. I can still grasp objects and can move all fingers... it hurts to type with my left hand (But I'm still able to).


When my dd broke her arm (similar fall) she could not grasp objects with only her thumb and index finger...


I have an extremely high tolerance for pain-- it has been both a blessing and a curse... a 'curse' because I have a very difficult time knowing when I am really hurt and should go to the Dr.


Did I mention that I'm going out of the country to Uganda in less than 4 weeks-- I don't have TIME to be injured!


To sum it up... bad fall. Swelling about 2 inches down from left wrist. It hurts to type and to pinch thumb and index finger. Left arm is still throbbing an hour after incident.


The incident has triggered an eposode of Reyauds so that makes my left hand/arm look even more frightening!


My dd gets home from school in 1 hour-- I can go to Dr after that if needed.


What say the hive-- should I go in or wait it out-- if I wait it out what do I look for?


Thank for the help/prayers...

Clumsy Jann

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call the dr and ask. They may want look at it due to the Reynauds flare (to make sure it is not something else that mimics the flare), but they may no be able to tell anything, even by xray, until the swelling goes down. Sorry your hurt! ~Tap

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You might have a nerve in the elbow that can cause tingling and pain all the way up the arm into the hand. I'm just recovering from a similar injury several months ago.


But I'd go. The only way to figure out whats wrong is to have a doctor look at it.

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I hope you've gone in by now, Jann, but my guess is there is a high probability you've fractured your radius. It is an extremely common fracture site because of the number of instances where people instinctively catch themselves with the wrist in extension. Could be another kind of injury, too, but fracture probability is high.


(Says a PT who sustained a Colles fracture of the left radius 6 years ago. There were fragments in the joint space and that required surgery.)

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All of my broken bones have a similar type of feeling. It's hard to describe, but it is a different type of burning pain (in addition to all the other pain). This burning has been unique to the broken bone. This has always been my signal to go to the doctor, and to date, it hasn't been wrong. One summer I broke the same foot twice (two different locations and six weeks apart). They are no fun.


If it is really swelling, I would think it is a break. If black and blue spreads over the area along with the swelling, it seems rather definite. With the trip in mind, it wouldn't hurt to have it examined. Four weeks may be plenty of time for it to heal.


I hope things turn out well for you. I'm sorry for your fall.

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Like a dummy I stayed in denial last night when DH offered to take me in. I was MISERABLE all night long (I even took a strong pain pill and it did NOTHING. This morning it is throbbing and I have 3 more classes to teach before I can leave for the urgent care center. Luckily we are not far from an urgent care center that takes x-rays...


The swelling is minimal--pain is GREAT (I have a very high pain tolerance too!). I'm also on a medication that severely limits inflamation (Embrel) so i really did not expect to see much swelling...


I do have my arm in a sling.


Why did't I listen to the Hive!!!!

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Not broken-- but some sort of soft tissue damage. It is in a splint for now and if pain does not decrease in the next day or two I go to ortho. I hope nothing is torn-- I tore a ligament in my foot a few years ago and was in a cast for 10 months!


Thanks for your thoughts and prayers!

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Not broken-- but some sort of soft tissue damage. It is in a splint for now and if pain does not decrease in the next day or two I go to ortho. I hope nothing is torn-- I tore a ligament in my foot a few years ago and was in a cast for 10 months!


Thanks for your thoughts and prayers!


It may be broken but there may be too much swelling to see it. Soft tissue injury is also certainly possible. It wouldn't surprise me if you need to have more scans in a couple weeks to get it all figured out.


Sorry it hurts so much. Hope you heal quickly.

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Not broken-- but some sort of soft tissue damage. It is in a splint for now and if pain does not decrease in the next day or two I go to ortho. I hope nothing is torn-- I tore a ligament in my foot a few years ago and was in a cast for 10 months!


Thanks for your thoughts and prayers!



Have I told you the story about how I went to the urgent care complaining of a sore throat and came out with my leg in a brace after they said I had broken my knee cap? No? Well, the moral of the story is - IF you are in this much pain and have already been taught the lesson that waiting isn't prudent, get yourself to the Ortho now so that they can tell you what this is - don't wait. That's my motherly advice.


And for the record, my knee cap wasn't broken - apparently, I have a malformation that makes it just look like I broke a piece off. Go figure.

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I managed to hurt my wrist last year and that turned out to be bruised bones/soft tissue damage and left me with tendonitis. It was so swollen and really painful for many months. Probably 10 months. It can take absolutely ages to heal. Being the NHS I didn't have an xray-I think your limb needs to be practically hanging off to get an xray here.

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