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Please pray for our friends who were in a car accident this morning.


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They were on their way to a prayer meeting; my husband was a few minutes behind them. They spun out and the car overturned. My husband is at the scene now and they are waiting for police and ambulance to arrive. They are still in the car; the husband is unconscious, but the wife is conscious. Please pray!

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Saying a prayer.


Was this in VA by any chance? A friend of mine requested prayer for a cousin this morning with similar details. The cousin's dh did not make it. They have a little boy who was in school at the time. I was just wondering if it was the same family. At any rate...I'm so very sorry and saying a prayer for all.

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Not in VA. In England. How horrible for your friend's cousin. Fortunately our friends are doing pretty well considering. The wife has been discharged with only scrapes and bruises. The husband is being held for observation because he has a fractured vertebrae. He's in a lot of pain, but the doctor is amazed that they are both in as good a condition as they are. Thanks for all the prayers.

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