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No more cursive

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I must admit the blood, sweat and tears that went into learning cursive was totally wasted. They change styles so often that no-one who wasn't taught at the same time can read it. Therefore if anyone else has to read it I print.


:) where are the emoticons now?


That worked but I had to type the punctuation marks in.

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I was never taught print. Granted we used a different alphabet, but same principles still apply.

We have first grade French school workbooks and I haven't been using them because it teaches cursive from the start and I didn't want to create confusion. I guess I am now free to use them without fearing to teach "a wrong style."

My son was really looking forward to learning it since cursive "looks so grown up." :)

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The school my DD attended for K still teaches cursive, and I ended up starting cursive with DD at age 5 because she was in reading pull-outs with 3rd graders who were learning cursive and started to learn it from them. So, when we began homeschooling, we just moved to cursive. Now, at age 8, she prefers to type :).

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The schools here also dropped it way before Common Core. The biggest problem my oldest, who's in middle school, has is that many of the other kids also can't read cursive. So, when they have a group project she has to type or write in print, neither of which is as quick for her as just writing it in cursive.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Our district doesn't teach it either. I taught my daughter cursive starting in 1st grade. Last year her teacher would not allow her to do any of her work in cursive. This year (2nd grade and the same teacher) it is ok as long as she can read it. My daughter has beautiful handwriting so I'm glad she is letting her use it in school too.

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A little related story- I teach middle school and I always write on the board in cursive.

I had a student once who would never begin his work ( although I knew he could read from class read alouds, etc.) and I knew there were no processing, focus, etc. Issues with him.

So finally one day (probably not one of my better days) I fussed at him and the poor thing nearly burst into tears. He had never learned to read or write cursive and was too embarrassed to tell me. I would suggest kids still learn it ( even if at home) as there are still pockets of places where it's the normal.

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