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Who is taking a family vacation this year?

Kari C in SC

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I wanted to do this, but now my kids are in public school part or full time, and we can no longer vacation while school is in session. Bummer!


But one of these days I do want to take a long vacation back east. It's usually cheaper for us to go to France, so we do that, but there is so much beauty and history on the east coast that I want my kids to experience.


I hope you get to go!


Thanks! I am hoping it all works out.

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This is our plan for the trip too. We're thinking of going through Yellowstone and the Dakotas, Minnesota, down to Chicago. Have you ever done a route like this?


We have done many different routes, but we have never gone this way. Last summer we took the train from Los Angeles to Chicago (which was great fun) and then drove back through Iowa, Nebraska, Wyoming, Utah, and Nevada. Wyoming and Utah were absolutely beautiful. I remember seeing signs for Yellowstone and thinking we should head that way. Alas it was not in our plans, but I do think that would be a great route to take.

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We just got back from a weekend at Great Wolf Lodge. We leave at the end of the month for skiing in Steamboat, CO. I've also promised the girls a Disney trip in 2013. We always spend all our vacation money skiing, so we've never been to Disney. In October we meet extended family for a week on Topsail(cheap off-season). With three kids playing travel soccer, it's hard to get away. One is already missing a tournament for the ski trip. It's been planned since August though and no one bothered to ask if we were available for the tournament. I also need to get to Indiana to visit relatives. My sister moved to Arkansas and it's our turn to visit her, so that's another trip I need to plan.

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I'm unable to go due to work, but DH and DS are going to Clearwater, FL for a week in March. Their primary destination is Phillies Spring Training. They'll also be going to the Clearwater Marine Aquarium to meet Winter the Dolphin as well as going to Big Cat Rescue. I'm beyond bummed that I'll be missing those last two. :(

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We just got back from a 2 1/2 week road trip. We drove to AZ from the upper midwest to visit family in the Phoenix area right after Christmas. From there we went to Hoover Dam and Vegas to watch a couple shows and visit some museums. And show kids another side of the world - LOL! Then we hit Zion National Park, Bryce Canyon, and Arches all in UT on the way home.

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We must be the poorest people ever. We *might* go camping locally. We *might* drive to see my in-laws, *if* we have enough gas money- luckily the rest of it would be free :D


Don't worry, we're not going anywhere either. After four years of living in this house, we are finally getting the deck replaced and the backyard set up to where it's useful and not a hazardous eyesore. My "vacation" will be sitting on a chair watching the kids run around the yard. I might even buy some little umbrellas for my drink.

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We are planning a camping trip to the beach, a national swim meet is taking us to Hershey, PA and I will more than likely be going to LA when my sister has her baby in June ( I will sneak in some time in New Orleans, if I do). I am jealous of some of your trips, but we are planning a Europe vacation in 5 years :)

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I'm unable to go due to work, but DH and DS are going to Clearwater, FL for a week in March. Their primary destination is Phillies Spring Training. They'll also be going to the Clearwater Marine Aquarium to meet Winter the Dolphin as well as going to Big Cat Rescue. I'm beyond bummed that I'll be missing those last two. :(


We used to live in Largo Florida. My dad used to take my oldest to the spring training games. Good memories.

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The short answer is... maybe.


The long answer is... it depends.


Does that help? :) DH will be deploying - we're just not entirely sure when. So until we know more about that, we don't really know what we're doing about vacation. We have ideas, though - probably Northern California/Redwood Forest, possibly continuing up north to Canada from there, or just looping back down to home, then just the kids and I going to Canada later. It really hinges on when/how long DH will be available between pre-deployment training cycles.


This is our life - we're always in a state of "it depends..."


The kids are really antsy to go to Gramma and Grampa's house, though so we must get to Canada at some point.

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I am really really hoping to go away with DH sometime this year. We are going to have our 20th wedding anniversary next month. In the whole 20 years we have only gone away without the children once, and that was just overnight.


We never go away as a whole family. We have a house cow that needs to be milked every day plus lots of other animals.

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