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I personally couldn't make it through Watership Down. I never read it in school & tried reading it a few years ago when my dc were reading it for a book club they were in. I found it really boring. (But, then again, 'animal' stories are not really my thing either.) I know many love it, but I can't figure out why....


I've never read Roots.


If you library carries both books, I'd go ahead & donate them. If you ever get the itch to read them, you can just borrow them from the library.

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Watership Down is probably one of my favorite novels ever. I think it just caught me at the right age, with the right frame of mind. I read it first in 5th grade, and commenced a campaign to make my family and friends call me "Hazel" after one of the main characters. I was unsuccessful. I read it again as an adult. Just as good. It's the kind of novel you can read for hours and not want to stop.

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Watership Down is my 13 yr olds favorite book! She's actually getting the nicest edition I could find for Christmas (it was on her list). Dh first read it to the girls when they were about 8 and 10 (he had to explain a lot but they loved that too) and they still talk about it and re-read it on their own. They get something more out of it everytime they read it.

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Hmmm. Well, maybe I'll put Roots at the top of my list and then give it a week and see how it goes. If I'm just not feeling it, I'll donate it right away. I looked up Watership Down and read the wiki. I don't think it's something I'll be able to get into at all, tbh. I thumbed through a few pages in the beginning of the book and nothing caught my attention, either. I think it's destined for the Goodwill pile this weekend.


The whole series of Roots was on this weekend on BET. I watched it!

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