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What do YOU want for Christmas?


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I received my gift early:


I know. It's *delicious.* Holds my books, the iPad, personal items, wallet, camera... it's *wonderful.*


Miss M-mv(i) is creating "My Ideal Bookshelf" (related entries here and here), and Miss M-mv(ii) is baking me the Andes Mint cake (which I will share, of course).


All of that coupled with the adventures we have planned for the long winter break? A very nice Christmas, indeed.

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So do you think she'll get them for you? :tongue_smilie:



She said I don't need it. I think I made her uncomfortable when I told her hoisting the girls back up to where they used to be would be a present for BOTH DH and me :lol:


She doesn't make much of an effort to curb her rude intrusiveness, so I've stopped making an effort to curb my adult humor ;)

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She said I don't need it. I think I made her uncomfortable when I told her hoisting the girls back up to where they used to be would be a present for BOTH DH and me :lol:


She doesn't make much of an effort to curb her rude intrusiveness, so I've stopped making an effort to curb my adult humor ;)


I'd love to be a fly on the wall at your family get-togethers!

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Are you sure you would rather have an arty umbrella when you could have...




(Said in a laughing tone since I can see how many people would find it goofy looking. But it looks really practical. )



That is awesome, but I definitely want my art umbrella. :D

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Mostly, I want time more than anything. I want to shut off the rest of the world for a while and just stay home and read, think, bake, cook, draw, play games, take a walk with the dogs, whatever. Oh, and I want all the problems people around me (me & my family included) are having to disappear. :) And I want the clutter to magically sort itself out and walk to the nearest thrift shop without even saying goodbye.


:iagree: The bolded parts. Additionally, the *whatever* would include writing, playing my piano, taking some classes *just because*. As for Christmas, dh and I don't exchange gifts, but if we did, I'd want ALL of my backlog of *old-fashioned* film developed before the process becomes so obsolete that it's a moot point! Oh, and in that *time* I want, I'd also like to finish filing photos from years back (I *love* pictures!) along with their descriptions and/or labels; and, I would like to file and/or reorganize my mother's and my MIL's photos in a more sensical order and also into binders that hold more photos than the ones they used (which would also take up less space).

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I already got what I both wanted and needed -- a dishwasher. I just can't physically hand wash as we have for years anymore.


If not for that, I can think of a few things that would have been fun to find under the tree. A gift certificate to our local bookstore, something off my list of favorites on Etsy, a couple baking items at King Arthur, new pillows, the perfect vacuum cleaner, and a Nexus 7. But I love the dishwasher so much. Shopping is done for me :)


If we could do bigger things, my dream list would include a mattress, landscaping chores hired out (again, I can't reliably keep up), and travel.


It may sound silly, but I really want a nice art umbrella. It rains a lot here, and I'd like to look at great art while toting my umbrella on walks. I'd also really like a Jessie Steele apron. I spend a lot of time in the kitchen feeding this crew, and I'd like to feel pretty while doing it!



I got an art umbrella for my birthday. Would never have bought it for myself but dh surprised me and I just love it! So it doesn't sound silly to me.

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I asked for focus mitts, so other people can punch me, MMA gloves so I can punch them, and MMA shin guards so I can practice kicking the living daylights out of evildoers! My 14yo dd asked for the same things. We need them to move up to the next training level in martial arts class!

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(except for a polar bear rug :confused1: for my sensory daughter)


Oh this is a fabulous idea - my sensory DD would LOVE it. She is always kneeling down and running her hands through the fuzzy rugs at IKEA :D


Where to get one though - who knows?????

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