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A Sunday Chat

Jean in Newcastle

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Hi everyone! I'm going to pretend that I don't have any sugar issues and will host an ice cream buffet. What are your favorite flavors and toppings?


We're going to a dinner party tonight. The first one in years. The way my dh is acting, you would think I was dragging him to his own funeral . . . Which leads us to the next question. Do you like going to parties?


And a totally random question: What are you wearing on your feet right now?

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My favorite ice cream is chocolate chip. But, I also see the merits of plain vanilla because it's so versatile. I love a scoop of peanut butter in my ice cream.


I enjoy going to parties. I prefer casual to more formal though. I do notice that I need a down day after a lot of socializing. We were at a kid's birthday party yesterday. It was a swim party and we were there 5 hours. While I enjoyed chatting and the food was amazing, I came home wiped out and needing quiet and home.


Bare feet. My feet will either be bare or in flip flops from now until November. Ah, spring in the desert! :)

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Hmmm...Ice Cream. I like anything but nuts. Right now I have Birthday Cake Ice Cream in the freezer.


I don't do parties. I've never liked them even as a child.


Bare feet here too. When I wear shoes, they are crocs sandals. I can't stand shoes when it's this hot!

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I like peppermint stick ice cream with hot fudge. Haven't had one in years! And mint chocolate chip. With no topping.


Like a pp, I only like small parties with people I know well, or with whom I share an interest. Random social events make me twitch. I would rather stay home.


I am wearing a blanket on my feet. It is 69 degrees in the house, and I am too lazy to go out on socks.

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Favorite ice creams are homemade vanilla bean or a nice, clean (not super sweet) mint chocolate chip.


I hate going to parties. I go out of my way to avoid them unless it is a gathering with very close friends/beloved family. I'm very introverted though and have anxiety that gets much, much worse around any significant amount of people.


Bare feet :)

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Ice cream sounds good, especially the virtual kind, since I haven't been able to eat ice cream for the past year (makes me ill). I love pumkin ice cream, but if I'm going to have toppings I prefer vanilla. My favorite topping is carmel. Unless we're having soft serve, then I like chocolate jimmies (sprinkles).


I don't care for parties, I'm such an introvert. It can be nice to go to one once in awhile, but I even if I enjoyed it once I got there, I would dread going.


Right now, I'm wearing my Clark's. They've been on my feet all day. Normally, I would have on either my slippers or Birk's.

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Ben and Jerry's cheesecake brownie ice cream is my current favorite, but I generally choose something with caramel.


I don't care for parties, but do enjoy small get togethers with close friends.


I'm wearing a cat on my feet. Came home from work, took off my shoes and put my feet up on the ottoman. The cat literally ran to sit on my feet- I like the warm feet and he likes making me be still all evening.

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What are your favorite flavors and toppings? Vanilla ice cream atop a warm brownie, sprinkled with salted peanuts and hot fudge sauce. Oh, and a dollop of whipped cream.


Do you like going to parties? Not particularly. I prefer being at home in my comfy clothes with no makeup on. Now, if everyone wants to party over here and doesn't mind my laid back, relaxed attitude then bring it on!


And a totally random question: What are you wearing on your feet right now? Socks - because I just had to take my shoes off due to the dirt caked on them, due to dh asking me to come outside and ask where I wanted a rose bush moved to...and I had to walk right through were he just dug a trench for a new flower bed.

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I have some key lim pie ice cream in the fridge and its really good with cool whip on top.


I'm not a big fan of adult parties or chunky cheese parties. I'm a back yard family BBQ kinda girl.


Right now I'm wearing come cozy hand knit wool socks that a friend of mine who lives overseas made for me (shipping took forever but so worth the wait)

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No on the parties, unless it's a small group of people I know.


I like good vanilla or raspberry sherbet. Toppings are optional for me.


I have plantar facitis so I rarely go barefoot. My shoes are Merrells that I wear without socks. I am sorry to say that when I take them off they won't smell as fresh as the spring rain. :crying:

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What are your favorite flavors and toppings? My favorite ice cream flavors are vanilla, butter pecan, and mint chocolate chip. For toppings, I love chocolate syrup or liqueur (amaretto, grand marnier, etc.) on vanilla ice cream. Butter pecan and mint chocolate chip are yummy as is.


Do you like going to parties? Generally, yes. Although it depends on the type of party and who will be there. I sometimes have to psych myself up for DH's work-related parties where I don't know anyone. I usually end up having a great time, but I don't look forward to them like I do parties with good friends.


What are you wearing on your feet right now? Black ankle boots.

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I'd eat any of the ice cream creations listed here with vast enthusiasm.


Nobody likes me well enough to invite me to parties!


Black socks.


I would eat them too if I could...


I would invite you to my party if you would come.


I have one pink saucony sock and one blue saucony sock....both inside out because I can not stand the seam of socks against my toes....yeah, I have issues.

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What are your favorite flavors and toppings? crushed up heath candy bar and caramel sauce


Do you like going to parties? Not usually


And a totally random question: What are you wearing on your feet right now? mud lol I just came in from watering the garden

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I'm finally back from my real life party. It was really nice - a group of really close friends. I was so tired though that I zoned out for a bit during the party. These people are used to me though - they just bring me back up to speed once I come back to planet Earth.


My favorite ice cream is peanut butter/chocolate ice cream.


I am wearing panty hose. I know that no one nowadays wears them but I'm old-fashioned and wear them with a dress.

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