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In case you needed another reason to avoid Abercrombie & Fitch


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cool, thanks. I haven't heard of them.




Yes, that J. Peterman. The actor actually purchased some stock in the company. I actually have a couple of J. Peterman dresses and every time I buy something from there, the catalogue description in my head is read in that actor's voice. Why yes, I do intend to sip a mint julep along a river whilst watching cranes swoop overhead sometime this summer. Thank you very much for asking. :laugh:

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Speaking of being "old," I can remember when Abercrombie and Fitch (same name, different company) was the coolest store possible for fully outfitting one's safari. Great clothes, tents, the most beautiful shot-guns, fancy picnic sets, and everything else you'd need for a grand adventure out on the velt.


It was an amazing store back in the day.




We know the families that owned it back in those days. You are right, it was a beautiful thing. It's so sad to see the name lose the patina.

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Speaking of being "old," I can remember when Abercrombie and Fitch (same name, different company) was the coolest store possible for fully outfitting one's safari. Great clothes, tents, the most beautiful shot-guns, fancy picnic sets, and everything else you'd need for a grand adventure out on the velt.


It was an amazing store back in the day.




I remember this, too. It really was a store for adventurous travelers. My parents used to buy stuff there!



My dad shopped there for years and years, too -- he used to tell me stories about shopping there as a kid back in the 1930's with his own dad, and ordering things through the mail from them, too! It's so disappointing that such a cool store was resurrected into something so incredibly different from the original.

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Yes, that J. Peterman. The actor actually purchased some stock in the company. I actually have a couple of J. Peterman dresses and every time I buy something from there, the catalogue description in my head is read in that actor's voice. Why yes, I do intend to sip a mint julep along a river whilst watching cranes swoop overhead sometime this summer. Thank you very much for asking. :laugh:



Do you wear it with your urban sombrero? :D

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I would also say if he wanted only red haired size two girls with blue eyes and no freckles exactly 5'8" and born in July as his models there should never be a lawsuit to force otherwise.



They were sued for employment discrimination for sales staff. Racial discrimination in employment is against federal and state laws. That is what got them sued and why they had to change. Very slightly.


To improve their image, they started using a few, and I mean very few, models who were not lily white. That was not, as far as I know, anything that they were sued over.

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A number of years ago when ds was around 5 or 6 we were driving past an A & F billboard and my adorbale son asks dh "If they sell clothes why are all their models naked?" We just about fell over with laughter. We told him it was a very good question and we think it is because their marketing department thinks people will believe their lives will be full of beautiful naked people if they wear the clothes. My ds pondered that for a few minutes and then asked why anyone would believe that.


I do miss the old Banana Republic and J. Crew.

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I do not have a problen with A&F serving a particular market either. I shop at plus size store that's exclusionary. It's the comments that are the issue


But as a fat women, let tell you that the way we talk about female bodies frustrates me too. I do not need to hear slim women being put down to appreciate my body. I can appreciate how beautiful a slim woman is without hating my body. It's not a competiton.




This times 100!! I am so tired of the FB memes and what not putting down skinny women just to make bigger women feel better. TF, sure there are people with eating disorders on both sides of the spectrum, but I wouldn't say that's the norm.


Just let people be. There's no reason to make fun of fat or skinny people or all the other sizes in-between. Pretty much everyone is attractive in their own way and if they're not, it usually has something to do with personality, not physical looks.

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I used to love Banana Republic. As a marine biologist at the time, working in Florida and the Caribbean, I wore a lot of their clothing and bought a lot of their gear. Hadn't been there in years, since we moved to the farm up north. I happened to see one in a mall a few years ago and excitedly went inside. What a let down! Nothing in there but trendy fashion clothing. Not one thing I would wear to cruise through a mangrove swamp looking for an injured manatee. :(



When I was in Jr. High the cool thing to wear were the Banana Republic t-shirts. Each one had a different wild animal on them. I think that might be all I wore in 7th grade!

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