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My Upcoming 4th-Grader Wants Chemistry! Recommendations? Easy Classical?


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My eldest wants to do Chemistry next year. Per her words, she wants to make things explode. :tongue_smilie:


I tried RS4K Chemistry in first grade and that was a total bust. Too abstract for that age - don't know what I was thinking. Also, I really need to have things spelled out for me and supplies on-hand or it just won't get done. Strange thing, though. My daughter STILL remembers the SINGLE experiment that I managed to complete with RS4K.....THREE years ago. Because it exploded. Ha!


I've been using NL Science for the past two years with great results. We've really enjoyed it. I WAS going to continue on in the next level of NL, but my daughter REALLY wants to study Chemistry. NL 3 offers one unit in Chemistry, but I'm considering digging a bit deeper this year. SO, any recommendations? Here is what I am considering:


Plan A: NL Level 3, Add Ellen McHenry's "The Elements"


Plan B: Easy Classical Chemistry


Plan C: ????????????????????


Has anyone used Easy Classical for Chemistry? I like the schedule, the books, and the kits....very tempting. Any reviews?


If not EC or NL, then what is the BEST 4th-grade Chemistry out there????? I need a schedule! I need kits!! I need help. :lol:


And things need to explode.


Thanks in advance!!!!

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We like the two Mr. Q things we have done so far, okay we aren't done Earth Science yet.


It works well for us since my dh makes an audio recording of it and the boys can listen to Daddy read science. I have not found another science series that would work for being made into an audio recording.

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we like the MrQ chemistry as well. We are using MrQ physics and I found myself disagree with him few times ( I am a mechanical engineer , so I do know few things about physics) but overall, MrQ is FUN and well written.

The chemisty (and all other MrQ) has 2 experiement in each chapter, and you can find almost EVERYTHING you need in your house. The writing is speaking to kids. It is funny and covers a lot.

We do also use RS4K, which is also a good program but not a whole year program. It only has 10 chapter. RSO, im my opinion is a bit childish. I am using that with my 5 year old (life).

We also use Brainpop. It is a great supplement

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My like the MrQ chemistry as well. We are using MrQ physics and I found myself disagree with him few times ( I am a mechanical engineer , so I do know few things about physics) but overall, MrQ is FUN and well written.

The chemisty (and all other MrQ) has 2 experiement in each chapter, and you can find almost EVERYTHING you need in your house. The writing is speaking to kids. It is funny and covers a lot.

We do also use RS4K, which is also a good program but not a whole year program. It only has 10 chapter. RSO, im my opinion is a bit childish. I am using that with my 5 year old (life).

We also use Brainpop. It is a great supplement


Wow - all these recs for Mr. Q. I'll need to take a closer look at that. I've ruled out RSO and NOEO, I think. Hmmmm....maybe I should think about building my own kit to go along with whatever program.....


I'm actually considering trying RS4K again - perhaps, at 4th grade, it will go over better. RS4K has lesson plans now, don't they?

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We're also going to try Mr. Q's Chemistry next year (3rd and 6th); I was impressed with its price (I got it on sale) and how it lays everything out for me and doesn't use lots of unusual things for the experiments. I also thought it had a lot of "meat" to it; DH, who is much more science-oriented than I, was also impressed with how much it covers.


If you don't have a tablet or e-reader, though, beware that the student plus teacher books are about 900 pages total.

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We're also going to try Mr. Q's Chemistry next year (3rd and 6th); I was impressed with its price (I got it on sale) and how it lays everything out for me and doesn't use lots of unusual things for the experiments. I also thought it had a lot of "meat" to it; DH, who is much more science-oriented than I, was also impressed with how much it covers.


If you don't have a tablet or e-reader, though, beware that the student plus teacher books are about 900 pages total.



I admit I don't like Mr. Q for that reason. I like a book I can hold in my hands and not printed pages. I also don't even like the idea of printing that much. Happily I do have a tablet. But I got around it another way. I got my Dh to make an audio recording of the science. You can get the Life Science one for free since Mr. Q lets us give it away.


Dh is almost done Earth Science! But sadly Mr. Q has no given us permission to give it away.

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Isn't Apologia's Elem. level Chemistry book being released for fall?



I've heard that it's supposed to be out this Spring. I almost pre-ordered it, and I believe the date that it would've been sent to my home was in May...so it may be out very soon, if not already.



OP, have you looked at Ellen McHenry? I haven't used any of her stuff, but I plan to. We're actually going to do Apologia's Elementary Chemistry and Physics next year along with Ellen McHenry's The Elements unit. The Elements wouldn't be a full year worth of stuff, but maybe it will work for you. She also has another chemistry unit called Carbon Chemistry. I'm not sure if that is more in-depth or if they go back-to-back--haven't looked that far into it yet.



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I admit I don't like Mr. Q for that reason. I like a book I can hold in my hands and not printed pages. I also don't even like the idea of printing that much. Happily I do have a tablet. But I got around it another way. I got my Dh to make an audio recording of the science. You can get the Life Science one for free since Mr. Q lets us give it away.


Dh is almost done Earth Science! But sadly Mr. Q has no given us permission to give it away.


:iagree: with the bolded. I've used a little of the free life science....but I'm not crazy about us sitting at the computer reading everything off the screen. I hate downloads and printing, so I would never buy Mr. Q. I'm curious, where does one get the free life science audio?

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Yes, I definitely would not have looked at Mr. Q without a tablet. I happen to prefer holding a tablet to a paper book, because it's easier on my hands, especially since I'll also have an infant in my lap/sling and probably my toddler too, and I like reading from the tablet, but I dislike reading from the computer screen.

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Yes, I definitely would not have looked at Mr. Q without a tablet. I happen to prefer holding a tablet to a paper book, because it's easier on my hands, especially since I'll also have an infant in my lap/sling and probably my toddler too, and I like reading from the tablet, but I dislike reading from the computer screen.


I will agree with this. DS read on iPad and we print out of end of chapter exercise . I probably won't use it if I have to print it.

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:iagree: with the bolded. I've used a little of the free life science....but I'm not crazy about us sitting at the computer reading everything off the screen. I hate downloads and printing, so I would never buy Mr. Q. I'm curious, where does one get the free life science audio?



From ME!


It's my husband in the recording.




(Our internet keeps dropping, and when it does you can't get the files. So if it doesn't work try, try again. - But first give it an hour or so and hope we get our internet back up)

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From ME!


It's my husband in the recording.




(Our internet keeps dropping, and when it does you can't get the files. So if it doesn't work try, try again. - But first give it an hour or so and hope we get our internet back up)



Oh thank you so much!! Please thank your husband too for doing that! :thumbup:

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:iagree: with the bolded. I've used a little of the free life science....but I'm not crazy about us sitting at the computer reading everything off the screen. I hate downloads and printing, so I would never buy Mr. Q. I'm curious, where does one get the free life science audio?


From ME!


It's my husband in the recording.




(Our internet keeps dropping, and when it does you can't get the files. So if it doesn't work try, try again. - But first give it an hour or so and hope we get our internet back up)






That is very cool, Julie! And very kind of you to share!


But it sounds like Mr. Q is out for me. We don't have a tablet and I'm like some of the other posters - I need to have something in my hands. 900 pages is an awful lot to print and, knowing me, it would never get done.


Hmmm. Is Ellen McHenry best left to higher grades or would it work in 4th? I'm finally learning that my eager desire to try a curriculum doesn't always quite yet match my daughter's abilities. That I need to be patient!!!! Where does Ellen fit in?


I don't know why, but the page layout/type-setting for RSO really throws me for a visual loop. I've heard good things about it and I've also heard it is "light", but I can't get past the aesthetics. It reminds me of those swirly images that give you a headache after a while....too much on one page. It is probably a great program and I'm just weird.


Sorry, I feel a bit all over the map with this decision. I'll check out other programs that were mentioned - thanks!


I showed my daughter our old RS4K and she practically started salivating. Maybe I should just try it again......but I really, really, really love kits. Love them. Really love them. It's hopeful, though, if RS4K has lesson plans now. Anyone know?


And has no one used Easy Classical?



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I showed my daughter our old RS4K and she practically started salivating. Maybe I should just try it again......but I really, really, really love kits. Love them. Really love them. It's hopeful, though, if RS4K has lesson plans now. Anyone know?


I don't know what you mean by lesson plans. There is a teachers manual. Do you mean something other than that?


What level were you doing when you did RS4K in first grade? Were you using the level 1 chem (5th-8) or the pre-level chem (K-4)? When I got my level 1 set of RS4K years ago, there wasn't a pre-level (and the level 1 was graded younger than 5th. And, now they are called "Focus On", with minimal changes). Maybe it was over her head because it was the level 1...even the pre-level might have been hard to understand at that age.



There are optional pdf study folders that are available for level 1 & pre-level. Level 1 has 6 additional, but optional, kogs & there is an extra chem experiment book too that you could add on. There is a kit at Home Training Tools, but it's a combined biology, physics, & chemistry kit (level 1 & pre-level).

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I don't know what you mean by lesson plans. There is a teachers manual. Do you mean something other than that?


What level were you doing when you did RS4K in first grade? Were you using the level 1 chem (5th-8) or the pre-level chem (K-4)? When I got my level 1 set of RS4K years ago, there wasn't a pre-level (and the level 1 was graded younger than 5th. And, now they are called "Focus On", with minimal changes). Maybe it was over her head because it was the level 1...even the pre-level might have been hard to understand at that age.



There are optional pdf study folders that are available for level 1 & pre-level. Level 1 has 6 additional, but optional, kogs & there is an extra chem experiment book too that you could add on. There is a kit at Home Training Tools, but it's a combined biology, physics, & chemistry kit (level 1 & pre-level).


Yea, we were using the Pre-Level 1 Chem. Even that was too much for her in 1st grade. I see now why SWB held that off until 3rd grade - not only to line up with history, but due to the fact that Chemistry is an abstract subject. I also find it very interesting that Gravitas altered the grades for the levels. It was my mistake! I'm looking at my Pre-Level Chemistry book and think we could get so much more out of it now - in 4th grade. It might be considered simplistic, maybe, but there is still plenty of meat and it would be meat that would be actually understood and retained. At least that is what I'm hoping! So maybe I should try it again. Spend a year or even 1.5 years in the Pre-Level topics before moving up. Hmmm.....


On the Gravitas website, the information about the study folders made mention of "Lesson Plans". Maybe it is something new? Have you, or anyone, used the study folder?


I saw that kit!!! I probably won't use the Pre-Level Biology or Physics for my eldest, but I might for my youngest. I wonder if it is worth it......


SIGH - I really, really love kits.



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Yea, we were using the Pre-Level 1 Chem. Even that was too much for her in 1st grade. I see now why SWB held that off until 3rd grade - not only to line up with history, but due to the fact that Chemistry is an abstract subject. I also find it very interesting that Gravitas altered the grades for the levels. It was my mistake! I'm looking at my Pre-Level Chemistry book and think we could get so much more out of it now - in 4th grade. It might be considered simplistic, maybe, but there is still plenty of meat and it would be meat that would be actually understood and retained. At least that is what I'm hoping! So maybe I should try it again. Spend a year or even 1.5 years in the Pre-Level topics before moving up. Hmmm.....


On the Gravitas website, the information about the study folders made mention of "Lesson Plans". Maybe it is something new? Have you, or anyone, used the study folder?


I saw that kit!!! I probably won't use the Pre-Level Biology or Physics for my eldest, but I might for my youngest. I wonder if it is worth it......


SIGH - I really, really love kits.




I haven't used the study folders, so I don't know about that. My dd will be in 4th next year also and we are going to read through all of the pre-level books. I'm not going to spend the money on teachers manuals, workbooks, or the science kit. We'll just read them and discuss. But, that's because our main science will be RSO Earth & Space (I'll get the kit for that). Dd isn't ready for the level 1 RS4K books that I already have, and I hate to have her miss out on us at least reading all the pre-level books.

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Check out guest hollow for an entire schedule of chemistry.


Oooooooo - promising. It even includes both McHenry and RS4K! Thanks!



Ellen McHenry is totally do-able in 4th grade. Oldest DD was working at about that level when she did The Elements.


For DS next year, I'm planning to do a combo of The Elements, John Tiner's Exploring the World of Chemistry with the new MP study guide, and Dr. Dave's Teaching Manual: Chemistry.


Thanks - that is good to know!

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I tried doing Easy Classical with my 1st and 3rd graders. There were several books they liked and several that were WAY above their heads. Personally, even I had a hard time with the Eyewitness Matter and Chemistry books. I had to read the kids passages and try to understand the historic chemical apparatuses - what they did, how they worked, etc. I just didn't see the point (half the time I was confused), and they could have cared less. The World of Chemistry is interesting, but it is marketed toward older kids other places. My kids did really like Fizz, Bubble, and Flash, Super Science Concoctions, and Where do Puddles Go? We ditched the Easy Classical schedule about 13 weeks into it though and just did our own thing. I would not recommend for younger aged children. I am seriously going to be looking at Apologia's materials for Physics. I feel like we keep having "misses" when it comes to science, and I don't want that to happen next year.

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I tried doing Easy Classical with my 1st and 3rd graders. There were several books they liked and several that were WAY above their heads. Personally, even I had a hard time with the Eyewitness Matter and Chemistry books. I had to read the kids passages and try to understand the historic chemical apparatuses - what they did, how they worked, etc. I just didn't see the point (half the time I was confused), and they could have cared less. The World of Chemistry is interesting, but it is marketed toward older kids other places. My kids did really like Fizz, Bubble, and Flash, Super Science Concoctions, and Where do Puddles Go? We ditched the Easy Classical schedule about 13 weeks into it though and just did our own thing. I would not recommend for younger aged children. I am seriously going to be looking at Apologia's materials for Physics. I feel like we keep having "misses" when it comes to science, and I don't want that to happen next year.



Thanks! That is really helpful. I was just looking over Easy Classical again and wondering if many of the items would be over my daughters' heads. You've answered that!

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Ok Elemental Science Chemistry..really was perfect for my daughters who were in 3rd and 5th grades. It would fit perfectly for a fourth grader in my opinion.

Things to make sure for your child when using this:

There is writing involved. It is not fill in the blanks worksheets. They are writing short narrations about what you read to them or what they read themselves. The only fill in the blank/multiple choice parts is the quizzes if you choose to use those.


It has been the easiest to implement science curriculum I have ever come across at this point in time.

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