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Ugh! Ds9 is driving me nuts. NUTS.


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Example: He has been slow and piddly about his school work all day. It is 4pm and he is just now finishing his academics. He has not even started on his afternoon chores. We are supposed to leave at 5 for this evening's activities (library, where he takes reading quizzes, and karate - so not really play activities). On a good day when he is focused, he is done between 1 and 2pm. He has already lost his free time by wasting so much time during school, and now he is wasting his time to review his books for his quizzes. What is really frustrating me is that I give him reminders and prompts, and he ignores them.


Like "Ds, finish that worksheet, here is a pencil." "I need to get this pencil, it is stuck." "Leave that one there, and finish the worksheet. "But I need this one." "STOP what you are doing and finish the worksheet!" At which point I am physically standing next to him to get him to actually stop. He just keeps going, completely ignoring what I say. :banghead: :banghead: :banghead:

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Could be a full moon... You've just described (to a T!) my day with my 9 year old DS!!




Oh my... Same with my 9 yr old. We are almost done... I went to load some laundry and found him in a homemade fort with his "rifle" on guard! Ugh... At least it's a rainy stay at home in pjs day.

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Yep. Almost 5:00 here and 10 year old DS is still trudging through math. He's getting over a cold and doesn't feel 100% today, so I know that's part of it, and I lightened his load a bit to adjust. But there's still been a lot of dawdling and procrastinating. Good grief man... finish up.

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I stay pretty close to my 7 and 10 yo's when they school.


DId you give him a time as a deadline? Have you already set consequences if he isn't done by x time?


If you haven't yet, then give him a deadline (you must be done school by 3 and chores by 4) and come up with a consequence for missing the deadline. I've had to just recently crack down on this myself, and the deadline and consequence is keeping things under control.


Our consequence is reduced game time. I won't take it all away. The consequences start small so that I can add to them. If they start off too big, then I have no leverage if I need more.

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Ds has to be done in time to leave for activities, or no activities. That is a more effective consequence on days he has drama, because that is currently his favorite activity. Also, he doesn't want to disappoint his director by not being there for rehearsal. His chores should really only take 15-20 minutes, so he had plenty of time to finish them as long as he actually focused and got them done. This is something we have been working on. The deliberate disobedience and just flatly ignoring me was what was really making me :cursing: today. Dh was off today and had already observed all this, then ds did the same thing to him! He was supposed to be putting away Legos left out from yesterday. He was actually putting them together instead. Dh prompted him to put them away, not play, and without stopping what he was doing he said "I am." Dh gave him a second prompt, specifically saying "Stop putting them together and just put them away" and he - again without stopping what he was doing - said "No, that's not how I do it." And with a snotty attitude too!


Dh has less patience than I do and believes more in corporal punishment. Ds got a spanking.

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Ah yes, that was my 8 year old today first! Instead of getting ready to start WWE today, he and his sisters were making letters on the floor with their bodies. He kept telling me he was waiting for the baby to get done nursing so we could start. Nice try, son, but he nurses all. day. long.

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