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Awesome Alenee, that is the best progress. Weight loss is great but building muscle and losing fat is even better. I know I sure don't want to lose muscle! I'm trying to build some as well but I've got a lot of room to progress right now as I'm super weak.

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So...yesterday was day one and I decided, after discussing with some people that had milk supply issues with low carb, to ease into it. So I did have one ear of corn, and lots of veggies. So carbs were not super low like Atkins low, more like primal. But I feel AMAZING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! And I already look better, which is nuts. I've lost so much water I was retaining that my face looks different. I had gotten to the point where my eyes looked tiny, from swelling in my face. But today my eyes are big and bright! Fingers are not swollen, And the funny part is that I was eating ham all day yesterday, loaded with salt! My dh gained 2 lbs of water weight from it and I was down a pound. I woke up this morning and didn't want to kill people. My mood is better. I just feel better. I'd forgotten that low carb meant not being exhausted all the time! That gluten must be true poison or something!


I am NOT being strict, like I said...I had some honey flavored greek yogurt, and almost two bags of frozen veggies (brocolli, cauliflower, and carrots...the carrots made each bag almost 20 carbs), and some dark chocolate, but man, so much better!!!!!!


If I can lose weight like this I'm going to love it!

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Katie- I'm glad you are easing down. I meant to post that. I was higher carb than usual my last pregnancy and have been slowly lowering the last 3 months. After my last baby though I lowered down a lot more quickly but I stayed lower carb throughout. That is wonderful that you feel so good, wonderful sign! It does sound like something you was eating was not agreeing with you.

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How is everyone?


I'm upping carbs here. I've been having a seriously hard time getting in enough calories and it is only getting worse. Being super lc and dairy free and trying to get in enough w/ nursing and exercising is too challenging. After having a day where I only got in 1100 calories I said that was enough. I'm going back to a more primal plan and aiming for 50-100g per day(total). I can only eat so much meat and am tired of putting in extra fat on things just to get enough- and I wasn't fat shy to begin with. I know if I didn't exercise I wouldn't need as much but I want to build some strength and endurance and besides that fact that I enjoy it. Anyway, it is what it is, super lc is not working for me right now so I won't continue. After #3 it worked well. I craved tons of meat and fat and I wasn't as active.

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Ok...so today was my first weigh in since losing my first 20 lbs. This week I lost 6.6 lbs and ate around 20 to 25 carbs and 1300 calories daily. My dd is doing this and lost 9 lbs this week. We hope week 2 we get the same results. Also, my birthday is the 21st...can just for that day I have something I want to eat without kissing my weight loss goodbye?




Check out some of the gluten free/dairy free recipe sites like www.againstallgrain.com and www.elanaspantry.com for some great recipes that won't mess you up too much.


Good luck!

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I'm having a hard time with temptation for little bites of random things (e.g., the oatmeal cookie batter). This house is carb-heaven. Basically, I'm so accustomed to having tiny bits of sugar that it's hard to give up the habit, even if it's not really the sugar that I want. I've been so bad as to allot some of my daily carb allowance for sugar rather than something healthy.


I'm not very strict but aiming to get under 50g daily carbs, which doesn't seem to be too hard overall. It's the sugar that gets me. I'd like to stay closer to 30 but that can only happen if the afternoon and evening nibble habit is eliminated.


Bulletproof coffee is going well. I still get a little hungry around mid-morning, but drinking water (with or without electrolyte tablets) is usually enough to get me through until lunch. I can even go running during that timeframe and get through the run without being hungry. Running feels different in a good way - I feel like I'm about to get super-hungry, but then it doesn't actually happen.


I've been doing some strength-training (p90x at about 25% effort, LOL). So far everything seems to be going well. I don't have a lot of "scale weight" to lose, but I do have quite a bit of fat to be replaced with muscle, which seems to be a slow process.

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How is everyone?


I'm upping carbs here. I've been having a seriously hard time getting in enough calories and it is only getting worse. Being super lc and dairy free and trying to get in enough w/ nursing and exercising is too challenging. After having a day where I only got in 1100 calories I said that was enough. I'm going back to a more primal plan and aiming for 50-100g per day(total). I can only eat so much meat and am tired of putting in extra fat on things just to get enough- and I wasn't fat shy to begin with. I know if I didn't exercise I wouldn't need as much but I want to build some strength and endurance and besides that fact that I enjoy it. Anyway, it is what it is, super lc is not working for me right now so I won't continue. After #3 it worked well. I craved tons of meat and fat and I wasn't as active.


How were you doing as far as hunger? Did you feel ok? If you have more weight to lose, some of your calories are coming from burning stored body fat (dietary calories + burned body fat = enough calories for the day). So if you're not hungry and drinking enough water (to help keep up your milk supply), I wouldn't worry about the lower calories.

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I'm having a hard time with temptation for little bites of random things (e.g., the oatmeal cookie batter). This house is carb-heaven. Basically, I'm so accustomed to having tiny bits of sugar that it's hard to give up the habit, even if it's not really the sugar that I want. I've been so bad as to allot some of my daily carb allowance for sugar rather than something healthy.


I'm not very strict but aiming to get under 50g daily carbs, which doesn't seem to be too hard overall. It's the sugar that gets me. I'd like to stay closer to 30 but that can only happen if the afternoon and evening nibble habit is eliminated.

I am really, really careful to never lick my fingers after touching something sweet--like when I make a pb & j sandwich for one of the kids--I make a point to wipe that little dab of jelly on a washcloth rather than lick it off. I have to make all of those kinds of things completely off limits (except for designated cheat days/meals). I started low carb almost 9 months ago and haven't had any of those little things--the crumb of cookie, dab of jelly, etc...It just has to be a hard and fast rule.

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How is everyone?


I'm upping carbs here. I've been having a seriously hard time getting in enough calories and it is only getting worse. Being super lc and dairy free and trying to get in enough w/ nursing and exercising is too challenging. After having a day where I only got in 1100 calories I said that was enough. I'm going back to a more primal plan and aiming for 50-100g per day(total). I can only eat so much meat and am tired of putting in extra fat on things just to get enough- and I wasn't fat shy to begin with. I know if I didn't exercise I wouldn't need as much but I want to build some strength and endurance and besides that fact that I enjoy it. Anyway, it is what it is, super lc is not working for me right now so I won't continue. After #3 it worked well. I craved tons of meat and fat and I wasn't as active.




I think if you add in some higher carb veggies (carrots, tomatoes) and eat some fruit daily you should find yourself in that spot easily and still do well weight wise and energy wise.

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gardenmomma-re: hunger pains- The problem was that I wasn't having them and w/ doing lc and dairy free I got tired of eating meat and fat, so many of the special treats of LC are dairy filled. So, I just didn't want to eat or feel like eating more, even when I needed to do so.


I was also feeling reduced energy and having a sour mood. I thought the energy loss was at first due to being sick(as the flu went through my house) but it persisted. My sleep was still good but I was feeling the need for naps and just not feeling as motivated as I was on the Whole 30. I was having a hard time w/ feeling down and also really short tempered at times as well. I have struggled with that on low carb before, so I do know that is related.


ktgrok- Yes, I think I ate too much of the fruit and sweet potatoes at times on the whole 30 but I plan on adding some back in for sure. So, I'm going to try to keep to MDA levels- 50-100 total.


I do better w/out dairy. I also do better w/out a lot of fruits- preferrably keeping it to berries. I also do best when I keep those to later in the day. I love chocolate but I also need to monitor my usage and keep towards darker chocolate because I easily eat more than I need if it isn't.


It is funny how the body changes. As I said before after #3 I easily went really lc and it worked really well. I did still struggle w/ my mood but I had great energy and I didn't crave the veggies like I do now. As it is now even without adding in tubers and fruits I can go over on my carb allowance w/ tomatoes, bell peppers and onions.


Anyway, I'll tweak and see how it goes and hopefully I can find the best spot for me.

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I am really, really careful to never lick my fingers after touching something sweet--like when I make a pb & j sandwich for one of the kids--I make a point to wipe that little dab of jelly on a washcloth rather than lick it off. I have to make all of those kinds of things completely off limits (except for designated cheat days/meals). I started low carb almost 9 months ago and haven't had any of those little things--the crumb of cookie, dab of jelly, etc...It just has to be a hard and fast rule.


Isn't totally rotten how that happens? First you lick a smidge of jelly off your finger, next thing your face is in the oreo bag.

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Isn't totally rotten how that happens? First you like a smidge of jelly off your finger, next thing your face is in the oreo bag.



Yes. I just finished mixing a chocolate birthday cake which is now in the oven.... There's coconut oil in it - no, it's not ok that I licked the spatula :glare:... but I had a good run today... still not ok (at least it was really yummy). It's for my twins' 10th birthdays, and I don't plan on eating but a crumb and after dinner.

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This is oh so random, but I found a great little coconut flour muffin recipe http://lowcarbdiets....nutrmuffins.htm and tried it out tonight- YUM! Great way to use up the coconut flour I have lying around :) This is the first coconut flour recipe I"ve ever recommended...have had a lot of blah/flops (if you have some nice ones to share, I'd love to try more)


I followed the basic recipe but instead of adding raspberries to mixture, I added & mixed 1.5 oz cream cheese, 1/3 cup raspberries & 1/8 tsp equal/sweetener, stirred it up till it was nice & pink and put a dollop on top of each muffin and then baked them. :) The muffin itself is pretty dry/coconut flour like, which I anticipated hence the topping...so really, I'm eating it for the topping- LOL


Nutrition facts: (using 15 drops stevia; 2 sweetener packets total) 157 calories; 4g carb; 2g fiber;13g fat;5g protein



LarlaB -- as soon as I get more butter in the house, I'm making these! (How did I ever run out of butter??)

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I'm starting LC/HF today after re-reading Wheat Belly. I'm expecting a rough few days. I am a complete carb addict, and our house is filled with carbs. My mil will inevitably purchase all my favorite things while shopping this week, I am sure. She always does that when I start Weight Watchers. :tongue_smilie: I love veggies smothered in butter, eggs, salad greens, chicken and beef, etc. so I think once I get past the first week I will be fine. I've done this once before and felt fabulous after a few days. I don't even remember what caused me to stop. We have a deli up the street that makes a delicious salad of grilled chicken and asparagus, mushrooms and garlic with olive oil. They also have one with chicken, cucumbers, tomatoes and onions in some kind of low carb dressing. They have a lot of LC/HF customers, so they try to make a few LC/HF dishes every day. I'm going to pick up a few things from there to make my first few days easier. Can anyone recommend a good cookbook?

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I'm back on the LCHF wagon as of today. I did great last year and dropped 14 lbs and a lot of inches in my midsection doing LCHF for 6 months. Then life/stress happened and I gained it all back over the next 6 months stress eating. Exactly one year ago I was the same weight and exact same measurements as I am today. :(


Today was my first day doing all low carb and amazingly I've resisted the temptation to snack on junk - which we have a lot of around the house because we just came home from a road trip to Disney World.

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I saw Atkin's frozen dinners at the store today. I don't generally buy stuff like that (no I didn't buy one today either). But hey it might be good in a pinch, as an occasional convenience item, or if someone needs a portable meal. They looked pretty decent.


I need to pick some up. Dinner comes around so quickly since we have to eat by 4:30 each day before the kids' activities. And since they don't eat low-carb, I'm always scrambling for myself.

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Today I ate entirely low carb: 2 burger patties with blue cheese, 3 soft boiled eggs wirh real butter, and real cream in the coffee. Now I'm beyond paranoid about how much cholesterol I consumed. My cholesterol is already at the high end of normal.


Someone talk me off the ledge so I don't give up!



High cholesterol is usually due to insulin issues. You're doing the right thing! Don't give up!! :)


(I, on the other hand, had a bad food day... I'm not sure what to do now but stop eating until tomorrow and start fresh then... maybe a spoonful of plain coconut oil before bed as penance :o )

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High cholesterol is usually due to insulin issues. You're doing the right thing! Don't give up!! :)


(I, on the other hand, had a bad food day... I'm not sure what to do now but stop eating until tomorrow and start fresh then... maybe a spoonful of plain coconut oil before bed as penance :o )



Thank you!!! I needed to hear that.


What does coconut oil do?

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What does coconut oil do?



Nothing (and everything). It's just a good fat. If I eat only fat, I will run on fat... or something like that :tongue_smilie: . Coconut oil is what I eat in emergencies - like, I can't have any more carbs for the day and I really don't need any more protein either but a glass of water isn't going to be enough. I'm still new to this, so maybe I'm not the best to explain. Coconut oil on a spoon is an acquired taste, though it goes well with many other foods.

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Could someone tell me about protein powders? If you are doing LC, I hear many use protein powders for shakes etc. Is this ONLY for people who exercise a lot? Does it put on weight? I am confused over this. Also, does anyone use Carbquick?



I was just thinking about this because I bought some protein powder for one of my kids today (long story, unrelated to low carb). Aside from my falling off the wagon this afternoon when I made cookies for my dc with the protein powder, personally, I'd only eat protein powder for some sort of protein emergency, like I can't cook and have no other convenient sources available and haven't eaten protein all day. AFAIK, protein powder isn't going to have fat, so you'd need to add that (put the high fat in LCHF :)). From my perspective, it's much tastier to have real food. I'm not looking to eat more protein than normal - I'm replacing carbs with fat, not protein. I intend to keep my protein intake the same as always.


I'm not familiar with Carbquick but anything involving baked goods is highly unlikely to be low-carb enough for me at the moment. I can find safer "treats" if that's what it's about.

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Nothing (and everything). It's just a good fat. If I eat only fat, I will run on fat... or something like that :tongue_smilie: . Coconut oil is what I eat in emergencies - like, I can't have any more carbs for the day and I really don't need any more protein either but a glass of water isn't going to be enough. I'm still new to this, so maybe I'm not the best to explain. Coconut oil on a spoon is an acquired taste, though it goes well with many other foods.


And a spoon full of oil satisfies your hunger? I might need to investigate.

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Thanks for the answer on the Carbquick. Here is the other issue I have. I have read so much my head is going to explode. I have borderline high trigs and impaired fasting glucose. I know that low carb is the way to go. BUT, I have read YES to fats(Like Atkins) and it will lower your trigs. And NO, cut carbs but stay away from fats or it will raise your trigs. (Fats as in butter, cream, bacon, red meats, etc). All I know is that I want to get my trigs down(they are 197 currently) and have NO clue what is true and what is false. My HDL/LDL were good.(not GREAT but within normal limits). So, YES to fats, or NO to fats? AND, I have read YES to high fiber breads because we need good carbs, all the way down to NO WAY, do not eat ANY wheat breads at all. Ok. I need a website/book something to tell me what the heck is good for me and how to get my glucose and trigs down. I am already exercising. I have a headache. :confused1: ETA: Speaking of coconut oil, I have also read this is bad,bad,bad. It can raise your LDL's. Ughhhhhhh....................Ok, again I need a book, a website that lays it all out on the line for me. A list of foods to eat, and ones to stay away from. I already have high blood pressure. So I do not want to end up a type 2 diabetic or be forced to be placed on statins. I just have NO idea what I need to stay away from. Remember the "Eat a bowl of oatmeal every morning, it is heart healthy"???? Have you seen the carb count in that? Some say YES, others say NO WAY. Phewwww................Maybe I should have went to college to be a dietitian.

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lol. ok...here is a question. Do you just want us to tell you what to do, so you can start doing it, or do you need/want the science behind it? If you want the science behind it watch Fathead on netflix and read Taube's "Why we get Fat and What to do About it." If you just want us to tell you what to do, based on the science, than here it is. Forget about fat being bad. Natural fats (butter, bacon, coconout oil, olive oil) are GOOD FOR YOU. The idea that they are bad for you is OUTDATED. Based on BAD research. Carbs drive up trigs, NOT fat. And you can get fiber from veggies, without the insulin spike of grains. Now, eventually, if you are doing Atkins style you might be able to add some bread back in eventually..but for now NO BREAD. Stick to meat/eggs/fats/veggies/ and cream/cheese. Later add in berries/nuts.


For a different approach to all this try Mark's Daily Apple, on the internet...primal is similar to LCHF..just slightly more carbs.

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Also, our concept of "high fiber" is laughable in the grains department! Whole wheat? Adds 4 grams of fiber over bleached white wheat...that's not "high fiber" that's "a bit less crappy fiber count" in my book. YMMV on the terminology. ;)


If you aren't anti-breads and all that, seriously delve into low carb baking. I have been experimenting for awhile. It isn't easy, but oh the difference! I can eat some bread and feel a fullness for hours that "whole wheat" just doesn't give. I am personally convinced for my bod, it's a combination of high fat and high fiber (truly high) that works. So, it isn't that grain is bad for me, just that our common recipes/formulas for baking are! :)



48 with trigs at 36 on my birthday

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I will say though that I can't do too many low carb breads because with all that fiber (TMI) I'm living on the toilet!


Yeah, see I don't have that response. Good to mention it though, as each person's response will differ.

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Also, our concept of "high fiber" is laughable in the grains department! Whole wheat? Adds 4 grams of fiber over bleached white wheat...that's not "high fiber" that's "a bit less crappy fiber count" in my book. YMMV on the terminology. ;)


If you aren't anti-breads and all that, seriously delve into low carb baking. I have been experimenting for awhile. It isn't easy, but oh the difference! I can eat some bread and feel a fullness for hours that "whole wheat" just doesn't give. I am personally convinced for my bod, it's a combination of high fat and high fiber (truly high) that works. So, it isn't that grain is bad for me, just that our common recipes/formulas for baking are! :)



48 with trigs at 36 on my birthday


I am loving the recipes with coconut flour, and I'm making a large purchase of almond flour.

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My first day went very well and I didn't notice any wheat withdrawal symptoms. I followed what one of my books said and added some salt to my foods for the first day, so maybe that helped. I did wake up very hungry today, which I don't recall happening last time. I would not feel a need for breakfast until after 10am, but this morning I was starving at 8am. I found out my fil added some bread crumbs to the hamburgers he made for dinner last night. I don't know if that would be enough to cause me to wake up starving or not.


I'm curious how many grams of carbs most people are aiming for. After plugging my day into My Fitness Pal I totaled 61g total carbs. Does that seem like a reasonable number? Strawberries and one square of dark chocolate were the only sweet items I ate yesterday. I ate whenever I was hungry, and it ended up being a lot of food. My calories came in over 2100 but overnight I lost 4 pounds. It was mostly water, but I can feel the difference. That horrible bloated feeling has definitely lessened. My calorie breakdown was 67% fat, 22% protein and 11% carbohydrate. Those numbers seem shocking after trying and failing with Weight Watchers. It's a very different mindset. I'm expecting to want to eat less over the next few days.

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My first day went well but I'm having a hard time keeping my calories up. I was barely at 1100 calories. I had 32 grams of carbs, 79 fat and 62 protein. I know I need to up my protein more because I'm just above.5 gram per lean body mass which was the minimum that Marks Daily Apple suggested.


Even with the low calories I wasn't hungry yesterday but today I'm in a fog after eating breakfast. I'm not sure if it is lack of caffeine that is driving the fog. I'm going to get some unsweet tea and see if that helps. I know if I don't get my calories up today I will binge tomorrow or the day after.

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lol. ok...here is a question. Do you just want us to tell you what to do, so you can start doing it, or do you need/want the science behind it? If you want the science behind it watch Fathead on netflix and read Taube's "Why we get Fat and What to do About it." If you just want us to tell you what to do, based on the science, than here it is. Forget about fat being bad. Natural fats (butter, bacon, coconout oil, olive oil) are GOOD FOR YOU. The idea that they are bad for you is OUTDATED. Based on BAD research. Carbs drive up trigs, NOT fat. And you can get fiber from veggies, without the insulin spike of grains. Now, eventually, if you are doing Atkins style you might be able to add some bread back in eventually..but for now NO BREAD. Stick to meat/eggs/fats/veggies/ and cream/cheese. Later add in berries/nuts.


For a different approach to all this try Mark's Daily Apple, on the internet...primal is similar to LCHF..just slightly more carbs.

I guess I don't really need the science behind it, but it wouldn't hurt for me to watch those. I guess I need either a website or book. Atkins or South Beach? Something else? I need something that lays it all out. I also need something that will be easy to stick with after to maintain. I do not want to eliminate dairy. But I do want to stay on low carb. But what constitutes "low carb"? how many carbs per day? This is why I need things laid out for me. I don't do well winging it. :grouphug: Can someone tell me about baking with Almond flours? Or alternative flours?

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My first day went very well and I didn't notice any wheat withdrawal symptoms. I followed what one of my books said and added some salt to my foods for the first day, so maybe that helped. I did wake up very hungry today, which I don't recall happening last time. I would not feel a need for breakfast until after 10am, but this morning I was starving at 8am. I found out my fil added some bread crumbs to the hamburgers he made for dinner last night. I don't know if that would be enough to cause me to wake up starving or not.


I'm curious how many grams of carbs most people are aiming for. After plugging my day into My Fitness Pal I totaled 61g total carbs. Does that seem like a reasonable number? Strawberries and one square of dark chocolate were the only sweet items I ate yesterday. I ate whenever I was hungry, and it ended up being a lot of food. My calories came in over 2100 but overnight I lost 4 pounds. It was mostly water, but I can feel the difference. That horrible bloated feeling has definitely lessened. My calorie breakdown was 67% fat, 22% protein and 11% carbohydrate. Those numbers seem shocking after trying and failing with Weight Watchers. It's a very different mindset. I'm expecting to want to eat less over the next few days.



4 pounds! That's great--even if it's water. I'm down 2 from yesterday--hoping that's enough to stay motivated.


I guess I don't really need the science behind it, but it wouldn't hurt for me to watch those. I guess I need either a website or book. Atkins or South Beach? Something else? I need something that lays it all out. I also need something that will be easy to stick with after to maintain. I do not want to eliminate dairy. But I do want to stay on low carb. But what constitutes "low carb"? how many carbs per day? This is why I need things laid out for me. I don't do well winging it. :grouphug: Can someone tell me about baking with Almond flours? Or alternative flours?



100 grams or less is low-carb, from what I've heard. Of course, I have no science behind it so it'll be interesting to hear a real stat.

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4 pounds! That's great--even if it's water. I'm down 2 from yesterday--hoping that's enough to stay motivated.




100 grams or less is low-carb, from what I've heard. Of course, I have no science behind it so it'll be interesting to hear a real stat.

Well I am def. under 100 grams. BUT, with that said I will assume that even if you were to stay under that amount, it should not include breads of any kind. Pasta, potatoes etc. I would love to know about making my own low carb bread. Even though I have never baked any bread in my whole life. Or, is there a bread out there that is low carb with a low GI index?
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I'm curious how many grams of carbs most people are aiming for. After plugging my day into My Fitness Pal I totaled 61g total carbs.


I aim for 60 net grams of carbs per day (in the Atkins world, a gram of fiber negates a gram of carbs). So, no, pasta isn't off limits for me. But it would be a small side dish. Nor is a roll off limits occasionally. It just has to jive with the overall eating plan for my day. But what I have found is that regular bread tastes pretty darn blah to me now. I actually end up preferring making my own lower carb higher fat items because they taste better to my changed tongue. Everyone's MMV.

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100 grams or less is low-carb, from what I've heard. Of course, I have no science behind it so it'll be interesting to hear a real stat.


I assume this is an individual thing to some extent, though I could swear that I read in this book that less than 150 may not be enough carbs for the brain unless the body is running on fat (in ketosis) but that one needs to be closer to 50 to be running on fat. I still haven't gone back to re-read that to verify, and I don't quite understand it all just yet...

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wapiti, I have read that one too. I found that 50 was just not enough for me in my life. So, I do 60ish and I can keep all my earlier times up for running and still lose weight. And keeping my early 40s times in my late 40s, isn't as easy as it would sound. :tongue_smilie: That u-turn of life between 44-48 really was eye opening!

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Wish I still had my Atkins book to clarify. I know it's different for each phase, and I think during the Induction phase you're supposed to stay under 20 grams. Pretty strict! That's what I did yesterday, and I was OK. Usually I blow it at night when I snack in front of the TV. Last night, instead of doing that I read upstairs in bed--made a huge difference.

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wapiti, I have read that one too. I found that 50 was just not enough for me in my life. So, I do 60ish and I can keep all my earlier times up for running and still lose weight. And keeping my early 40s times in my late 40s, isn't as easy as it would sound. :tongue_smilie: That u-turn of life between 44-48 really was eye opening!


I think that makes sense, and 60 doesn't sound a whole lot different from 50, especially with the running (so far, I'm really enjoying running - leisurely - before lunch, before I've had any carbs for the day, as I just have my coffee with butter for breakfast - it's weird).


Thanks for the age warning (I am 44 :glare:)

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I guess I don't really need the science behind it, but it wouldn't hurt for me to watch those. I guess I need either a website or book. Atkins or South Beach? Something else? I need something that lays it all out. I also need something that will be easy to stick with after to maintain. I do not want to eliminate dairy. But I do want to stay on low carb. But what constitutes "low carb"? how many carbs per day? This is why I need things laid out for me. I don't do well winging it. :grouphug: Can someone tell me about baking with Almond flours? Or alternative flours?



Ok...gotcha. You want the basics in an easy to understand and implement form. Great. Get "Diet for a New You", the Atkins book. It will tell you exactly what you can and can't eat, how to add carbs back in, how to work your way to maintanance, etc. In fact a huge part of the book is how to add foods back in gradually. It will tell you just what you need to do. My library had it, or I bet you can get it on Kindle.

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Ok...gotcha. You want the basics in an easy to understand and implement form. Great. Get "Diet for a New You", the Atkins book. It will tell you exactly what you can and can't eat, how to add carbs back in, how to work your way to maintanance, etc. In fact a huge part of the book is how to add foods back in gradually. It will tell you just what you need to do. My library had it, or I bet you can get it on Kindle.


Thank you!!!!!!!!!!!! :grouphug: I got this on hold at the Library. I understand he died in 2003 from a fall. Snopes is reporting that the rumor of him dying of a heart attack is unconfirmed. But he did have a heart attack in 2002. Still, nobody will confirm if this is due to his own way of eating. Thoughts on this?

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I assume this is an individual thing to some extent, though I could swear that I read in this book that less than 150 may not be enough carbs for the brain unless the body is running on fat (in ketosis) but that one needs to be closer to 50 to be running on fat. I still haven't gone back to re-read that to verify, and I don't quite understand it all just yet...



I JUST started doing finger prick/blood ketone checks because I've been fascinated by this very thing- what level of carbs is 'too much' for me to stay in ketosis? And how quickly can I go in/out of ketosis?


Anyway- last Wednesday, I was registered .9 blood ketone level, and that was in the midst of my typical 35-40g of carbs


Yesterday I had 129g of carbs (the most in 7-8 months- LOL), and obviously ketosis is a no-go (just in case anyone really thought it was possible).


Why am I off the rails after eating clean for 7 months? LOL I have a running injury that is preventing me from running AT ALL, and I am a smidge depressed about it (after all, eating this way was in large part due to my desire to run, keto-adapted). Anyway- had some jelly beans and chips after an otherwise normal day..... I feel terribly sick and it didn't even taste very good. Yuck. But it served as my angry/rebellious act.


I suspect it will take at least 4-6 days of very low carb/clean eating (25-30g) to reenter ketosis. We will see :)

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So LarlaB, what did you find out about how low your carbs need to be to stay in ketosis?


Well I only tested last week, so, I've just had hunches, and now want to see if the numbers back me up. :) So far they do.


20-35g total carbs (not subtracting fiber) had me registering ketones in my blood(nothing below a .5 ketone level counts as ketosis) and that backs up what I felt....(I get a distinct taste in my mouth, urine smells funky and I'm not hungry- my 3 main symptoms of going into ketosis)


My conclusion so far is that just like the books say---actual ketosis requires VERY consistent and VERY low carb eating. Certainly, you can lose weight & feel great (and run very well) by eating LCHF although you might not necessarily be in actual ketosis. From the folks that I've talked to about blood ketones, I've never talked to someone who was eating 50g of carb AND tested in ketosis.


So I'm trying to see how much 'actual ketosis' matters....what my carb threshold is, how quickly I can get back into ketosis after a higher carb day and how all of those readings relate to how I feel.

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LarlaB, so if you're not subtracting fiber in your carb count, I'm assuming you can't eat a ton of veggies. Are you taking supplements to get your missing nutrition?


eta: I hope you know I'm asking out of curiosity, not out of condemnation.

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fwiw I'm currently aiming for 50-100g carbs TOTAL not net, as per Mark's Daily Apple. He recommends 50g TOTAL or less to kick start things but then 50-100 for ongoing weight loss. I'm feeling much better and able to get in a decent amount of calories. The hunger suppressment of the lc is only good to a point.

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