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Phone call for donations for firefighters


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So here's a new one. A woman just called me to ask for donations for our county firefighters adopt-a-school program. She said funds would be used to provide materials for the children when the firemen visit their school to teach about fire safety. I asked her how much of the money donated goes toward the cause and she said 100%. Really? Does this not sound like a scam? She promised to send me some sort of entertainment discount card in return for my donation. No thanks.

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Could be legit. I don't ever make donations over the phone though, just to be on the safe side. I always ask them to send me information via mail so I can look it over. Sometimes they do, and I'll donate if everything looks to be in order and it's something I want to support. Often, they don't.


Sadly, it's no longer safe to trust these types of callers. I assume every call like this is a potential scam until I've received the info by mail and can verify the legitimacy for myself.

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Could be legit. I don't ever make donations over the phone though, just to be on the safe side. I always ask them to send me information via mail so I can look it over. Sometimes they do, and I'll donate if everything looks to be in order and it's something I want to support. Often, they don't.


Sadly, it's no longer safe to trust these types of callers. I assume every call like this is a potential scam until I've received the info by mail and can verify the legitimacy for myself.


It IS sad, but no way am I going to take some lady's word for this over the phone. This one reminded me too much of the police men's auxiliary fund, something like that. The guy actually told me that a whopping 23% goes to the charity. So who gets the other 77%?


It would be great if we could trust everyone to tell the truth. The thing that steams me is thinking of all the gullible, often elderly, people who will fall for something like this because it sounds like a good thing. Who doesn't want kids to learn fire safety, after all?

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If you google "firefighters adopt-a-school program" You'll see a number of departments do this program. I still wouldn't give money over the phone. Request info via US mail and if you are interested in helping this program (usually small coloring books and plastic firefighters helmets that are given out when firefighters visit schools). Lots of cuts have been made in recent years. Money for coloring books and plastic helmets is hard to come by.

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If you google "firefighters adopt-a-school program" You'll see a number of departments do this program. I still wouldn't give money over the phone. Request info via US mail and if you are interested in helping this program (usually small coloring books and plastic firefighters helmets that are given out when firefighters visit schools). Lots of cuts have been made in recent years. Money for coloring books and plastic helmets is hard to come by.



Yes, there's the possibility that it's legit. Next time I will ask for info to be sent to me, if I am interested in donating to a cause.

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We've been getting more and more of those calls. the only one we give to is volunteer fire department that comes to door to door once a year. Last time someone called I told him someone had already called and he said "Sorry to bother you again." and hung up.

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My brother is a volunteer fireman/EMT with 30+ years of experience. His advice is to never, ever give to any fireman's association that calls. He says there are too many scams. If you want to give a donation, go down to your local fire department and talk with someone there.

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I agree. If you want to help the fire department, stop in at the fire department or go online and donate at their legit site.


Same thing for all those cop and veteran "charities."


If you're really conflicted, ask them to send you their 501©(3) determination letter and the latest financials they filed with the state. :)

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I know for a fact that our local FD hires an outside company to solicit donations. And I have a huge problem with it for so many reasons. There are too many scams out there to know what is legit, and they hire and PAY someone to get donations which is awful IMHO.


It really could be legit, but I would still have absolutely nothing to do with it.

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I don't buy into those. There isn't any way to verify legitimacy.


But, when our local department does fundraiser meals, or puts canisters on the counters of local businesses, or whatever, we are very generous with them and if a firefighter gets hurt on the job and the department holds a dinner, even if we can't take time out of our schedule to eat, we are again generous. Basically, if the fundraiser is local and I can verify - very easy to do since one of our county commissioners lives two miles away and is a good friend - we give.


There have been so many phone and online scams, I will no longer give in this manner no matter what worthy cause they claim to represent. It's unfortunate for those that are legit - but, I've got to protect our finances and personal information and I'm not willing to be taken advantage of anymore.



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I know for a fact that our local FD hires an outside company to solicit donations. And I have a huge problem with it for so many reasons. There are too many scams out there to know what is legit, and they hire and PAY someone to get donations which is awful IMHO.


It really could be legit, but I would still have absolutely nothing to do with it.


Right, because as another poster stated, it's hard to verify. How do I know who is calling? It made me suspicious that she said 100% of the money donated goes toward the cause. Next time I could ask, "Do you have any way of verifying that for me?"


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Right, because as another poster stated, it's hard to verify. How do I know who is calling? It made me suspicious that she said 100% of the money donated goes toward the cause. Next time I could ask, "Do you have any way of verifying that for me?"



And maybe 100% is going to the cause, but what about the cost of hiring this company to solicit donations? That costs a lot of $$$$ up front. Again, I don't know the exact situation where you live but where I live they hire a fundraising company, and it's not free.

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I always offer to drop off my donation at the station. This has always ended with a click as they hang up on me. I never donate to solicitations by the phone is my standard answer, but every once in a while I like to mess with them a little this way or by asking for a call back number.

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