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You guys think this is the flu?


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We've had a rotten virus run through the family this week.




Extremely high fever (103!!!!)


Body Ache

Stuffy nose/runny nose

Uncontrollable hacking cough that lasts for days

Awful fatigue


No stomach illness (diarrhea, vomiting)


I would normally call this a bad cold. but my family NEVER gets fevers like this with colds. I had it last week, and all the rest of my family have been dropping like flies.


What do you think?

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This bug hit me very suddenly. I was standing in the kitchen ready to go to Wednesday Bible study and over the course of 30 minutes, I went from feeling great, cooking supper, ready to go, to huddled on the couch in misery. The fever came first, then the achiness. The coughing and snottiness came last.


It was amazing how quickly I went from ready to walk out the door to miserable. I talked to my dh when he left work and was fine, chatting about my day. When he made it home, I felt terrible and he was stunned.

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It's not the flu. I have had it 5 weeks now. My pastor is going on 17 weeks. Nothing seems to knock it down. Our entire family is sick in some way. Our Dr has been good about giving me asthma meds for my breathing issues, strong cough syrup for my coughing, and more. I have been 3 times to the Dr now......


Good luck getting better. It's one nasty virus

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Our family was hit by this too. The symptoms and the order of the symptoms are exactly what we had. No vomiting. Unfortunately, it was the flu. For our family, it took 7-10 days for each of us to feel well enough to actually get up off the couch or out of bed for any length of time.I was the first in our family to get the flu and it came on quick. One minute I was in the dining room teaching the kids, within a matter of 1/2 an hour, I was on the couch with a 101 fever feeling like death was coming over me. It all started on Dec 4. Here it is Dec 18 and I am still coughing. Most of my energy has returned though.


Unfortunately, my four kids caught it and the respiratory symptoms turned into an ear infection for one and a sinus infection in another. The doctor couldn't do anything for the flu, but he was able to give them antibiotics for the infections. By the way, the infections came a week after the flu started.


I hope you and your family heal quicker so no one feels yucky for Christmas!

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It sounds like the flu. We never get it here since everyone is vaccinated every single year but it sounds like what I hear described in the news.


my dh gets a flu shot every year and he is the sickest out of everyone. Everyone else doesn't get one, and we've muddled through it okay.


Mine went to a sinus infection though. The kids are feeling better after a couple days. We have one kid in the family who's not been sick so far. hmmm...I wonder how long it will be for her.

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If someone left a £20 bill on your front lawn could you go and pick it up? If so, then you don't have the flu.


This is the definition my doctor gave. I've only had flu once. I crawled downstairs to the kitchen, then sat on the floor, unable to make it across the room to make myself tea.


Hope you feel better.



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This bug hit me very suddenly. I was standing in the kitchen ready to go to Wednesday Bible study and over the course of 30 minutes, I went from feeling great, cooking supper, ready to go, to huddled on the couch in misery. The fever came first, then the achiness. The coughing and snottiness came last.


It was amazing how quickly I went from ready to walk out the door to miserable. I talked to my dh when he left work and was fine, chatting about my day. When he made it home, I felt terrible and he was stunned.


Sudden onset, high fevers, headache, body aches...all that is consistent with influenza. Of course the only way to be certain is a rapid flu test and, really, after the window for Tamiflu (if wanted) has passed I don't see the point.


My son had a nasty virus that presented like that though and wasn't flu. It started Oct 1. He's still not fully better. My dad has had the same thing for just as long.

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I had that several years ago and it was very sudden onset. i was fine in the morning. I remember going to Bible Study, etc. By evening I had a 103 degree fever and was in very bad shape. and it lasted about a week, but residual sinus infection and bronchitis lasted longer. It was definitely not a cold. I was very very "can't hardly get out of bed and stagger to the bathroom" sick. I called that the flu.

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We've had a rotten virus run through the family this week.




Extremely high fever (103!!!!)


Body Ache

Stuffy nose/runny nose

Uncontrollable hacking cough that lasts for days

Awful fatigue


No stomach illness (diarrhea, vomiting)


I would normally call this a bad cold. but my family NEVER gets fevers like this with colds. I had it last week, and all the rest of my family have been dropping like flies.


What do you think?



Yes, this is the flu. A bad cold would just be a stuffy head and coughing or sneezing. No temp.

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It also sounds like the flu to me. I woke up at 3 am with it once about 5 years ago. I woke up freezing to the point that I was convulsing, temp of 104. The body aches hit next and I just collapsed in the kitchen. I was unable to move. My husband carried me (quite literally) to the doctor where it was confirmed. It lasted a little over a week. At some point, I just remember that I was able to move around again. The week or so that I was out is just a huge blur of nightmares, pains, and fever/chills.


I hope you feel better soon!

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The high fever is why I took my daughter to the Dr, I wasn't even thinking flue but maybe upper resp. infection. She was 104. She has the flu. I had her tested mainly to see if we could travel for the holidays. The Dr. said they have been really busy with the flu lately, fevers are generally 103-105.

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