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Snow day, to school or not to school...

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It's a snow day here for the ps kids. I only want to do math and LLATL. that is it. Only bc we are on target to just finish math a half year behind schedule, the A books of sm 2 and 4. I don't want to be more behind than that. also we take off a lot of time for field trips and stuff that the ps kids don't get. We also finish way earlier EVERY day. So why are my kids hating me??? Ugh!

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You can do school outside by building snowmans or having snowball fights. That would cover science and math. There are lots of literature covering snow which you could do after snow fight is over and over a nice cup of cocoa. They can always sing Frosty the Snowman if they want to.

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I don't want o come up with something schooly,just for the sake of doing school. I just want o do the next math lesson. We will play in the snow trust me, but we can also do a math lesson.


I totally agree that you can definitely do a math lesson! I have the same argument with my daughter all the time. I think it's really easy to think that something's "not fair" because the "other kids" don't have to do it, but usually when she can see the bigger picture, she realizes she spends way less time on school than her ps friends.


I suppose another option for your situation could be to have them do two lessons tomorrow?


Good luck either way!

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yes, we played outside, baked some treats and then got the math done. No big deal. And it isn't even 1 p.m. I just think it's a slippery slope to start taking off whenever ps has off. They have off a lot here. So much that I think they lack consistency in their core subjects. Kids are hapy now , so I'm happy!

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It doesn't fly here. Even Dh gets on board with the kids and tells me they should have the day off if the schools get it off. My 9yr old ds would have a very hard time hearing his neighborhood friends playing outside and he has to do his lessons. He'd think he was in trouble.

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I don't want o come up with something schooly,just for the sake of doing school. I just want o do the next math lesson. We will play in the snow trust me, but we can also do a math lesson.



Plenty easy to do both. Glad it all got done. Sometimes, we just have to make them a little miserable. It is for the best in the long run. Snow day for ps=no school. Snow day for homeschoolers=outside activities cancelled, we can do an EXTRA math lesson! JK. We always did a regular day with snow playtime in between.

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We don't take any of the snow days, late starts, or early dismissals that the PS kids get. We do take off extra days in the fall and spring instead of snow days in the winter. We can't take off both, and we would rather have the time off the nice days.


The PS snow days, late starts, or early dismissals are nice for us, though, b/c all our extracurriculars are tied to the school district. Late start = no PE for us. Snow day or early dismissal = no after school activities for us. We appreciate the easier schedule those days.

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I was HS'ed growing up. We took off 1st snow day and then we knew we were not getting any more. Mom laid down the law and that was that. She had mercy and gave us some time in the snow other days, but when it came down to it, school trumped play. She would even time our snow breaks and gave little mercy for how long it took us to get on our snow gear. LOL! She was very disciplined about it and we knew we didn't have a chance with arguing. Now as a HSing mom, I have way less discipline than that. I wanna call a snow day if I see just a flurry or two. :lol: Still, I think there is sense in setting a standard that the whole family knows to expect, like, we take off no more than ___ snow days per year.

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We never take snow days when the PS does. We have long, cold winters and I tell my kids that we are saving our days off for beautiful, sunny fall or spring days. Sometimes we do a subject or two and decide the day is beautiful and we should go for a hike or play at the park instead. I never feel guilty because we worked steadily through the snow days.

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Our school district will have one full day of school this week (I think - we'll see what tomorrow's weather brings). The rest of the days are late starts, early dismissals, snow days, and/or teacher in service days. Makes me feel OK about missing some beautiful days earlier this school year.

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We generally school on snow days (especially since our county has tons of ridiculous snow days). We like to take good weather days. If it is 70 in January, there is no school! We are at the state park! If there is a lot of fluffy snow that the kids want to play in, then I will take a snow day (or at least a partial one).

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I took the same approach as the OP - we did math and our Pope unit, but skipped FLL, science, and everything else. I'm trying to finish our Pope unit before we have a new Pope and spring break and I'm already squeezed to finish their math on time this spring. They were ticked, especially since my husband had the day off. But we were done by 11am so it wasn't awful for them. I reminded them thay I'd already agreed to no math for #1's birthday on Friday and we're spending the entire day at the history center for #2's birthday next wee. The schooled kids don't have those privileges.

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