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Read alouds that show close positive sibling/family relationships

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What read alouds have you used that demonstrate positive and close family relationships, especially between siblings? My children are ages 7, 6, 4, and 2. This past year we read the following books that fell in the above category, but now I'm looking for more:


The Boxcar Children

The Railway Children

Little House in the Big Woods

The Rackety Packety House

The Five Little Peppers and How they Grew (however, this was a difficult read aloud for them, probably too hard)


What else do you recommend?

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For such a young age, I'd suggest:


- The Moffats series (Estes)

- The Saturdays -- part of the "Melendy quartet" of books on this family (Enright)

- Little Pear (Lattimore)

- The House on Walenska Street (Herman)

- The Secret Valley (Bulla)

- The Littles (Peterson)

- On the Banks of Plum Creek (Wilder)

- Farmer Boy (Wilder)



When your family is a bit older (as these have older/more sophisticated vocabulary) enjoy:


- Caddie Woodlawn (Brink) -- a lot like the Laura Ingalls Wilder books

- the rest of the Laura Ingalls Wilder books

- The Happy Hollisters (West) or The Bobbsey Twins (Hope) -- two vintage series of mystery/adventures, where the sibling children solve mysteries

- Half Magic; Magic By the Lake; Knight's Castle Time Garden; Seven Day Magic (Eager)

- Five Children and It; The Phoenix and the Carpet (Nesbit)

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Oh, yes, All of a Kind Family! They rank up there with Little House in my book.


I don't think they're too young for Misty of Chincoteague; we read it in the fall, and even our 4yo liked it.


Rebecca Caudill's Fairchild Family series might appeal to you too. Lmk, and I'll bring them to you.

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I second several of the suggestions. I have similar age kids, and they love sibling stories since they all identify with a character. Over the last year, we've enjoyed:


All-of-a-Kind Family

The Saturdays


The Moffats

Several of The Little House books

The first couple Chronicles of Narnia (a bit of a stretch for the youngers)

101 Dalmatian (Doggy siblings!)



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