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So tired of drama queens


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Do these kinds of people honestly not see how much they drive people away from them with the endless litany of complaints, sad-sack stories and overwrought drama? The person in my life who is doing this seems to think these antics keep her at the centre of attention. Well, I suppose it does, in a way, but it drives people away from her. People, myself included, cringe at the sight of her or the sound of her voice. You just know what's coming. It is hard to keep caring after a while. I keep thinking of how glad I am not to be on facebook because apparently she's even worse on there.


I wish I had a portable ignore button. :glare:


ETA: I am just venting, but you do not have to JAWM.

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That would drive me insane.


I'm extremely lucky in that I literally have no one in my life who is drama queen. Heck, even my gay friends aren't drama queens, even though they like to call themselves that from time to time. :laugh:


My family is pretty drama-less, or if there is drama, I don't engage, discuss, or get involved, so I don't hear much about it. None of my friends create drama. I did have a friend about 5 years ago who was like that, but I kind of phased her out (just stopped getting together). I didn't mean to be rude, but I just really detest drama. I'm pretty low-key myself (if you know me in real life, agree or be quiet. :smilielol5: )

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no they don't 'see it'.


I felt sorry for one young woman at her bridal shower last summer, when her mother got up in front while she was opening her presents and insisted she guess what was in each gift. ( "mom" tried to make a joke of everything and would give her $1 if she guessed correctly.) sure, the mom could be entertaining when she felt like it (and attention was on her) but it was odd at best, 'drama queen limelight stealing from her own daughter on what should have been her turn in the spotlight' at worst.


eta: or perhaps this mom would more correctly be labeled a "prima dona".


but years ago I did deal extensively with a drama queen, who loved to bring up the real-life drama of perfect starngers and act as if it was her own. I was unmoved. (which annoyed her.)

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no they don't 'see it'.


I felt sorry for one young woman at her bridal shower last summer, when her mother got up in front while she was opening her presents and insisted she guess what was in each gift. ( "mom" tried to make a joke of everything and would give her $1 if she guessed correctly.) sure, the mom could be entertaining when she felt like it (and attention was on her) but it was odd at best, 'drama queen limelight stealing from her own daughter on what should have been her turn in the spotlight' at worst.



Ooh, that has the potential for some really unpleasant drama even aside from the mother, doesn't it? If the bride guesses, say, Super Fancy Expensive Kitchen Gadget and then opens the Super Not Fancy Inexpensive Tea Towel? Ouch. Who does that? Demanding attention on somebody else's day is bad enough without courting hurt feelings.


And, yes, I do agree with you, Audrey. There's somebody in my life like that. At first it was kind of entertaining, but recently it's more like, "NOW what?" It really is always something with this woman. And none of it, of course, is her doing. She's always the victim, whether it be a rude barista, a scuzzy husband, or a troubled teenage daughter. It's still all about her (she wears, and I swear I am not making this up, a t-shirt that says just that. It's All About Me.).

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Ooh, that has the potential for some really unpleasant drama even aside from the mother, doesn't it? If the bride guesses, say, Super Fancy Expensive Kitchen Gadget and then opens the Super Not Fancy Inexpensive Tea Towel? Ouch. Who does that? Demanding attention on somebody else's day is bad enough without courting hurt feelings.


And, yes, I do agree with you, Audrey. There's somebody in my life like that. At first it was kind of entertaining, but recently it's more like, "NOW what?" It really is always something with this woman. And none of it, of course, is her doing. She's always the victim, whether it be a rude barista, a scuzzy husband, or a troubled teenage daughter. It's still all about her (she wears, and I swear I am not making this up, a t-shirt that says just that. It's All About Me.).


Ah see... that's the thing, isn't it? The constant "it's all about me." And wouldn't you know that if anyone says anything that might actually help her out of a bad situation she's got a million excuses for why nothing can help her. Because you know... that might make for less drama. :glare:

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Ah see... that's the thing, isn't it? The constant "it's all about me." And wouldn't you know that if anyone says anything that might actually help her out of a bad situation she's got a million excuses for why nothing can help her. Because you know... that might make for less drama. :glare:


THAT is what drives me crazy. Can't NOT have drama, now can we? It's one of the reasons I started purging drama people from my life. For the most part, it never ends (exceptions exist, but they weren't my friends).

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annandatje, you sound like you are describing my sister. She is a chronic liar, chronically ill, mentally ill, habitually manipulative, and just plain mean. I havent spoken to her in over 2 years now. However, my daughter keeps reminding me of her . . . my daughter is in the middle of an emotional crisis but no matter what I do its wrong - normally she accuses me of never hugging her, but if I offer her a hug, she says no, i'm just doing it for selfish reasons. She says she cant afford to move out, but if i ask her to sit and talk out the details, she insults me instead. I know she needs help - but she was just in the hospital for 3 days and let out with no meds and no direction other than 'go ask at the university, they have all kinds of resources and can get you set up' - but she went today and they had almost nothing to offer her . . .so of course she lit in to me even worse.


Its so hard because if I try to talk to her, she just says hurtful things to me until I start to lose my cool and walk away. It leaves me stressed for hours. But if i ignore her, its even worse. I just keep hoping that some day she'll get her act together enough to move out - ok, what I really hope is that she'll get on meds - the meds that help her brother so much and keep my sister out of the mental ward - but she refuses.

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I had a good friend like that who I finally had to cut ties with. We were best friends in high school and while my mom wasn't thrilled with the friendship, I loved it because my BFF was so exciting (I couldn't see past my own immaturity). Fast forward to college (we went to different schools) when she would just show up out of the blue with some type of drama. She had cancer scares (I later learned were untrue) and many pregnancies (that never really happened). She even had a wedding planned andbacked out tight before the invitations were sent (of course her parents and countless others were out lots of money!). I would always drop everything to be there for her, because that's what I thought friends did for each other. Never mind my schoolwork or other commitments, I would always put BFF first.


Fast forward a bit and the drama continued. She briefly lived with my male cousin in another state for a bit (as friends only, but he alwAys secretly liked her and she knew it) yet at the same time, she was meeting up secretly with another guy. After many lies, she ended up marrying that guy. Six months later, I married my dh. BFF flew in alone a few nights before my wedding and confessed that she and hubby were having major marital problems. As a bride-to-be, I pleaded with her to try to work things out and she agreed. On the night of my rehearsal, BFF suddenly had severe back problems and made a HUGE deal about walking down the aisle. I was mad - she was making my rehearsal about her. The next day at my wedding, her back had miraculously healed and she was all over my dh's best man. She was telling everyone she was going through a divorce and she even got the photographer to take pics of her off to the side many times. Toward the end of the evening when she wrangled the microphone from the DJ and started being all cutesy, I had had enough. I told her to knock it off and she finally left. We haven't really talked much since.


At the time, I was truly unable to see what a drama queen she really was. But now I can look back and see how she thrived on that drama. It was always something with her. And boy could that girl flirt (went hand in hand with all of her drama, I guess).

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.... I keep thinking of how glad I am not to be on facebook because apparently she's even worse on there. ...


The internet is like a giant playground for the DQs: a never-ending slew of fresh new prospects willing to listen sympathetically, uncritically and unquestioningly to the frequent dramatic status updates and posts. When the new ones tire and stop responding, there are always others to pick up the slack.

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The internet is like a giant playground for the DQs: a never-ending slew of fresh new prospects willing to listen sympathetically, uncritically and unquestioningly to the frequent dramatic status updates and posts. When the new ones tire and stop responding, there are always others to pick up the slack.


Ugh. You know... I wasn't even thinking of this when I posted, but you are so right.

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