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Just Don't Do it! Resist the temptation!


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I was watching one of my favorite movies last night, "White Christmas". I have always wondered why Bing Crosby was so darn old, yet unmarried. So I decided to look up the ages of the 4 costars.


Bing Crosby was 51, yet his love interest, Rosemary Clooney, was only 26. Rosemary played the older sister, but was actually seven years younger than Vera Ellen, her co-star.


Danny Kaye was 41, while Vera Ellen was 33 (a more reasonable age gap)


At any rate, that stuff was fine. It's all the rest of the stuff that came up that I wish I didn't know about their lives! And the photo of Bing Crosby...in his casket! Ugh.


Interestingly, Bing, Rosemary and Danny Kaye all died at the same age, 74.


Anyway, sometimes you should just stop reading when you find out what you wanted to know. I want the stars on the silver screen to remain what I imagined them to be, and don't want to know the gritty details that someone later uncovered about their lives.

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I adore White Christmas, so one year I watched Holiday Inn, the movie it's a remake of.

Holiday Inn has a blackface scene. Really makes me cringe with the music in the Abraham number in White Christmas now.


That said, we may be watching White Christmas tonight.

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I do this ALL the time! I have imdb.com open while I watch old movies and TV shows.....only to find all the stars are dead. Then to make matters worse, I start reading their real life bios and they are often sad and tragic. 5 marriages, suicide, death of children, on and on......

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Thanks for sharing.... hmm! White Christmas is my favorite movie and the one I watch while decorating the Christmas Tree to put me in the Christmas mood. I try to avoid the temptation of looking up star's bios because inevitably it will lead to something I don't like about them. Which leads to ruining watching any of their movies.

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Yes, we have enough grief nowadays explaining to the kids that the TV isn't broken, things really were in black & white back then. Good opportunity later to review motion picture history, I guess, but not when I just want to unwind....


Yes, they really did have crank telephones (Wonderful Life) and burn wood in cookstoves. Then I let them wonder how old I really am when I tell them about living in a cabin with a woodburning cookstove, and washing clothes in a wringer washer (they thought "wringer" was a brand) and hanging them on a clotheline or fence rail to dry. At least when they see these things in "old TV" they start to believe that I'm not just making up stories.



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Yep, the less I know about movie stars, the more I can enjoy their art. I've ruined too much for myself already by looking into their personal lives too deeply (there are some actors that I used to love and just can't watch anymore because of this). This is one aspect of life where I think ignorance truly is bliss.

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Resist. I love that movie- just watched it 2 nights ago - and I've been curious about Bing's age. Vera- anoerxic- no doubt and Bing, not so nice- I remember when he died and all the wreckage about his family came out------ But the dancing- LOVE it.


Vera Ellen sure could dance. She's probably second only to Ginger Rogers, and maybe even better.


Danny Kaye wasn't a good enough dancer to pull off a couple of the numbers, so they had John Brascia do it ("Johnny"). He was amazing too.

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Vera Ellen sure could dance. She's probably second only to Ginger Rogers, and maybe even better.


Danny Kaye wasn't a good enough dancer to pull off a couple of the numbers, so they had John Brascia do it ("Johnny"). He was amazing too.



She could dance, but the Mandy number always grossed me out because of her legs/groin in that short little half-tutu. Those skinny thighs just didn't look like the ballerina legs I have seen. Finding out she was anorexic makes so much sense.

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Wow, I didn't realize the age switcheroo between Vera Ellen and Rosemary Clooney. This is the type of thing my family would adore hearing about! We missed it on tv last night -- we'll have to watch our DVD of it soon. It's a favorite, in spite of how Vera Ellen looks during Mandy, and how Bing looks during some of the scenes (which is basically old -- why was he such a heart throb that the movies pretended young girls would be falling all over him? Bing in a tank top does NOT make my heart go pitter pat).


Last year for Halloween dds dressed up and sang a shortened version of Sisters at every house. Some of the older neighbors really enjoyed it, and could remember the stars' names off the tops of their heads.

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why was he such a heart throb that the movies pretended young girls would be falling all over him? Bing in a tank top does NOT make my heart go pitter pat).



That would be because of the voice.

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