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Scary day yesterday (cc)...

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Lately I've been on the phone with our electricity provider about recent changes in our meter that I've noticed, but they've had no record of. Every time I call them they tell me that it's very odd that the meters are different, but they have no record of them being changed out. They've been telling me that they will send someone out to investigate it, but they've taken a while. I was hoping that there would be some error and that our bills would have been wrong (since they are unusually high lately). This kind of thing is usually something I would forget about after a few calls, but for some reason it's been on my mind all the time lately. Dh even asked me why I was so obsessed with the whole issue with the meter.


Well, yesterday the man finally came out. He said he was going to completely change out our meter to a digital one,and start completely over so that there would be no more discrepancies in our meters. Once he pulled the meter off, his eyes were as big as saucers. He said, "Mam, I don't know how your house hasn't caught on fire yet." I looked behind the meter,and it looked like a little explosion had happened. The wires were all exposed, black, and frayed every where. The man scared me b/c he was so concerned and surprised. Of course he had to completely turn off the power, call the electrician out to install and new unit,and then the power was turned back on at 9:00 pm last night.


I am SO grateful today! I believe 100% that the whole meter issue was on my mind constantly b/c the Holy Spirit was warning me. God's favor was all over our situation yesterday. The meter man said that it would be hard for me to get an electrician out very quickly, but somehow one came out within the hour,and his work was completed within 2 hours. Usually they will not go out to restore power after 5:00,but yet a line worker came out at 9:00 pm..in the rain. And to top it off, it was a rainy day all day b/c of the Hurricane so it stayed cool in the house and outside. The kids played in the rain and swam all day. I'm just thanking God today for always taking such good care of us, and for always speaking to my heart!!!

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Um, wow! So glad you are all okay and your house did NOT catch fire. My SIL had a situation like that recently w/ carbon monoxide in the home. Something just told her to have her furnace checked. No apparent reason, just an "instinct". The levels of CO in her home were so high that they would have all been dead by the next day had she not called someone and had them come out that day. God really does take care of us.

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I'm really glad you stayed on it and that they figured it out and got you all fixed up. Now you're safe and sound (and hopefully, your power usage will go back down). I hate the thought of electricity free-ranging around my property. *shudder*



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God is cool that way, isn't He? Right down to the tolerable weather for you and the kids while you were without your AC, God's got you covered. Good on you for not disregarding the urging in your spirit to stay on top of this.


You know, I thought the exact same thing!! Not only was the service quick, but it was tolerable to sit all day without electricity. He's had great plans for us doesn't He!

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