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What time do you wake up in relation to your kids?


What time do you wake up in relation to your kids?  

211 members have voted

  1. 1. What time do you wake up in relation to your kids?

    • More than an hour before my kids
    • About an hour before
    • Less than a hour before
    • About the same time
    • After my kids

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We are up fairly early. For myself, 4:45-5:00, my dh gets up at 5:00, then my 2 ds are up around 5:30 to eat breakfast with their dad. Plus in the winter they start his truck for him to warm it up. My dd16 gets up around 7AM. When they were younger I preferred to be up more than an hour before them to get myself going for the day.

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Well, Day #1 of Operation Early Riser is a bust. I forgot that the baby often wakes up at 6:00. I don't know if I can pull off 5:00, you guys. That sounds insane to me.


It is insane. Don't do it. Stay up later; take the baby back to bed with you and doze til the other dc get up. :D

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I wake up at six. A couple of months ago that meant I had at least an hour to myself (coffee and books!), but lately the three year old has been waking up by 6:30. It stinks because that alone time first thing in the morning was good for me. However, I'm not willing to get up before 6. Maybe I'll try 5:30 during the summer since it's usually light by then.

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I work nights, so the days I am off I still tend to sleep late. My kids get up and usually let me sleep for awhile. They will wake me up when they are hungry, thirsty, or are having a disagreement. With that being said, I'm leaving nights soon, so I would like to get up a little before they do, but right now it's not possible.

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Guest inoubliable



I stay up late.

DH wakes me when he leaves for work with a cup of coffee. That's between 6 am and 7 am. I go back to sleep. Kids come up about 9 am with my breakfast. They wake up between 6 and 9 am. DS5 sometimes is still asleep at 9 am. When that happens DS8 carries him into me while DS12 carries the tray with my breakfast.

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I couldn't do the poll either - none of us are morning folks. If we have to be somewhere, I wake up first, only because I have to wake up the kids. If I'm just dropping them off at a class or something, I will wake them up and then come back to my bed for quiet time until its time to leave. Then I just drive them wherever they need to be and come home to do my stuff before I have to pick them up. If we don't have to be anywhere, they usually wake up before I do..but it depends. We just get up when we get up. They learned early on how to get their own breakfasts and leave mom alone :lol:

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I get up an hour before I wake up ds. For me that's 8:00, and the only way for me to wake up that early is to set an alarm. Left to my own devices I'd sleep until around 10 (and often do on weekends).


Dh gets up at 5:30, and I don't get up with him for 2 reasons. 1. It's 5:30! and 2. That early morning time before he leaves for work is the only time he gets alone, unless you count his commute. On the rare occasions when ds and I have to get up before dh leaves, I can tell we're throwing off his morning routine.


When I taught high school, teachers had to be in their classrooms by 7:05, so I got up at 5:30. I hated it and never got used to it. The best I can say is that I learned to tolerate it. I've heard that as you get older you naturally want to go to bed earlier and get up earlier, but I'm at >50 and that hasn't happened to me yet. I'm still the night owl I've always been. It seems like ds is following in my footsteps.

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5:30 to 6:00 am for me. One of my sons will be up on his own by 6:30, and I get the other one up, usually by sending in his dog to roll him out of bed. They need to be up early to get breakfast before I go out for my morning run.


I used to be a night owl. It didn't work with the rest of the family or the day. So I had to change.

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None of us really have a set schedule. Some days I'm up first, other days one or both are up before me. Mine are old enough, though, that we say good morning then none of us really speak to each other for the first 30-60 minutes so we get our slow wake-up times.

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Well, Day #1 of Operation Early Riser is a bust. I forgot that the baby often wakes up at 6:00. I don't know if I can pull off 5:00, you guys. That sounds insane to me.


I don't think 5am is insane!! It's perfectly sane!! :laugh:


But I think if you aren't used to it and are not a morning person, you aren't going to magically wake up at 5am for the first time with bells on! Try to ease into it. Set your alarm for 15 minutes before you would normally wake up, then keep up with those intervals until you are at your desired earlier time.

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I couldn't manage to wake up early when my baby was real small and during pregnancy, it was a wretched time for me. Now it seems she will nurse around 5:30-6ish and then I get up after that, she then sleeps to around 7-7:30. My first order of business though was to get enough sleep.

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When they were little, I needed an hour before they woke just to become fully awake, start a few chores, and get my brain around the day. It was my alone time, whereas evenings after their bedtime was couple time.


Now that I'm on the verge of having only teenagers I no longer need to create alone time. Teens just don't need constant help or insist upon sitting on top of you :-) These days I wake up after my high schooler has already walked to school and about the same time as my homeschooler.


ETA: I didn't vote because every option is true at some point.

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