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I need an LDS social group thread


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Just so I can whine about church-related stuff. :p


We just got a Christmas card from dh's aunt. She addressed to Bp. and Bonnie [OurLastName].


Seriously??? She lives 5 states away. He's not her Bishop, he's her nephew! I think his name should carry more weight with her than his calling. She's one of those people who totally equates church callings with social status. I'm typing on my phone here, so I can't insert my eye-rolling smilies.


I just needed to shout that out to someone who'd get it. I'll probably regret posting and go back and delete half this post...


How are the rest of you LDS ladies doing? Do you have any fun Christmas traditions to share? Or any exciting news?

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I hear ya! Though DH has never been a Bishop as of yet. Traditions...I'm having a tough time even getting into Christmas. I've been a bit stressed out lately and it's getting to me. I have made an effort each day to do something Christmasy. Bake something, work on a gift or three, lol, definitely turn on the holiday music and sing. I am also in charge of the Christmas Program in two weeks...so we've been practicing Wednesday nights while the kids are attending youth.


They did have an awesome TriStake Christmas dance in New Orleans. The 6 kids I drove down all had a blast. It was great for them.

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That's a weird way to address the letter! In a previous ward one of the men was still adressed as bishop by a lot of members even though it had been years since he was a bishop. We have our ward Christmas party this Saturday.


I'm excited because DH and I can afford to give each other Christmas gifts this year. :) It was pretty lean while he was in school.

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Bp???? Oh, I can't handle it! He's not her bishop!!!! Things like that drive me insane.


Last Sunday the Relief Society lesson was on forgiveness, which is a wonderful principle, but I can't STAND talking about it in Relief Society. It makes me want to claw my eyes out. Comments on how forgiving one is, "this happened and I forgave him", "we just need to see everyone as children of God", "blah, blah, blah..." I can't put my finger on exactly why the comments grate on my nerves. I think that is a topic that is a little too personal to chat about without coming across as "holier than thou" maybe. That night, every time my dh would correct my driving, I would say "I forgive you." He's like, "what did I do?" Me: "I'm irritated with you, but I'm trying to get over it and forgive you for annoying me." 30 seconds later, ME: "I forgive you again."


The resurrection is another horrible RS topic. I walked out when one lady said, "well, I can't wait because I'm going to finally get slimmer thighs" Really? Some days the church is truer in the lobby.

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Can I recommend as a wonderful Christmas tradition, the book "A Christmas Treasury for Latter-day Saint Families" by Lloyd and Karmel Newell. It has a topic for each day until christmas that includes scriptures, stories, quotes, poems, etc. on that topic. It has beautiful art, really nice looking and well put together.

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My dh is a fairly new bishop...and his mama thinks he walks on water now...so I get what you are talking about! Well, I must admit she kinda thought that before...but now she loves to tell everyone about her son, the bishop.


There has been the LDS Beehive social group...but it wasn't often posted on. With the changes did the social groups disappear? I haven't even thought about checking before. I do prefer chatting about church-type complaints in a social group rather than open forum. I think because even though we may sometimes need to vent or complain (which is totally understandable), I'd hate to influence someone in a negative way toward the church.


I'd love to have some advice from you, as a bishop's wife! It's been an interesting few months...and some days are better than others. Mostly I just miss him. Sundays are really hard because my dd5 is a handful and misses her daddy. I've been trying to do some fun "Sabbath-y" things, but would love it if you have any other tidbits of advice for me!

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Bp???? Oh, I can't handle it! He's not her bishop!!!! Things like that drive me insane.


Last Sunday the Relief Society lesson was on forgiveness, which is a wonderful principle, but I can't STAND talking about it in Relief Society. It makes me want to claw my eyes out. Comments on how forgiving one is, "this happened and I forgave him", "we just need to see everyone as children of God", "blah, blah, blah..." I can't put my finger on exactly why the comments grate on my nerves. I think that is a topic that is a little too personal to chat about without coming across as "holier than thou" maybe. That night, every time my dh would correct my driving, I would say "I forgive you." He's like, "what did I do?" Me: "I'm irritated with you, but I'm trying to get over it and forgive you for annoying me." 30 seconds later, ME: "I forgive you again."




:lol: Way to refrain from being holier than thou. ;)


There are days when I have a hard time sitting through RS, too. I've found that I have an easier time when I actively participate and try to draw some of the discussion back on topic when people are being too random. :rolleyes: When I'm depressed and anxious, I can't tolerate people in general, and I have walked out of RS. I can't do that anymore, though--I don't have have any babies to use an excuse for leaving the meeting, unless I steal someone else's baby. :laugh:

Edited by TKDmom
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My dh is a fairly new bishop...and his mama thinks he walks on water now...so I get what you are talking about! Well, I must admit she kinda thought that before...but now she loves to tell everyone about her son, the bishop.


<snort> Yes, that's about how dh's aunt is. His mom is much more down to earth, for which I am eternally grateful.


There has been the LDS Beehive social group...but it wasn't often posted on. With the changes did the social groups disappear? I haven't even thought about checking before.


Yeah. OhterJohn's mentioned that they are working to get them up and running again, but our social group was never very active. Maybe with the new notification system it will be easier to subscribe and get updates on the social groups.


I do prefer chatting about church-type complaints in a social group rather than open forum. I think because even though we may sometimes need to vent or complain (which is totally understandable), I'd hate to influence someone in a negative way toward the church.


I agree. I don't want to be bashing the church or it's members. If it hadn't been late at night and I hadn't been frustrated with the-child-who-will-not-sleep and annoyed by silly aunts, I wouldn't have posted. I do hope that people realize we're human and have run-ins with our mortal frailties on a fairly regular basis. :001_smile:


I'd love to have some advice from you, as a bishop's wife! It's been an interesting few months...and some days are better than others. Mostly I just miss him. Sundays are really hard because my dd5 is a handful and misses her daddy. I've been trying to do some fun "Sabbath-y" things, but would love it if you have any other tidbits of advice for me!



We can move this to PM if you want. I don't feel like I've been a Bishop's wife very long, either, but this is our second December. This time of year is definitely the hardest with tithing settlement. Dh loves meeting with all the members of the ward, but he comes home at night totally drained. He really wants to spend more time with the kids, but he also just wants them to be asleep when he comes home late, so that he can unwind from the long day. I will say that a great blessing of his calling is that he values family-time so much more. When he is home, he's focused on the kids and tries to do all the fun things he can with them.


I love walking into to church (late :tongue_smilie: ) and hearing, "Tithing settlement will be held today from 3:30 to 9pm" (we have afternoon church, so church ends at 3pm). Luckily the executive secretary scheduled us for 5:45 this week, and I got to bring the kids over, along with dh's dinner. I think a good sense of humor makes everything better. Every time I'm hunting around for dh during church to talk to him, I run into one of his counselors and we joke about whether or not I have an appointment to see my husband.


I'd love to hear other's thoughts on what type of things they do with their families on the Sabbath. I used to be very black-and-white about what my kids could or could not do on Sundays, but I have (ironically) loosened up on that since dh has been Bishop. I just can't be everything to everyone. I used to have a rule of no screen time on Sundays, but I have been asking the kids to turn on our scripture stories DVDs when dd3 gets to be too much for me, and I need a nap. We have some Church history DVDs that my older kids really enjoy watching, too. Some weeks we get together with another family after church (my friend whose dh is also in the Bishopric). My friend and I have been trying to think of ideas for Sabbath-appropriate activities that the kids can do when we get together, rather than just letting them run wild in the streets like they do every other day of the week. I want Sunday to be different from the other days of the week, but I also don't want to be legalistic about our activities.

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Can I recommend as a wonderful Christmas tradition, the book "A Christmas Treasury for Latter-day Saint Families" by Lloyd and Karmel Newell. It has a topic for each day until christmas that includes scriptures, stories, quotes, poems, etc. on that topic. It has beautiful art, really nice looking and well put together.



I'll look into this. Thanks.


DH just bought a few different advent books this year, as we try to focus our Christmas more on the Savior and less on Santa. The one we are using this year is called Good Tidings of Great Joy by Eric D. Huntsman. It has a scripture, song, and story for each night leading up to Christmas.


This year, we are also planning on simplifying our Christmas dinner so we don't spend all day in the kitchen. And then we want to have a devotional with Christmas carols and I-don't-know-what-else in the evening, so that Christmas isn't just about a flurry of gift-getting in the morning and over-eating in the afternoon.

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That's a weird way to address the letter! In a previous ward one of the men was still adressed as bishop by a lot of members even though it had been years since he was a bishop. We have our ward Christmas party this Saturday.


I'm excited because DH and I can afford to give each other Christmas gifts this year. :) It was pretty lean while he was in school.


bishop is an office in the melchezidek priesthood that falls under the high priests. it is technically correct, but not necessary to refer to a released bishop as bishop. iow: they aren't currently serving as a bishop, but they still hold the associated priesthood keys of bishop. If people were still referring to him as bishop, he a) was probably their bishop when he served, and b.) was probably a really good bishop. We also have an older man in our ward who was still referred to as bishop by some. I didn't know him when he was serving as bishop, but I will say he's one of finest men I know. I'm sorry to say his health is failing and he rarely makes it to church anymore.

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bishop is an office in the melchezidek priesthood that falls under the high priests. it is technically correct, but not necessary to refer to a released bishop as bishop. iow: they aren't currently serving as a bishop, but they still hold the associated priesthood keys of bishop. If people were still referring to him as bishop, he a) was probably their bishop when he served, and b.) was probably a really good bishop. We also have an older man in our ward who was still referred to as bishop by some. I didn't know him when he was serving as bishop, but I will say he's one of finest men I know. I'm sorry to say his health is failing and he rarely makes it to church anymore.



:iagree: There are some men who I can't help but refer to as Bishop, even after they are released, either because I worked closely with them when they were Bishops or because they were so influential in my life.

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Bp???? Oh, I can't handle it! He's not her bishop!!!! Things like that drive me insane.


Last Sunday the Relief Society lesson was on forgiveness, which is a wonderful principle, but I can't STAND talking about it in Relief Society. It makes me want to claw my eyes out. Comments on how forgiving one is, "this happened and I forgave him", "we just need to see everyone as children of God", "blah, blah, blah..." I can't put my finger on exactly why the comments grate on my nerves. I think that is a topic that is a little too personal to chat about without coming across as "holier than thou" maybe. That night, every time my dh would correct my driving, I would say "I forgive you." He's like, "what did I do?" Me: "I'm irritated with you, but I'm trying to get over it and forgive you for annoying me." 30 seconds later, ME: "I forgive you again."


The resurrection is another horrible RS topic. I walked out when one lady said, "well, I can't wait because I'm going to finally get slimmer thighs" Really? Some days the church is truer in the lobby.



YOu just made me laugh outloud. I've gotten to where I do not drive with DH anymore. He drives. WHich means we ride around in his truck but oh well. He is a total side seat driver...but alas....I forgive him....I just don't have to subject myself to it anymore than necessary, lol.


As for RS...I've been in Primary so long as a counselor, then chorister, that I think they'll never release me (7 years!). But I'm perfectly happy there and it would take a riotous act to get me out of there as far as the current presidency is concerned, lol.

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:iagree: There are some men who I can't help but refer to as Bishop, even after they are released, either because I worked closely with them when they were Bishops or because they were so influential in my life.


If I ran into my bishop from my college days I would call him "Bishop H." just as I would call my mission president "President M." --because that's who they will always be to me.

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:lol: Way to refrain from being holier than thou. ;)


There are days when I have a hard time sitting through RS, too. I've found that I have an easier time when I actively participate and try to draw some of the discussion back on topic when people are being too random. :rolleyes: When I'm depressed and anxious, I can't tolerate people in general, and I have walked out of RS. I can't do that anymore, though--I don't have have any babies to use an excuse for leaving the meeting, unless I steal someone else's baby. :laugh:



Yeah, I do use the baby excuse. I guess I'll just have to keep having babies! Or get a Sunday calling.

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YOu just made me laugh outloud. I've gotten to where I do not drive with DH anymore. He drives. WHich means we ride around in his truck but oh well. He is a total side seat driver...but alas....I forgive him....I just don't have to subject myself to it anymore than necessary, lol.


As for RS...I've been in Primary so long as a counselor, then chorister, that I think they'll never release me (7 years!). But I'm perfectly happy there and it would take a riotous act to get me out of there as far as the current presidency is concerned, lol.


Whew, you're a better woman than me! Primary makes me cry.


I know Nursery is a different ballgame than Primary, but a few Sundays ago I thought that after having 5 kids and being out of Primary/Nursery for so long, that Nursery would be a breeze. I volunteered to help one Sunday. Turns out I'm still not ready. The other leader abandoned me during snack time; 17 children in one very tiny room. I didn't break down in tears, but I was a jittery wreck for the rest of the day.

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I would love a social group too. I'm the RS councilor in charge of the teachers so I would especially like to hear about ways to make sure the teachers are sensitive to how they come across.


Well, I haven't been a RS teacher, but one very sucessful RS teacher said that she does not allow too many people to comment during her lessons. She fills up the time reading the lesson, reading scriptures that go with the lesson, or reading quotes from the Prophets and Apostles/leadership. I know I appreciate it. The Spirit can only be present when what is being said is true... This is helpful in the particular area I live in though. There aren't as many members here, so the local members sometimes bring in other teachings.


My husband served his mission in a very member-sparse location. He said that they usually couldn't say "amen" to the sacrament talk unless it was read directly out of the ensign. I visited that particular ward with him when we got married and he was right. The conversation led to the three nephites being spotted by some, and someone thought they saw Cain once.

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I must live in an amazing ward (actually, I know I do), because aside from one very mentally ill lady, the comments in RS are my favorites. Always really inspiring. :)

Mine too. My most favorite calling ever was as the Teaching for our Times instructor in RS (the 4th Sunday lessons from the Ensign). I *purposely* designed my lesson to require feedback from the sisters. My lessons typically consisted of highlights from the assigned talks, lots and lots of supporting scripture, and then comments from the sisters. Only rarely was anything said that was "iffy", and when those comments did come it was often another sister who would raise her hand to correct what had just been said. I find lessons that are mainly the teacher reading/talking to us to be incredibly dull. :tongue_smilie:

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I must live in an amazing ward (actually, I know I do), because aside from one very mentally ill lady, the comments in RS are my favorites. Always really inspiring. :)



Relief Society is usually my favorite part of church. It's the part I miss when I have a calling that requires me to be elsewhere during that hour, and also the only meeting I feel a bit resentful about missing when I have a toddler who just won't cooperate and I get to spend my Sundays in "Hallway Church." I particularly enjoy the lessons that are mostly discussions of how to apply principles in our lives.

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Just so I can whine about church-related stuff. :p


We just got a Christmas card from dh's aunt. She addressed to Bp. and Bonnie [OurLastName].


Seriously??? She lives 5 states away. He's not her Bishop, he's her nephew! I think his name should carry more weight with her than his calling. She's one of those people who totally equates church callings with social status. I'm typing on my phone here, so I can't insert my eye-rolling smilies.


I just needed to shout that out to someone who'd get it. I'll probably regret posting and go back and delete half this post...


How are the rest of you LDS ladies doing? Do you have any fun Christmas traditions to share? Or any exciting news?


I say cut Auntie some slack. She's proud of your husband for being called to be a Bishop. Pride might be a sin, but....


Bill (who apologizes for intruding on your thread)

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Mine too. My most favorite calling ever was as the Teaching for our Times instructor in RS (the 4th Sunday lessons from the Ensign). I *purposely* designed my lesson to require feedback from the sisters. My lessons typically consisted of highlights from the assigned talks, lots and lots of supporting scripture, and then comments from the sisters. Only rarely was anything said that was "iffy", and when those comments did come it was often another sister who would raise her hand to correct what had just been said. I find lessons that are mainly the teacher reading/talking to us to be incredibly dull. :tongue_smilie:


:iagree: I can't keep myself awake and engaged unless I am actively participating. I think that's why I usually enjoy RS but not Sunday School--somehow the Sunday School lessons seem to be much more of the teacher talking and a lot less class participation.

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Just so I can whine about church-related stuff. :p We just got a Christmas card from dh's aunt. She addressed to Bp. and Bonnie [OurLastName]. Seriously???

That's annoying.


I'd also love a group! I will add a peeve of mine about titles. I'm currently serving as the primary president in our ward. I am referred to as "President LastName." It drives me nuts. :glare:

That's weird...I've never heard that before.


I volunteered to help one Sunday. Turns out I'm still not ready. The other leader abandoned me during snack time; 17 children in one very tiny room. I didn't break down in tears, but I was a jittery wreck for the rest of the day.

17 kids?! That is insane! I don't mind being in nursery when there are sufficient leaders, but it still exhausting.


I hope our social group can be more active if we ever get it back!


Has anyone seen

yet? Makes me wish I was 19 again :)
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Just so I can whine about church-related stuff. :p


We just got a Christmas card from dh's aunt. She addressed to Bp. and Bonnie [OurLastName].


Seriously??? She lives 5 states away. He's not her Bishop, he's her nephew! I think his name should carry more weight with her than his calling. She's one of those people who totally equates church callings with social status. I'm typing on my phone here, so I can't insert my eye-rolling smilies.


I just needed to shout that out to someone who'd get it. I'll probably regret posting and go back and delete half this post...


How are the rest of you LDS ladies doing? Do you have any fun Christmas traditions to share? Or any exciting news?


You make me giggle. I wish "Bishop" was the worst Mormon-related thing my husband's aunts ever called him!

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You make me giggle. I wish "Bishop" was the worst Mormon-related thing my husband's aunts ever called him!


I was thinking the same thing.


I do understand, though. It drives me crazy when we give lip-service to the idea that we should all lift where we stand, but then in real-life we treat those with "important" callings like they are extra-holy. We are living in a very large, very active ward right now with lots of Utah/Idaho transplants. It's the first ward I've ever lived in where people are very blatant about trying to hurry and snag a seat next to the Bishop's wife or the sister with a stake calling. It makes me really appreciate the women who deliberately do the opposite by sitting next to the less-popular sisters (or less-active/divorced/new/very young, etc, etc). I can't figure out if it's the size of this ward or the transplants or just the general affluence or what. We are lucky, though, to have a wonderful Bishop and RS President who don't act that way at all and work very, very hard to encourage inclusiveness. I think this is just a tough issue generally.


I think it's funny how many women prefer to be in RS. I have always served in Primary or YW's and I really enjoy being busy during the block. I can't imagine having to sit around in RS doing nothing but chatting people up. I think I would cry if they tried to give me a RS calling right now.

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I guess I'm one of those weirdos who does like RS. Also Sunday School. I think it's partly because for so much of the past decade and a half ds and his "special needs" have sucked every ounce of energy and brain-power out of me, and it's nice to be able to just sit for two hours a week and NOT have to plan or present a lesson, or organize an activity, or be on constant alert for unexpected environmental hazards. Also, our Gospel Doctrine teacher right now is awesome. I've definitely had some less than stellar ones over the years--in which case I always appreciate when the other class members chime in with relevant commentary.

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Has anyone seen

yet? Makes me wish I was 19 again :)


Thanks for sharing; I hadn't seen that. I love their enthusiasm standing out in the snow. And I loved watching them announce their calls--several of those were places with special significance to me and I'm so excited to see so many new sister missionaries headed out to serve.

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So... to liven things up in here, anybody wearing pants to church on Sunday? :lurk5:


Good question. :)


I totally would be, if I had a decent pair of pants to wear or money to buy some. But I'll be a supporter of the pants-wearers! I hope there is at least one in my ward.

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I just saw that article on facebook--probably not. But I will be looking around to see if anyone else does ;) I am just not brave enough to do it this time. Though I would like to...I hate wearing dresses.



Ok, I'm out of the loop. Do you have a link?


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It must be this. No, I will NOT be wearing pants to church.


ETA: I guess I should clarify. I'm not anti-pants.... I'm anti-feminist-movement. I don't agree with the feminist arguments at all. I'm going to make the statement on the 16th that I'm anti-feminist by wearing a dress. I'm so controversial, aren't I?

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It must be this. No, I will NOT be wearing pants to church.



From that article:

In response, some LDS men are now asking: Can we next do a No Neckties Day?

Gender equity, you know.



DH wants a non-white shirt to church day as part of his fair share of gender equity. ;)

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From that article:




DH wants a non-white shirt to church day as part of his fair share of gender equity. ;)

My DH would LOVE a "no neck-tie" Sunday!!!


I probably won't wear pants though, at least not *this* week, just because the "event" feels a bit too much like a protest to me, and I'd be uncomfortable giving off the appearance of "protesting" at Sacrament meeting. Wrong venue for that kind of thing, IMO. Any other Sunday I wouldn't feel so awkward wearing some nice slacks (don't currently own anything other than jeans). There's several convert women in my ward who wear pants, so I doubt I'd draw much attention. It's not like it's Doctrine that a woman *must* wear a dress/skirt to church.

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I probably won't wear pants though, at least not *this* week, just because the "event" feels a bit too much like a protest to me, and I'd be uncomfortable giving off the appearance of "protesting" at Sacrament meeting. Wrong venue for that kind of thing, IMO. Any other Sunday I wouldn't feel so awkward wearing some nice slacks (don't currently own anything other than jeans).

That's about how I feel too. Now that I've heard about it--15 minutes ago I had no idea. :p

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My DH would LOVE a "no neck-tie" Sunday!!!


I probably won't wear pants though, at least not *this* week, just because the "event" feels a bit too much like a protest to me, and I'd be uncomfortable giving off the appearance of "protesting" at Sacrament meeting. Wrong venue for that kind of thing, IMO. Any other Sunday I wouldn't feel so awkward wearing some nice slacks (don't currently own anything other than jeans). There's several convert women in my ward who wear pants, so I doubt I'd draw much attention. It's not like it's Doctrine that a woman *must* wear a dress/skirt to church.


Exactly. Ugh, I'm not on my computer, so I can't highlight...but I just couldn't bring myself to make a "statement" in sacrament meeting either.


I was snickering over that article while dh was sitting next to me, and he was like, "I don't care what they wear to church! I just want them to come! I'm not going to pull someone aside to talk to them just because they aren't wearing a skirt."


But I like wearing skirts to church now. I've gotten a few new ones that have a nice full cut and are made out of a stretchy/silky kind of fabric that's super-comfy and more dressy than my old skirts.

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I say cut Auntie some slack. She's proud of your husband for being called to be a Bishop. Pride might be a sin, but....


Bill (who apologizes for intruding on your thread)



Bill, I've been meaning to ask you why you're not a Mormon yet?? ;)


I'll be in Anaheim sometime this spring. Maybe we can arrange to be there over a Sunday and drag you to church with us. :D


Then you could hang out on our threads whenever you want....

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Also, our Gospel Doctrine teacher right now is awesome


I was quickly skimming through the posts and read this as "Our GD teacher right now is handsome" :laugh: Yep that would make me want to go to SS too. :laugh:


So... to liven things up in here, anybody wearing pants to church on Sunday?


No but I really,really want to - I'm the nursery leader. :laugh:


I should just go ahead and wear them - I'm already the branch outcast as it is. Why else would they make me the NL to only one child who also happens to be my SON :rofl: DS LOVES his 2 hour block of alone time with mum every Sunday -lucky boy :laugh:

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So I just finished reading that pants article. DH would have a fit if I suggested he wear a purple shirt to church - he's kind of straight laced like that.


There wouldn't be much point to me wearing pants to church in a protest - no one would notice. Most of our tiny branch is elderly people with health problems who already wear pants anyway - people would just assume I'm getting old and having medical issues :laugh:


I am toying with the idea of buying my boys purple shirts this week - my DD is a lost cause though - she is still in the dress loving stage of childhood :lol:

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