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How contagious is pneumonia?


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So, my 4 young kids have been coughing for a couple weeks, I'm assuming from a virus. There is no coughing manners because of their age. Now all 4 have been diagnoses with pneumonia within the last week! They started with fevers and coughing til they puke, 2 with also ear infections. Pertussis test was negative. My kids usually aren't sick, and yeah, this winter is sucky long :p But now I'm not feeling the greatest.... I'm assuming that they have some contagious form for all of them to get it, but I was hoping that since I'm an adult and didn't really get the original cold that has dragged them all down that I wouldn't get it. WAAAAHHHHHHH I want to cry I'm so exhausted. I've been to the clinic or hospital 5 times in a week :( I don't want to have to drag myself in..... I'm having a pity party, thanks for listening.


Has anyone had their family all get pneumonia??? I think this is so bizarre.

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When my mother had pneumonia again this Fall we had to find out about this when my brother and his 3 little sons came in town. The doctor said nobody could actually catch pneumonia but the cold virus, or whatever, that caused the lung trouble was still contagious.


I'm just quoting what he said. :)

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Both my sister's kids got it this year. Scary because one is not even 2. He caught it from his 4 year old sister.


FWIW, they got better very quickly.


Just take focus on getting through the next few days. And if someone offers to go to the store for you or help out in any way say YES! Let them come over and do some laundry. And if there ever was a time for a friend to drop off a pot of soup and loaf of bread, it is now.

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Pneumonia is the result of an infection, as I understand it, it's not something you can catch at all. Some 'cold germs' are more likely to result in pneumonia than others, and, naturally, some people are more susceptible to extreme responses to illnesses that everyone catches.


Hope you all get better soon! I am not looking forward to flu season (we're 'down under', so it is fast approaching) - we all got really sick last year, much, much worse than usual. It was miserable, even without pneumonia!

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There are some forms of pneumonia which are highly contagious. In 2007, I had a terrible case of mycoplasma pneumonia, which is a bacterial form. Before it was known to be mycoplasma, my doctor told me I didn't need to worry in the least about my kids getting it. Wrongo. They all three got it. Thankfully, I recognized the cough in my oldest right off and he was treated before it got bad. By the time my other two started coughing, I already had their prescriptions in hand, ready to fill. (I liked their PNP better than I liked my doc...) Anyway, unless they identified the actual type of pneumonia, they can't tell you it's not contagious with certainty. The best thing you can do is get in fast if you do feel you have it.


:grouphug: It's hard, I know, with everyone sick. And that was the sickest I've ever been.

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Oh, you poor thing. We have pneumonia in the house now, too. My visiting mother, and now DS. DD had something else, and we're hopeful that this bypasses her. I totally agree that you need to accept any help you can find, rely on easy foods, even paper plates to ease clean up, if you are getting sick too. Try to rest, and if you are feeling sick - don't hesitate about going to the doc!

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Pneumonia is regarded as generally contagious according to some gov webpages. The webpages listed below are concise and not scary.

http://www.nlm.nih.gov/medlineplus/ency/article/000145.htm (a bit long but easy read)

http://www.vdh.virginia.gov/Epidemiology/factsheets/Pneumonia.htm. (1 page)

http://doh.dc.gov/sites/default/files/dc/sites/doh/publication/attachments/Pneumonia.pdf (1 page)

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My baby was tested for RSV because she started out with bronchiolitis, then developed a fever a few days later, that's when they started antibiotics on her because her chest xray was questionable. It's been downhill since then. I have some sinus pain and a sore throat, but no fever or much of a cough. I wonder how fast it comes on and how long I should wait before going in... I don't want to walk out empty handed, and I'm tired of being so pushy with doctors who don't listen!


Today in general has been much better. No fevers :) My mom came over and a lady from church brought a meal. I'm hesistant to have too many people come, I want to quarrentine ourselves from everyone.

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My daughter was diagnosed with pneumonia in second grade after her friend had it. My husband came down with it soon thereafter. I was fortunate and escaped it.


Sending positive thoughts your way, countrygal, for your good health and for your childrens' recovery.




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My entire family got mycoplasmic pneumonia in 1997 or 1998. That is what used to be called walking pneumonia (though you can die from it). On the other hand, with me, what generally happens is while some other family member gets a virus, I end up with a bacterial infection like bronchitis, sinusitis or pneumonia. That is because I have an underlying chronic illness that makes that leap more likely and then I am on immunosuppressives. None of ,my family members has ever gotten sick from one of my usual infections due to the immunosuppressives.

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I've gotten it 4 times, and no one caught it from me. My son got it once, and was the only one with it. Three of my 4 were bacterial and had developed from another illness - so not contagious. One was mycoplasmic, but no one else got it..... I do know a family that always seems to get it at the same time, but that seems to be the exception, not the rule. I think the mycoplasmic and the viral version are the most contagious.... both can be so hard to get rid of.

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OP, I hope your family is feeling better and that you are not sick as well!


Our bout seems to be improving - DS is no longer running a high fever, so the abx are working. :) And my mother is better, too. Crossing my fingers, but it seems that they are the only ones affected.


Hoping your family is on the mend, too!

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I asked about this when I had pneumonia in January. The coughing is the contagious part. When you cough, the virus will pass on. It may not be pneumonia in the person who catches it. It may just be a cold. I was coughing all over the place. Two of my kids got something. I took them to the doctor. It wasn't in their lungs, just upper respiratory. However, if a person with a low immune system got it, it could be something bad. It all depends on the germs you have.

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My entire family got mycoplasmic pneumonia in 1997 or 1998. That is what used to be called walking pneumonia (though you can die from it). On the other hand, with me, what generally happens is while some other family member gets a virus, I end up with a bacterial infection like bronchitis, sinusitis or pneumonia. That is because I have an underlying chronic illness that makes that leap more likely and then I am on immunosuppressives. None of ,my family members has ever gotten sick from one of my usual infections due to the immunosuppressives.



One of my kids got this and passed it to a classmate, plus to the rest of my children.

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My kids have a bacterial type... they've been hanging onto a nasty virus for weeks, then started growing a bacteria and coughed their contagious pneumonia germs all over each other for days until everyone eventually ended up with it. I don't know if it's walking pneumonia. I think it is, but Dr.'s don't seem to care to track it or test it, they just treated them all and called it community acquire pneumonia. They said pneumonia isn't contagious, the bacteria or virus is. That's like saying colds aren't contagious, viruses are. !??! Of course not EVERYONE gets a cold if they are exposed to a virus, I was just wondering what my chances are on the pneumonia/bacteria end. Nobody would give me a straight answer (except all of you!) I have been coughing up green phlegm, soooo they let me have antibiotics, too, because I'm probably growing what they have. Everyone is much better now though!

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Glad everyone is on the mend. Especially glad you got on abx, too, so you can stay on your feet.


You were on my mind today, as DS coughed up green phlegm, and DD started coughing. Aaaaaahhhhh, I am going to lose my mind. DD was doing okay after her bout with strep and now she's got a runny nose, cough and slight fever. Is this how it started when your kiddos started passing it around?


This stuff is not fun.

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Spryte, I couldn't keep track of it anymore. Who started coughing first, and fevers coming and going, one with pink eye, then sore throat, then the seemed to get better... then BAM it's back! I'm not going ANYWHERE until Easter. They need time to heal and I don't give a hoot what anyone thinks. Missing a few things at church or a few visitors is fine cuz I can't handle another sickness! Lord help me if someone starts puking! AAAAAAAHHHHH I've just spent the last 2 days washing all blankets and sheets and sanitizing counters and door handles. What's worse is doctor runs, and they never seem to care what your story is even though it is important!! What a joke trying to play phone tag to call the 'primary care provider'. That's hopeless. Hope everyone gets better soon in your house!! Kids were fighting today, so they're back to their usual selves. We were hit by a bunch more snow today though :( I just want warm air and dry ground so we can all go out in the sun.

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