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Just Call Me "Grace"

Jean in Newcastle

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I took a spectacular fall today while moving the ILs. I was airborne for at least 4 feet before I did a belly flop on the concrete driveway. The thing is, yesterday, I had seen the pipe that tripped me sticking out of the ground and thought, "That's an accident waiting to happen." I lay there stunned for a minute while my kids came running to see if I was all right. Everything moves. My hands are all swollen and I think I'll have some nice colorful bruises. The skin on my hands and knees was shredded, so I've got this nice little "thousand pinpricks of pain" thing going on but it could have been much worse. I was able to pick myself up, administer a bit of first aid with the help of dd and then go on with the move. My joints etc. are only now starting to really feel it a couple of hours later.


We have the ILs about 70% moved. They have way too much stuff to fit the small house they are moving into. They did absolutely no decluttering before the move. Dd and dh were working at the new house unpacking. Dh was going through and throwing out some spectacularly moldy food. I didn't appreciate his "look at this specimen" show and tell! And dd was having a collection of duplicate kitchen tools going on the table. Last I saw she had 9 can openers, 6 bottle openers, 3 ice cream scoops. . . I am alternately feeling very good (because it isn't as bad) and very bad (because it is still bad enough) about my own clutter at home. I see some massive decluttering in our future. . .

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Oh, so sorry you fell like that. Glad it wasn't worse, but it does sting like blazes, doesn't it? I recall falling once just after college like that and thinking to myself, "Wow! No wonder I cried about this as a kid. It really HURTS!" Can you take some aspirin or ibuprofen ? I know you have special health conditions and may not be able to do that, but if you can keep ahead of the pain, your muscles won't get as stiff in reaction, which can sometimes set off a whole chain reaction of pain.

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I am sure this is not something you needed just now.


I hope this illustrates that your IL's need professional care at their new place.

Get some in home care personnel on the schedule soon! Doesn't Medical cover home health care?

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I am sure this is not something you needed just now.


I hope this illustrates that your IL's need professional care at their new place.

Get some in home care personnel on the schedule soon! Doesn't Medical cover home health care?



We're all working together to juggle multiple top-priorities right now. BIL grandma-sat for MIL today. Dh and dd went through some of their food. FIL, ds, dnephew and I are trying to get everything moved and cleaned because the people who bought their house would like to move in next weekend. SIL is going through all of their meds (dh had done this the other day but she's found other stashes of meds that have to be gone through) and is trying to stabilize MIL's bloodsugar to at least 300 (which shows you how out of control it is, when that is our target right now!). There are more doctor's appointments coming up but also the discussion of what to do about their doctors now that they've moved. . . It's a huge undertaking! But yes, they need major help. Figuring out what their insurance covers and doesn't cover is one more thing to put on the list.

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:grouphug: :grouphug: :grouphug: How scary. You must be wonder-woman to keep on with just a little first aid after that fall.



My parents are moving into a smaller house and mom refused to downsize before making sure everything doesn't fit in the new one. They moved in February 9th and she is still unpacking. I wish I lived close enough to help; as it is I may fly out there this summer after school finishes up to help if they aren't done.

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How are you feeling today? Did you stay home?


(I'll be surprised if I don't already know the answers to this. Please, surprise me!)



I am feeling surprisingly limber. Both hands are both swollen but my right hand is again - surprisingly pain free. My left hand is still very raw and tender but not so bad that I can't use it anyway. My knees are again - surprisingly almost pain free. I'm going to go to church, help everyone clean the church to get ready for Easter and then go with dh to move/clean at the ILs old house some more. Surprised?! I'm not flippant when I say that I am surprised at how easy this has been on my body.

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Mind over matter. One time, after I had a c-section, I decided the pain wouldn't be that bad, and didn't take the medication. Luckily, I was still in the hospital, so relief was swift.


Then there was the time that I decided my boys wouldn't be born until I was 36 weeks along. That didn't work either; they were born at 27 weeks. That didn't stop me from telling the OR staff that they were wrong -- the babies were not being born that day, and besides, I didn't know how to give birth because I hadn't taken any classes. Yap, yap ... the babies were born anyway and will be 19 years old next week.


There are times when mind over matter is either mindless or just an exercise in denial. That never stops me from thinking it will work, and I am sure there are plenty of times it has. I just don't remember any of them right now.

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I can't worry about when my body will quit. It will quit when it quits. In the meantime, I'm making hay while the sun shines. For some reason, God is keeping me going when I didn't think I would be going still. Woo hoo! Besides, I slack off whenever I can and make the kids do most of the work. The kids just love me right now but it's for Grandma and Grandpa.

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