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Jan-Nov/Dec families


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The public school year is Feb - Dec here - it finishes at the end of next week. We'll finish up about then (or this week if DS gets his act together)... not that we ever really finish - his idea of being "on holiday" is having more time to do science, read, do maths and play chess... I keep waiting for him to catch on.

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I have a little kid so this school year ends the day before the next one starts, which will be Feb 1st. We'll take the few days over Christmas off, but will probably do more work than usual over the PS holiday period because we'll have nothing much else to do until social activities start up again with the new school year.

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We're due to finish next week. We should have finished this week, but DS11's brain fell out sometime in 2nd term and I have been looking for it ever since. Progress has been slooooooooow. I really hope 12 is better than 11! Right now, I just need a holiday.


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Three more days!! :hurray:

We are taking today off for a doctor's appointment, then will school tomorrow through Friday and be done! Actually we were 'done' (spent, frazzled, beat down) last month but we have pulled through until now. I really wanted to get one more week of school in, but decided it wouldn't make much difference in the grand scheme of things so we will end this week.

We are ending our school year on a down note and I absolutely hate that, but it is what it is.

We had a rough spring with a family member in critical condition across the country. We missed so much school then, but worked hard all summer and got back on track. Then this fall, we had our own medical crisis. We have been to at least one doctor once a week for two months now, not to mention all the OT/PT appointments. Our routine is shot. I need to regroup and figure out what changes will need to be made for school next year.

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We are supposed to be finishing up but honestly I have been a slacker and we are about two months behind in our studies :( So, we are trudging through...I am seriously contemplating working math and reading on weekends as well just to catch up to where I want them to be.... I am pretty upset with myself at the moment... need to figure out science as well finish up SOTW1...We have done ZERO science for a year. However, they have read and looked at a ton of books, encyclopedias, watch tons of national geographic and animal planet, etc.... but still...that needs to be resolved as well.

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We started in August this year. We finished this semester, but I am making some curriculum changes and we are starting fresh in January. I am seriously considering starting a year-round concept Beginning in January and taking breaks in May, August, and December each year.


I am sooo glad to be done, and am looking forward to what the new year brings!

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We are finishing on 21 Dec! I plan to put his nose to the grindstone and put my knee on the back of his neck to hold it there! :lol:


But seriously, we are planning to take off 2 weeks in Feb when my parents visit, so the kids agree to make up the time.


Ruth in NZ

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We've had a stressful year - so we're lite-schooling until Christmas holidays, which will be about another 2 weeks. We all need a holiday! So basically we've been hitting Language Arts & Maths only. I've been using the time to settle into our new house, toilet train my toddler (and get his behaviour under control), get my head around a schedule for next year and have fun with my kids. DS will finish his k work this week, DD has a few weeks of work left but I doubt I'll push her to finish them, she's mastered the concepts so I'm not worried about finishing the book just for the sake of finishing it. We'll start fresh next year. Exception being maths, we always just keep going with the next thing in maths!

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Well we officially have 2 weeks left but we are done. The kids have already started on their next grade level math and english - just because they wanted to start their new books.


6 weeks is too long a holiday for them -we will probably take three and then do lite HS till the end of Jan.


I'll be using the time to plan and set things up.


My first child will be in Grade 1 - I feel all official and legit now :laugh:

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We finished the Friday before Thanksgiving and start back up January 7. Yahoo!


We do "Yuletide Session" which includes Christmas-related songs/readings/memory work Circle Time, A lot more field trips and outside the house activities (went to Indianapolis Children's Museum from Columbus yesterday). We do more projects and baking, too. So, while we're "officially" on break, we do an awful lot of educational stuff through Epiphany. It's nice that after a 15 hour day yesterday, we can have a nice, slow day with only piano lessons today.


I'm going to make some chocolate bark soon too ...

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I have a question about doing this, I really want to restart our school year in Jan., i'm needing to revamp a few things. I don't need to redo every subject, would I go ahead and count the days we've already used for school? I'm thinking that if I used the days that we've already schooled, we would still get a short summer break, but would still finish our year by Dec. and be ready to start again in Jan.. Thanks

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We have finished some subjects and still finishing up some and have already started anew with some others. However, we will officially finish 1st grade at the end of next week and we will start 2nd grade in January. I was not planning to start any of our second grade material until January but my sons were begging to begin SOTW Middle Ages so we started it today. I am seeing it is a good thing though because it keeps us to our routine. I was thinking we would start having shorter days in these couple of weeks before Christmas but I think that might have caused some issues when we ramped up again. Full steam ahead!

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I have a question about doing this, I really want to restart our school year in Jan., i'm needing to revamp a few things. I don't need to redo every subject, would I go ahead and count the days we've already used for school? I'm thinking that if I used the days that we've already schooled, we would still get a short summer break, but would still finish our year by Dec. and be ready to start again in Jan.. Thanks


I would definitely count the days you have already done, even if you are restarting some subjects. To me, the counting is really for the state's requirements. I am more concerned with making sure we do the work, do it right, the kids understand it and we finish the curriculum. For example, we finished Math Mammoth for 1st grade a couple of months ago but I felt my sons didn't really comprehend it well enough. So we started CLE Math for 1st grade and we are doing multiple lessons per day, they are understanding it well and they like it better. As soon as we finish it, we will start 2nd grade math and we will continue with that until we finish, even if it means we have to do math through the days we take off as vacation or even some weekends at times. I am confident we can catch up pretty easily so that when we start 3rd grade in January of 2014 we will be using the right book. We may even be a little ahead, since I don't like to take too much time off of math because they forget too much. If I had to report our days to the state, I would report our official school days and would likely leave out any days where we just did math...but I would count days when we went on field trips and I would also count our co-op Fridays, when my sons take P.E., Spanish, Art and Drama.


I'm not sure if I really answered your question or not. I hope I did.

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I would definitely count the days you have already done, even if you are restarting some subjects. To me, the counting is really for the state's requirements. I am more concerned with making sure we do the work, do it right, the kids understand it and we finish the curriculum. For example, we finished Math Mammoth for 1st grade a couple of months ago but I felt my sons didn't really comprehend it well enough. So we started CLE Math for 1st grade and we are doing multiple lessons per day, they are understanding it well and they like it better. As soon as we finish it, we will start 2nd grade math and we will continue with that until we finish, even if it means we have to do math through the days we take off as vacation or even some weekends at times. I am confident we can catch up pretty easily so that when we start 3rd grade in January of 2014 we will be using the right book. We may even be a little ahead, since I don't like to take too much time off of math because they forget too much. If I had to report our days to the state, I would report our official school days and would likely leave out any days where we just did math...but I would count days when we went on field trips and I would also count our co-op Fridays, when my sons take P.E., Spanish, Art and Drama.


I'm not sure if I really answered your question or not. I hope I did.




Yes, you did and thank you!

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