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If you homeschool and work...what job do you hold?


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I tutor, also.


I used to do it freelance, and the hourly rate is MUCH higher than with a company, but it was taking too much of my creative juices that I would prefer to give to my own children. So now I work for a company, and the work is regular, not too difficult, significantly lower pay than freelancing, but still much higher than cashiering. Eventually (when my children are more independent), I'd like to ease back into freelancing. I do love teaching.

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I work in environmental consulting, a geologist specializing in historical research and property assessment, particularly as it relates to commercial property transactions and due diligence. Kind of a niche thing....but imo sometimes, in some industries, you've got to find a niche to really have some small say in setting your own hours and such.

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Yes, I use Express Scribe for some contracts but the one I mainly work for now has a proprietary program. Most of what I do now is verbatim - every 'um' and 'uh' and stutter gets typed.


You are right on target! From what I understand, industry standard is 4 hours per hour of audio. It takes me longer than that, though, if there are many speakers and/or poor audio quality.


Oh, gosh, I'm so glad to know this!! I thought I was slow like molasses and felt bad charging the guy so much, but if that's right on target, that's great! I like Express Scribe once I get into the flow. It's just hard because my regular work is more of a meaning-for-meaning interpretation (while still being accurate and complete), so word-for-word is a challenge. Thankfully, he doesn't need every "you know" and "I mean" and "So" LOL.

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I verrrryyyyy occasionally do contract fundraising work (mainly crafting those annoying yet bizarrely effective fundraising letters and emails, sometimes grantwriting work). I could (and did) do this on a much larger scale, there is definitely a demand in my area. I used to work FT in development and non-profit management. I could also do bookkeeping for non-profits from home. If I needed the work, I would probably do that vs. getting wrapped up in fundraising FT again. As it is, I need my time more than money these days and I have a friends only policy. Meaning, I only say yes to people who I know well and like.

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I am toying with becoming a skate instructor or fitness instructor at some point in time. It seems like a good PT job that is mostly evening/weekends. I love roller skating and derby but I don't tolerate the derby drama thing well and we are thinking of having another baby (can't get into skating accidents when pregnant), so teaching others to skate appeals. I want to learn more jam skating before I would start taking instructor lessons. I know a surprisingly large number of hs parents who are yoga, pilates, zumba or kick boxing instructors for extra cash and time to work out.


Once the kids are big, I am considering teaching math or going whole hog with my accounting and sitting for the CPA exam. I've lost patience with my old career and will only go back if I have to!

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My official title is "President" of our small corporation. Dh is the "Vice President".


We own two specialty stores - one in Southwest Florida, and one in Central Florida. We have 15 employees, one of which is our Regional Manager, and it's his job to be physically on-site at both stores throughout the week.


Because I have to deal a lot with China, my real work doesn't begin until midnight. We homeschool in the mornings. I multi-task after noon if my boys are still doing school. We conduct our management team meetings via Skype.


ETA: And because I apparently don't have enough on my plate already, we're at the ice rink 5 out of 7 nights a week for hockey. :)

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Hubby and I have a computer repair business that runs out of our home. I do some jobs with him out of the house for our larger clients, but most is done from home. I work anywhere from 24-40 hours a week with him.


Similar scenario here too. Clients have been wanting websites done by us, because they knew I used to do them...so I've been buried lately brushing up my dusty (eight years dusty!) dev/design skills. Work is done early in the morning, during recess, during the kids' dance and swim practices, and in the evening after they go to bed.
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Guest homeschoolmom24

For those of you doing transcription work please pm the companies you work for. I'm trying to break into doing this but I'm terrified because I'm sure there are scams out there. Right now I'm trying to get my WPM up. Please help me! :)

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When I was homeschooling I taught swimming lessons at a local community and a Y. The Y pay was terrible. At the community center I get 19/hour for group lessons and double that for private. I teach all ages, so I had lessons at 6 am (Adult beginners who had to get to work after the lesson), weekday evenings and weekends. The community center gives me the perk of discounts on classes for my family members and free pool admission for my family members. If you enjoy swimming, other people's children and are a good swimmer you need to take a certification class that requires around 30 hours and $200-300.

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