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Help me figure out what to do for math until march 31st

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We are going to buy Math Mammoth. I used the placement tests for my 3 kids...my 2 olders are still testing...but my youngest (3rd grade) is done testing. We need to start at 2A to fill in the gaps that he is missing...but since we are buying from the homeschooling CO-OP and the group rate isn't available until March 31st...what should I do between now and then? I don't really want to find some random worksheets that might further confuse him when we do make the switch...so I am not sure what my options might be. What would you do? I will also run into the same situation with my older kids once they stop testing and we place them.


any good thoughts for me?



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You could buy book 2A over at currclick.com and start right away. The individual books are all less than $5 each, I think. You would end up with two copies of that book, but for $5 you could start now. We're also switching over and I bought one of the addition books at currclick to tide us over too.

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Do you think I could take the test....look at the parts where he did poorly (some of it is just forgetting becasue at one point he knew some of this stuff...it's just not been reviewed for a long time) and find some worksheets to review those parts???


He is supposed to be in 3rd grade math and I could just kick myself if he truly needs to be put back into beginning of 2nd grade math...wow, did I fail my son horribly!!!!

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Do you think I could take the test....look at the parts where he did poorly (some of it is just forgetting becasue at one point he knew some of this stuff...it's just not been reviewed for a long time) and find some worksheets to review those parts???


He is supposed to be in 3rd grade math and I could just kick myself if he truly needs to be put back into beginning of 2nd grade math...wow, did I fail my son horribly!!!!


You didn't fail him. If he didn't miss that many parts in 2a/2b I would maybe take the time now to shore up those areas and start him in 3a?

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Do you think I could take the test....look at the parts where he did poorly (some of it is just forgetting becasue at one point he knew some of this stuff...it's just not been reviewed for a long time) and find some worksheets to review those parts???


That would be good and worksheets are easy to find. My younger needs review of time and money every year, he forgets which "head" belongs to which coin on the worksheet.

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Do you think I could take the test....look at the parts where he did poorly (some of it is just forgetting becasue at one point he knew some of this stuff...it's just not been reviewed for a long time) and find some worksheets to review those parts???


He is supposed to be in 3rd grade math and I could just kick myself if he truly needs to be put back into beginning of 2nd grade math...wow, did I fail my son horribly!!!!


(speaking in my best big sister voice) Stop that right now! You have NOT failed your son! Good grief, MM is NOT a light, easy program and there are many people who have kids around 3rd grade age who are using the 2a/2b books. It's not a big deal.


There is no ahead. There is no behind. There is only meeting your son exactly where he is and helping him make progress at whatever pace makes sense to him. This is not a race.



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I'd play math games with dice and cards. Pig is one of my favorites. I'd teach equivalent fractions with Hershey bars (conveniently divided into 12 sections, so you can show 6/12 = 1/2, 3/12 = 1/4, etc.). I'd have a day when you go grocery shopping and look for the best buys. I'd have a day of measuring things around the house such as furniture and area of their rooms to decide a way to rearrange them. I would have a bank play day where you issue checking accounts and have them pay bills. I would do a survey of people on some issue (favorite color, candy, etc.) and do statistical stuff with the data such as graphing. Probability is fun, too. You can put things in a bag (coins, colored blocks, etc.) and work on probability of drawing them out.


You know my son is about a week from finishing his 4th grade book, and although, I already have the 5th grade book here, I'm wondering if I should take my own advice!

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(speaking in my best big sister voice) Stop that right now! You have NOT failed your son! Good grief, MM is NOT a light, easy program and there are many people who have kids around 3rd grade age who are using the 2a/2b books. It's not a big deal.


There is no ahead. There is no behind. There is only meeting your son exactly where he is and helping him make progress at whatever pace makes sense to him. This is not a race.




I know, I know...but it's so frustrating...I have switched math programs so many times in the last 3 years....I KNOW I won't' find the perfect math...but it just seems like I must be soing something wrong that I can't find a math program that fits my kids...


thanks for your words of wisdom...I appreciate it.



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I keep hearing that MM is intense....what makes it so intense? I doesn't appear to be any more (or less) inctense than some of the other programs out there...so obviously I am missing something because I have heard many of you say that. So PLEASE tell me why...that way I know what I am getting myself into.



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Do you think I could take the test....look at the parts where he did poorly (some of it is just forgetting becasue at one point he knew some of this stuff...it's just not been reviewed for a long time) and find some worksheets to review those parts???


FWIW, that is exactly what I would do. I think it's often a good idea to review a little before a placement test (or after, in this case). Kids forget stuff. The review doesn't have to be especially difficult or time-consuming to be helpful. (And no, you didn't fail him or any such thing.)


Math games are always a good idea.


I would not describe MM as intense. I'd describe it as involving some thought. It's not plug-and-chug.

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I agree math games and math facts.


FWIW when I brought my guy home after 3rd grade he could not pass the MM3 end of year exam. We had to do all of year 3 with him. You could look closely at his test and see where his weaker areas are too and just see what needs to be filled in. There is a good chance he just needs to fill in some gaps. Or that he is just not used to the teaching style of MM so did not pass the test merely because MM and his previous programs used different termonology. With my guy it was obvious he needed to just do the whole year over. But we are now nearing the end of our second year and have done all of MM 3 and MM4 and are right about on track to finish MM 5 by the end of the school year (first of june).


MM also has a number of free worksheets on her website that you can download if you want.



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That would be good and worksheets are easy to find. My younger needs review of time and money every year, he forgets which "head" belongs to which coin on the worksheet.



Should I admit that I don't know which head is on which coin? Is that important? Interesting trivia perhaps, but critical? Definitely not. The important thing is being able to identify and actually use the money! How do you do that? Play store.



I know, I know...but it's so frustrating...I have switched math programs so many times in the last 3 years....I KNOW I won't' find the perfect math...but it just seems like I must be soing something wrong that I can't find a math program that fits my kids...


thanks for your words of wisdom...I appreciate it.




Oops. Found the problem. Switching math programs a lot is just a bad idea. We homeschooling mamas often fall into that trap. Pretty much any of the programs will work for most kids if it is used regularly and long term. Solution, pick on and stick with it! Honestly, elementary math is not that complicated.


My suggestion: get the 3rd grade book. Everything from the second grade book should be in it (just covered more quickly). If your dc hits an area where he struggles, slow down and find some supplemental materials (or make them up yourself) for that area. Then, move to the next thing. The truth about math: if you can add and subtract (pretty much with any positive whole numbers) by the end of second grade you are okay. If you can multiply and divide (positive whole numbers) by the end of third grade you are fine. Added into that should be some preliminary work with fractions, money, time, decimals, and very basic geometry. Math books today sometimes complicate things too much.

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