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Is an sonlight worth it if I do not use it all?


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I am currently looking into curriculum for the upcoming school year. This will be our first year homeschooling. I have a 5 year old boy that will be in kindergarten. He has been to a private preschool for the last 2 years. I am a little overwhelmed with all of the choices so I have thought that a boxed curriculum would be the best choice for us the first year, even though I could see myself becoming more eclectic in my choices over time because I am a researcher and want the best program. So, my question is, it Sonlight worth it if I am not going to buy the multi subject full curriculum. In fact, I am looking at only buying the instructor guide and read alouds and history portion. We already have a language arts program that we are using to learn to read that includes phonics and reawders, so I don'tthink we would need that portion for k and I have chosen different math and science. Does picking other curriculum not listed in sonlight and not using it as a whole program negate the benefit of having a curriculum being planned for me already? Or is sonlight such a great program that it is worth it for the read alouds and history/geography portion? I just don't know!

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YOu don't have to get the multisubject package at SL. Just buy the history core you want. It will have history/read alouds/readers and language arts. Don't use the language arts if you don't want to. We never have. They only put it back in this year. Up until then our core didn't have it, so we have our own LA stuff and them adding it in this year didn't change our LA plan lol!!!


The core is only history/lit/LA. But you can skip the LA. it's ok :-D

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Guest catinthehat

It seems a little expensive to buy the core and then just not use the language part of it. Would it make sense to just purchase the readers that interest you? I'm not interested in the missionary/religious aspects or the science or language portions. I'm a first time homeschooling parent pulling my 4th grader to homeschool. Our focus will be more on the sciences so I don't want a big history curriculum, but I don't want to ignore it either. Are the Instructional Guides necessary or can the books stand on their own?

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Guest catinthehat

It seems a little expensive to buy the core and then just not use the language part of it. Would it make sense to just purchase the readers that interest you? I'm not interested in the missionary/religious aspects or the science or language portions. I'm a first time homeschooling parent pulling my 4th grader to homeschool. Our focus will be more on the sciences so I don't want a big history curriculum, but I don't want to ignore it either. Are the Instructional Guides necessary or can the books stand on their own?

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Myplan was notto buy the whole core, since I don't need language arts portion. I can buy the instructos guide and elements for the history portin from sonlight, and either buy the read alouds used or get them from the library. We also own severa; that are listed for the first year. Bulding our library is something that I am not opposed to! Mmy only thought is that I am drawn to sonlight because it seems that it is all planned out, but if I am using different components that wouldn't be true....So, is there a beneft to using it versus, like Ambleside online?


As far as the science and math, my hubby is very opinionated about those sunjects and feels that they are lacking, especially the science, in most of the complete curriculums we have looked at, sonlight, heart of dakota and my fathers world. So we have agreed tto chooise different programs for the most part. Granted, we have only looked at the samples available, but still.

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Thanks everyone. It seems like pretty much everyone agrees that the core is worth it!


The Multi Subject packages are a relative new addition to SL. While there were always science, math, etc options in the catalogue--they were more suggestions and a convenience. The original SL was just the Core History/Bible/Readers/ Read Aloud. And, at least for awhile, the Bible was optional (and the LA.) The packages are just for convenience.


In all our wonderful years with SL, we never used anything other than the Core.

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Just agreeing with the above ... we've never used Sonlight as scheduled, but I have purchased two Cores and was so so glad to have them to bootstrap us during challenging times. When I moved on to our more home-grown programs, we have incorporated the wonderful books.


The first Core I purchased was with the goal of developing a love of reading in Button, and it worked! The read-alouds were so wonderful. So that alone was worth it, for me.


ETA: I understand that Sonlight is now offering "Amazon prices" so it may not be less expensive to purchase the books elsewhere.

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well the Core IG has the LA with the history/reader/readaloud schedule so you can't just buy history without the LA part. but you can buy just the core and not anything else(science/math).


I will say that we have done SL science for 3 years now and am very happy with it. We did 2 years of WTM way before that. It's been consistently done in our house, with just enough experiments. For this age it was perfect. We have time to dive deep in older ages, but for the elementary set it was good enough. Not too long. Not too boring. And my kids love science!


And you can buy just the IG and then the books you need. This year we found several of the books were SL books only....so do your research before you get your IG. After putting it all together this year from different sources/library I wish I had just bought the core normal like previous years. My kids love our library and it's been well worth it. The books resell well.

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We have used Core B's books for Read Alouds and Readers this year which has worked great for us. I have been currently researching and pricing stuff for next year. I just thought I would add that you should check out Rainbow Resources prices as well. After doing some comparisons RR often has better prices on each individual book than Amazon. That said only some books are available from SL.

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I'm using P4/5 for my middle son's K year. I just got the multisubject package for that since it's the same as a core at that level. I use my own phonics, handwriting, and math.


My older son is using Core D and will use E next year. We do not use the LA. I use SL for history, read-alouds, and readers.


Note that Cores A-C, you CAN purchase the IG without LA included. You just can't buy a core package without it. In D and up, the readers tie into history, so LA is integrated with the main IG.


I do wish they'd drop the LA integration.

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We have used SL for Cores P4/5 through D, and will do E next year. We took one year off to study state history, which I put together myself. We used the LA program for one year, then switched to a different program, which has worked better for us.


If you are looking now for something you'll begin in the fall, you have time to be on the lookout for a used IG and used books. I typically start buying books a year ahead, then pre-read them so I can discuss more with my kids and hand them an occasional Read Aloud to read by themselves. It took me a few months to buy all of the Core E books used, but I did buy a new IG this year.


One nice aspect to SL is that the books are not consumable, so you can re-sell them when you no longer need them. Of course, when you have kids who LOVE to read like mine, they don't want you to sell anything. :) If you don't write in it, you should be able to re-sell your IG as well.

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Guest catinthehat

We use the history, readers & read alouds only. This is all I have ever used, and it is worth it to me. With the changes from last year, if they don't change again, I have purchased my last core. refuse to pay for LA I won't use. So I Will purchase individual books now. ( I have IG's through E now.

This is kind of what I was thinking. Nice to hear an opinion from someone with some experience here.
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We are doing P4/5 for DD's K year right now. We basically only use it for the core read-alouds (and social studies and science read-alouds. We skip the Bible portion (we do our own thing for that) and LA. But I definitely think it's worth it! We bought the IG from Sonlight and then bought the books for the first 10 weeks used from either Amazon or Abe Books. I wanted to make sure it was going to work for us before we bought them all. Now that we are on week 8 and we love it, I will buy the rest of the books. Some are only available new through Sonlight.


ETA: What core are you looking at? We've really loved the P4/5 books and I'm glad we didn't skip them and go straight to core A!

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We use SL for history/geography, literature, read-aloud and some Bible. This is the Core really. We use different science, math, and LA in the younger levels. It still works. It's still awesome. The other subject areas don't affect the Core in any so you are not missing out on anything.



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Another person who just uses the core. I have done the science with great success twice also. That box with everything and the dvd really kept me going then. My kids wanted regular experiments and SL gave them that.


Using the instructor's guide taught me alot about scheduling and how to put a group of seemingly unrelated library books together into a great learning experience. I think it is a great way to start your home ed journey.

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I did the same thing. FYI - buy on the LOW end of Sonlight's age range - P4/5 books are perfect for 5/6 year olds. We have enjoyed them even more as 7 year olds. Don't age up!


I ended up only using the reading schedule, with my own math & reading. The books were great, and I used it to read the books in their order. We read a lot more than each day - they had 2 pages in this book and 2 pages in that book and so on. We would read 10 pages in one book, and then go pick up the next book they recommended. (We basically read across their schedule instead of down.)


I thought I would add ideas using their lanugage arts, but boy was it terrible!! There truly was NOTHING in there worth adding to what we already had going. The problem is that there is a huge disparity between the ages their booklist is appropriate for and the ages the language arts is appropriate for. The booklist is advanced, while the language arts is remedial.


I enjoyed having the schedule, but it definitely wasn't worth what I paid for it. This time around, I just bought using their booklist, but didn't pay for the instructor guide.

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We are doing P4/5 for DD's K year right now. We basically only use it for the core read-alouds (and social studies and science read-alouds. We skip the Bible portion (we do our own thing for that) and LA. But I definitely think it's worth it! We bought the IG from Sonlight and then bought the books for the first 10 weeks used from either Amazon or Abe Books. I wanted to make sure it was going to work for us before we bought them all. Now that we are on week 8 and we love it, I will buy the rest of the books. Some are only available new through Sonlight.


ETA: What core are you looking at? We've really loved the P4/5 books and I'm glad we didn't skip them and go straight to core A!


This is kind of my loose plan. We already have a plan for language arts and own it, so I don't want to spend the money. At later grades I know that it is included, but the language arts that I own will be finished probably in k or 1st, so that won't be a problem. I like the idea of just buying the first few weeks and then trying it out. I own severalof the read alouds already, and it seems that the "readers" are part of the LA program, teaching the children to read. So, I think I will buy the instructor's guide and try it out.


Also, we were thinking of starting with core A, mainly because he has been in preschool and seems to be past most of the books listed. We read a LOT in our home!

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Using the instructor's guide taught me alot about scheduling and how to put a group of seemingly unrelated library books together into a great learning experience. I think it is a great way to start your home ed journey.



This is what I am hoping to gain by using sonlight. I feel like I could just get all of the same books, but that it wouldn't be the same as using sonlight, as least at first. I have never scheduled it together before, and even with looking at schedules online, I don't feel like I really "get" it yet.

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I did the same thing. FYI - buy on the LOW end of Sonlight's age range - P4/5 books are perfect for 5/6 year olds. We have enjoyed them even more as 7 year olds. Don't age up!


I ended up only using the reading schedule, with my own math & reading. The books were great, and I used it to read the books in their order. We read a lot more than each day - they had 2 pages in this book and 2 pages in that book and so on. We would read 10 pages in one book, and then go pick up the next book they recommended. (We basically read across their schedule instead of down.)


I thought I would add ideas using their lanugage arts, but boy was it terrible!! There truly was NOTHING in there worth adding to what we already had going. The problem is that there is a huge disparity between the ages their booklist is appropriate for and the ages the language arts is appropriate for. The booklist is advanced, while the language arts is remedial.


I enjoyed having the schedule, but it definitely wasn't worth what I paid for it. This time around, I just bought using their booklist, but didn't pay for the instructor guide.



I guess I need to look at the lower list again. Everyone seems to think it is better to go down than up. Also, how do you just buy the reading schedule? What is in the instructor's guide versus the reading schedule? Just questions to ask about the book and things like that?

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That's what we plan to do next year for my younger dd's kindergarten year. I'll buy the instructor's guide, the books used for a long period of time, and any books our library doesn't have. We are doing P4/5 right now and will be doing Core A next year. As far as your ds being beyond level P4/5, my almost 7yo and 8yo both love the books from P4/5. So I doubt he would be bored.

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This is what I am hoping to gain by using sonlight. I feel like I could just get all of the same books, but that it wouldn't be the same as using sonlight, as least at first. I have never scheduled it together before, and even with looking at schedules online, I don't feel like I really "get" it yet.



I guess I need to look at the lower list again. Everyone seems to think it is better to go down than up. Also, how do you just buy the reading schedule? What is in the instructor's guide versus the reading schedule? Just questions to ask about the book and things like that?


We're big readers here, too, and I was still very glad we started with P4/5. I really think that the books in that core are good for a wide age range (even my DS 2.5 listens along most of the time). And one pro to doing it this way is that your DS will be at the upper end of the age range as the years pass (assuming you stick with Sonlight). From what I've read, they quickly get increasingly difficult, and it's better to be on the more mature end for a core than to be too young. Basically they get much more out of the core than if they're on the younger end of the spectrum.


The IG has the reading schedule for the read-alouds, plus suggested additional activities for each week which pertain to what has been read. I don't think you can buy JUST the reading schedule. Maybe the pp meant that she looked at the reading LIST and purchased those books, but didn't get the IG for the additional activities and schedule?

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I have just used the Core in the past, no LA. It's pricey but we loved having loads of books on the shelf to read at our leisure. I liked having the instructor guides on hand too. I did not always follow the schedule exactly but it gave me a sense of how much to do each day.

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We're big readers here, too, and I was still very glad we started with P4/5. I really think that the books in that core are good for a wide age range (even my DS 2.5 listens along most of the time). And one pro to doing it this way is that your DS will be at the upper end of the age range as the years pass (assuming you stick with Sonlight). From what I've read, they quickly get increasingly difficult, and it's better to be on the more mature end for a core than to be too young. Basically they get much more out of the core than if they're on the younger end of the spectrum.


The IG has the reading schedule for the read-alouds, plus suggested additional activities for each week which pertain to what has been read. I don't think you can buy JUST the reading schedule. Maybe the pp meant that she looked at the reading LIST and purchased those books, but didn't get the IG for the additional activities and schedule?


On one hand it makes sense that if I start low he is always on the high end of the spectrum instead of the low end, expecially if they get a lot more out of it, but on the other hand it is so hard to look at something marketed for preschool for my kindergartner. KWIM? I know I should get out of that kind of mentality, but I don't want him to be 'behind" especially since we are homeschooling on a year to year basis right now. (Which really means I am terrified I will mess up and reserve the right to change my mind and let him go to school if I am terrible at being his teacher)


And I definitely think I want the IG. That makes more sense to me at this point.


Thanks for everyone's help. It is so confusing!

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On one hand it makes sense that if I start low he is always on the high end of the spectrum instead of the low end, expecially if they get a lot more out of it, but on the other hand it is so hard to look at something marketed for preschool for my kindergartner. KWIM? I know I should get out of that kind of mentality, but I don't want him to be 'behind" especially since we are homeschooling on a year to year basis right now. (Which really means I am terrified I will mess up and reserve the right to change my mind and let him go to school if I am terrible at being his teacher)


And I definitely think I want the IG. That makes more sense to me at this point.


Thanks for everyone's help. It is so confusing!




We are using just the core part of A for my 6 year olds kindergarten, her 2nd grade sister is listening along as well. We started P4/5 as last May as "summer school," and will finish it this summer after we finish A. We could have just kept going with it, but they were soooo excited to start some of the Core A books last fall that we just went with it. My 8 year old still LOVES the books in P4/5, she asks for them actually. I wish they hadn't labeled it as a preschool core. No one likes to have their kid seem "behind". My 8 year old is getting much more out of A than the 6 year old.


In A there is a lot of reading from the Egermeiers Bible Story book. If you don't have that yet, I would recommend checking it out to see if your child would sit through what is scheduled.


You also do not need to take a full year to do a lower core. You could start reading P4/5 during the summer, even if you aren't doing other subjects. Then, just move onto A when you finish. If your child is used to being read to, P4/5 will only take a couple days to do the whole week. You could potentially read the whole core in 18 weeks or so.

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Thanks isitnaptime!I will have to check out the Bible.



I should have said my kids do like the readings from that Bible. the trouble is that we do the 5-day in 3 or 4 days since we have coop one day and sometimes miss another day. When that happens we have to double up and it gets longer for the 6 year old. The 8 year old usually asks for more, she is reading through it herself now as well as listening.


I Heard Good News is another that is scheduled a lot some weeks.


We have had enough time to do the 5day in less than 5 days and also add some sequels to the read out louds. A few examples, we read all three books in the My Fathers Dragon series, and we are reading The Complete Tales of Winnie the Pooh instead of just The House at Pooh Corner.


I know some say that you can just read the books in the list, but I love having the schedule to follow or I would fall behind.

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On one hand it makes sense that if I start low he is always on the high end of the spectrum instead of the low end, expecially if they get a lot more out of it, but on the other hand it is so hard to look at something marketed for preschool for my kindergartner. KWIM? I know I should get out of that kind of mentality, but I don't want him to be 'behind" especially since we are homeschooling on a year to year basis right now. (Which really means I am terrified I will mess up and reserve the right to change my mind and let him go to school if I am terrible at being his teacher)


And I definitely think I want the IG. That makes more sense to me at this point.


Thanks for everyone's help. It is so confusing!


(Ok, I realize that it sounds like I"m TOTALLY trying to convince you to hold off on Core A. Really I'm not! Just want you to consider P4/5 before you decide) :)


BUT, I know what you mean about feeling like your K'er will be using a Pre-K curriculum. Just keep in mind that he can be working up to whatever grade level he's at (be it K or 1 or whatever) for things like math, reading, handwriting, etc. So it definitely won't feel like preschool to him.

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BUT, I know what you mean about feeling like your K'er will be using a Pre-K curriculum. Just keep in mind that he can be working up to whatever grade level he's at (be it K or 1 or whatever) for things like math, reading, handwriting, etc. So it definitely won't feel like preschool to him.


Exactly. My K'er is happily doing P4/5 this year while using Singapore grade 1 math (often doing 2-3 lessons a day, because he's finding it easy and will be ready for the grade 2 level soon). P4/5 has nothing to do with skills subjects. It is just good books to read to your young child. My advanced 8 year old is doing Core D with Advanced Readers (usually reading them in a day - they're that easy for him), but he enjoys sitting in on P4/5 and hearing the stories. :D


I had looked at Core A before starting this year, and I felt like P4/5 was more "little kid friendly". Core A is a lot more chapter books and less picture books. I think K'ers should have lots of picture books, regardless of how advanced they are.


I strongly doubt having gone to preschool will make any difference with P4/5. Again, it isn't teaching skills subjects. It's reading good nursery rhymes and stories to your child.

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My daughter is in first grade this year. I bought core B, with the readers. I really considered moving down to core A, but I thought she would enjoy B more. It has been a good fit for her. I bought extra books from some of the younger cores that I thought she'd like. Next year I am going to buy the IG for core C, and only the books that I really like. I have found extra books on Amazon that I want to add, and I'll be adding more books from the younger cores again. You get a discount and free shipping for a year when you buy a core, so you might run the prices with/without the discount as well. I am going to order soon so that my discount is still in effect, since I'm not ordering another full core. When we get to D, I'll probably get the core again if it saves money in the long run.

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If nothing else, the book list is very valable. We want our son to have read most of the books anyway.


If you want to save money you can buy the instructors guide and the main books you need then use your local library for the readers. Amazon might even be cheaper than Sonlight for the main books you need for the core.

As are Rainbow Resource and eBay. I also made a list of what the library has available. I just places an order yesterday and it took a series of spreadsheets and 5 windows open, but I managed to save the most using this method. It was absolutely worth the effort.


I mainly got him Core A and Core B but also books he has not yet read from the younger cores that I feel are vital for a well rounded education. We also found lists of some of the discontinued books and purchased the non-religious ones that we want him exposed to..


We did buy science A and B for him. My husband is a Hydrologist and wants to see what they offer. We have a ton of things we can supplement with if it does not suit us. We also have every Magic School Bus science kit known to man plus The Young Scientists Club kits.


We chose not to use the religious books because it is not our thing.

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We buy the Core and do our own Language Arts but do use the readers.


This is what we do as well. They follow the reader schedule but we do our own Language Arts. We've experimented with other Science programs but always seem to come back to Sonlight. At times it can be a bit disjointed but my kids seem to enjoy and learn more from it. As far as Math goes, has your husband looked at Horizons? It tends to be pretty advanced.

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