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Jan - Dec schoolers planning thread!


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Hello all,


This thread is for those who are getting into planning for 2013! How are you all going? How did 2012 go?


Next year I'll have a 3rd grader, 1st grader and a 2.5y/o. I've been going over things in my head, mostly settled on what I'll use, nearly up to the stage of ordering (YAY!) then actually planning/scheduling, hopefully I can keep to 24 hour days :lol:. Some things are carrying over from this year, some things I'm switching. We've had a crazy, unsettled 2012. While we enjoyed the materials we used this year, we just didn't get as much done as I'd like, due to circumstances out of our control. I'm quite excited for a productive 2013!


Here's my plans so far, I'd love some input - especially if you can see a big glaring hole!:


3rd grader:


MCT Grammar Island

Classical Writing Aesop A

Literature from MCT, AO lists & Collier's Junior Classics

Print to cursive proverbs



Beast Academy





Apologia Astronomy



Simply Charlotte Mason history, Joshua-Malachi & Ancient Greece.


Foreign Language:

Rosetta Stone Russian



Lamb's book of Art

Mark Kistler online

Artist/Picture study using Basic Art book series



Violin lessons

Piano lessons

Classical Kids


Considering the possibility of an online music theory course too...



Just reading it, memory verses.


1st grader:











Violin lessons


Foreign language:

Rosetta Stone Russian



Lego club


Tag-a-long for everything else.





Anyone else want to share? :)

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We school year round, but I plan sept-August. That being said, I'm revamping things starting in jan.


I have a first grader too. He's doing math mammoth with cwp, and beast when he finishes 2B in march. We just started Minimus. Also adding spelling power, and switching to Evan moor stuff for science, history & geography.




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We are just beginning a January through December schedule, partly because we finished MFW ECC in half a year, and partly because it just makes more sense to me. I love having a break around the holidays when there are so many other great things to do! I have been planning most of this week and here is what we have for the school schedule. When I have time I will put more specific plans on our blog.



MEP Math

C-Rods/Pattern Blocks



WRTR Phonograms


DD7 and DS9


Character Quality study using www.characterjournal.com

Memory Work using Living Memory

MEP Math/ MM Blue

Natural Speller (using Spelling City)

Writing Road to Reading

Writing With Ease/ Comprehensive Composition


Homemade History

Scott Foreman/KISS


Latin/Greek Roots (Scholastic e-Book)

Homemade Science (includes art)

piano lessons



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I haven't really started thinking about it too much yet.


I'll have 3rd, 2nd, and 1st. We'll be continuing where we stopped with SOTW 2 and Astronomy (God's Design Science and Signs & Seasons) with a tiny bit of A Child's Geography from Voskamp to complete. I hope to start doing some other Geography when we finish.


I'm hoping to integrate Grammar and Writing into these areas using WWE and FLL as skeletons. We'll add some Literature; I hope to do some very slow work with Teaching the Classics.


We'll keep up with our Circle Time. Covenantal Catechism for Bible.


We do MEP for math, and will continue that. 2nd and 1st still have some penmanship. Everyone will read to me from McGuffey's or CLP Nature Readers. The two olders have spelling. I'll assign reading, piano practice, and logic worksheets. We're in a Homeschool choir, so will keep that.


Oh, yes, and Latin. I don't know how that's going to work yet.


Looks plenty busy to me!

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It looks like you've covered everything to me.


We started some things around mid-October (when we finished the previous stuff), and are putting others off until January. FTR: Ariel is 3rd grade by age.


The plan as it stands for 2013:

Math: CLE 400, maybe parts of MM4 and Beast Academy 3A since I already have them.

English: MCT Island, WWE3, Pictures in Cursive D/E, Apples & Pears Spelling B, literature list compiled mostly from Charlotte Mason-ish lists, plus the lit suggestions from her science curriculum. Trying to decide if she needs to continue with Dancing Bears C, or if we can leave off after B.

History/Geography: The Complete Book of Maps & Geography, SOTW: Ancient Times with A Picturesque Tale of Progress vol 1-4

Science: WP Equine Science

Additional: Classical Conversations, Bastien Piano, Meet the Masters, La Clase Divertida, GSWL/Minimus Latin

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I haven't been thinking too much about it either. We'll take off about four to five weeks starting just before Christmas (that's summer here) so I'll worry more about it then. I plan to continue with math, and catch up with history and science during our time off. Mostly we'll just keep going next year with the same things we did this year, although my 5yo will be officially K age so I suppose I'll be a bit more consistent with him next year.

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hey this is me!


Here's what I'm thinking atm:


We'll finish LoF elementary before January, and I had intended to let him start Fractions, but now I'm wondering about waiting for the intermediate series... perhaps we'll double up on them. I'm thinking we need something else for maths as well... still thinking.


Minimus for Latin and Hey Andrew for Greek, with Getting Started with Latin to follow. Maybe some I Speak Latin thrown in.


IEW for writing, slowly and gently at this point, as he hates writing.


Spelling - we'll be close to finishing AAS 6, but perhaps not quite there. We'll finish that and then?? I'm not sure.


Getty-Dubay D will be finished this year, so onto E this year... although he's just announced he'd LOVE to learn looped cursive. Maybe later?


MCT is sitting here, but I don't really get it. I'm not sure what to do with it.


Still tossing up on LLATL - purple would be the right level I think, but I'm still not convinced.


Topic studies TBC... mostly interest led.


I'd like to pursue mapping the world by heart.


Still a work in progress as you can see!

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Dd officially starts K next year too. Finally after all my years mooching here, I'll be official! :D


English: Continue with 'I See Sam' readers and a modified version of ElizabethB's phonics lessons, with a Fairy Tale study for Literature. We'll get to handwriting as soon as her Dad prints up her worksheets.


Maths: I am really not sure yet. I think I need technology, but whatever I had installed to download from Youtube clips stopped working after a week and wouldn't download Rosie's c-rod vids because they are a different format or something. Grr. Hopefully her dad will fix that for me this weekend. Then we might try MEP R for the third time. We've never got past lesson 30 because of her language issues, but I think she could manage it now. Whatever we do, maths this year is going to be a haphazard affair.


Prehistory: A bunch of books, the Charlie's playhouse timeline and whatever dvds we find at the library. I've no real goal here. Dd is quite delayed in language so I don't expect her to pick up a whole lot, but we have to talk about something and it might as well be this.


Geography: Puzzles, maps, books, dvds from the library, yadda yadda. She likes maps and can identify all the continents except Antarctica, so I think she'll get into this. The goal is for her to learn Antarctica :p and to identify some of the wonders of the world. She knows Norway because that's where Mrs Pepperpot lives (and if you haven't read Mrs Pepperpot, you should.) I expect she'll learn the Australian states and maybe some more countries.


Art: I've got a bunch of Mary Ann Kohl books. If I collect up the random supplies, I expect we'll do more art. If they want to, anyway. Their enthusiasm comes and goes.


Science: I think we'll formalise our nature study a bit.


Music: We have a cute program called 'A Note for Children.' I'm not sure how she'll go with it, but we'll see.


LOTE: Still haven't decided whether to pursue it or not. Her speech therapist said I might as well when we saw her six months ago, but I can't quite feel ok about it.


I'm not sure how she'll go, or how we will when we get to winter and technology is no longer an option, lol. Yay for solar power, but only in summer!

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Yea! It's nice to see other families that plan from Jan-Dec. We've got one more week of school for this school year and then we take Dec off.

Next year I've got:


DS (almost 9) - 4th grade

Singapore 4A/4B & CLE math 4



First Form Latin

MP Lit 4

MP Geography 1

MP Insects

MP Famous Men of Rome




DS (7) - 2nd grade

Singapore 2B/3A & CLE math 2



Prima Latina

MP Lit 2


R&S Geo 4

RS4K Physics Pre-1




DD (5) - 2nd half of K

CLE Math 1


R&S Spelling 2




DS (4) - pre-K

MUS Primer


Kumon letter writing

preschool skills



We've got most of our materials in already. Now I just have to figure out the logistics of how I'm going to teach four levels at once...

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My DD(5) starts kindergarten in January. We will mostly just continue what we have been doing:


English: continue reading out loud and start a silent reading period everyday, continue with spelling as we have been (not using a curriculum right now) and grammar . Still trying to decide about writing but may just work more on handwriting. We will also continue discussing read alouds as we read them


Maths: Start Horizons 1 and continue with Singapore 1b. Depending how this goes we may introduce MEP again.


History: continue with SOTW 1


Science: continue with BFSU


Geography: continue discussing various countries as they come up in literature we are reading and reinforce the continents and oceans.


Art and Music: have not decided fully about this yet - we may just continue listening to various music while doing art but I will probably look up some art concepts to teach or possible teach about various artists (there's still December to decide this all right? :))

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It looks like you've covered everything to me.




Phew! I really did feel better reading that, thanks!


Thanks everyone for your replies, so interesting to see what everyone is up to!


We've still got a few weeks left of this year here. DS has only 1 lesson left in his LLATL Blue, which is pretty exciting for me! Due to our craziness this year + my slackness DD still has about 4-5 weeks worth of work to finish, but I'm not too fussed if we get through it all, she's mastered the concepts it's just practice now - and she'll get plenty of that in years to come! Still, we'll put in a good effort over the next few weeks and see how we go!


I'm also going to take on another piano student along with my DD next year - pretty excited about that!


Happy planning everyone!

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Your lineup looks well-rounded to me. Hope you can get it all in! :) We decided to go mid-Jan to Dec because that's the schedule for school here in South Africa. But this year's a little different--we're coming back to the States for four months in the middle of our school year (May-August), and I'm not toting school books back and forth. So I'm starting 1st grade early the 1st week of December :( (Not quite ready mentally yet, but have the planning done). Then in 2013, I'll have to finish up our school year going into February 2014. So it will bump us back a couple of months, but we should be all caught up again in 2015 lol.


My almost-6-year old will be working on MUS Alpha, ABeka language arts (language, spelling, reading, writing) and phonics, SOTW 1 w/ AG and w/ a BP schedule to help coordinate Bible readings, and 106 Days of Creation for science and nature study. We'll read through Meet the Orchestra and follow AO lists for some composer/classical music intro. I will also try to do some Drawing with Children and Come Look with Me for art studies. Mid-year we're going back to the States, and that's when I'll get all of my wonderful literature/picture books to coincide with history. I'm so excited about that! :)


My almost-4-year old will be working on some Letter of the Week in my free time.


My almost-2-year old will be educated in the use of the toilet around March. Would appreciate your prayers, please. :)


And my baby will be learning to walk!

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We're been year round schoolers and this year it worked out to us buying new curriculum to start after the holidays. I like it though! I think you have everything covered. :)


Our plan (I forgot and changed a couple things..)


DD10 (11 before we start) –

MUS Algebra 1, Life of Fred, Any fun supplements I find

IEW SWI-B (we started this a couple weeks ago) then Narnia Based Lessons

IEW Linguistic Development through Poetry Memorization

IEW Fix it! (when doing the SWI) then Winston Grammar

AAS Level 7 then ??

SOTW4 with AG, Cordinating Time Travelers (the last 4?), Memory Work, Timeline

TOPS Physics - as many as we get through!

Draw and Write through History Finish Book 5 and then Book 6

Meet the Masters

Finish/Continue Homeschool in the Woods Composer Pack

Piano Lessons

Finish/Continue Lively Latin 1

The Fallacy Detective and The Thinking Toolbox when/if she finishes it.

I decided instead of making an elective for her based on her interests she can pursue them herself. She asked for some books about broadway, hollywood, dance and gymnastics!


DS7 -

Singapore 4 w/ IP and CWP, Beast Academy, Kitchen Table Math, Life of Fred - only because he loves it!

Zaner Bloser G.U.M and Spelling Connections Level 3, IEW Poetry Memorization

Childhood of Famous Americans for Reading Comprehension, Vocab and Memory Work

2nd half of the Complete Book of US History, SOTW4 Audio, Timeline and Tag-along Time Travelers

TOPS Physics with DD10

Draw Write Now Book 5

Logic Countdown

"Elective": Lego Mindstorms (decided to start our own club for this!)


DD5 - Math Games and Puzzles, Read-Alouds, Crafts.. She is also reading but we're waiting for phonics instruction. No formal curriculum for now at least, she learning plenty without it! :)


I made the booklist too, I have to spend time on amazon buying them all. Our list comes from this modern year books for grammar and logic stage, plus science titles from Noeo and a few others.

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We are Jan-Dec, year round schoolers also. My two sons are getting ready to start 2nd grade material in January. Here is our planned line up:





Math is CLE2, after we finish CLE1 (we finished MM1 a while back but my sons had difficulty with some concepts so we are now quickly skimming through CLE1)

Prima Latina

SOTW2 + lots of library books

Science - still deciding


They will take P.E., Spanish and Art at our homeschool co-op.

ds1 takes violin lessons

ds2 takes piano lessons

Both take swimming lessons, with a goal of eventually being on swim team.

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New here, but this thread is for us! My high schooler is on a typical September-June schedule, but the younger kids will start 5th, 3rd and 1st grade this January. We'll take six weeks off in December/January and start back on January 29th. We also take six weeks off in June/July and have two 19-week semesters. I don't have everything settled for January, but my rough plan is:


5th Grade

Language Arts:

Writing With Skill

Stewart English 1 or Barron's Painless Grammar

Poetry for Beginners

Reading: assigned books (some correspond with history), free reading


The Middle Ages/ Renaissance and Reformation Times (Mills), Famous Men of Rome/ Renaissance and Reformation, Our Island Story etc.

Maps Charts Graphs G


Rethinking this completely! Maybe AoPS?


Semester 1: Human Biology (The Way We Work, History of Medicine, Boys Body Book, selected chapters of CPO Life Science & Behold and See 4 etc.)

Semester 2: Chemistry (maybe The Elements?)


Saint Joseph Concise Bible History

New Saint Joseph Baltimore Catechism 2

Faith and Life 5: Credo: I Believe


Latin Alive! Book 1

Mind Benders

Scratch, Python and possibly Java (with Dad)


3rd Grade

Language Arts:

Writing With Ease 2 (finish)

Handwriting Without Tears 2

Zaner Bloser Spelling 3 (or AAS?)

Reading: Reading Detective Beginning, assigned books, free reading


Story of the World 2

Great Saints in World History & a study of each country


Math-U-See Beta

Mathematical Reasoning/Math Analogies


Semester 1: Behold and See 4/First Encyclopedia of the Human Body

Semester 2: Real Science 4 Kids Chemistry


Faith and Life 3: Our Life With Jesus


Song School Latin

Mind Benders

Analogies for Beginners


1st Grade

Language Arts:

Writing With Ease 1

First Language Lessons 1

Zaner Bloser Handwriting 2M

Zaner Bloser Spelling 1 (or AAS?)

Explode the Code 7, 8

Reading: This is Our Town/This is Our Valley/The Story Tree, Devotional Stories for Little Folks, assigned books, free reading


Story of the World 2

Great Saints in World History & a study of each country


Miquon Red, Blue


Semester 1: Science 1 for Young Catholics/First Encyclopedia of the Human Body

Semester 2: Real Science for Kids Chemistry


New Catholic Picture Bible

Faith and Life 1: Our Heavenly Father


Song School Latin

Storybook Art

Cooking Art

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Your lineup looks well-rounded to me. Hope you can get it all in! :)

Thanks! Ha, yes, therein lies the problem...



My almost-2-year old will be educated in the use of the toilet around March. Would appreciate your prayers, please. :)


You have my prayers. I feel your pain! We're working on this atm with my incredibly strong willed 2y/o, hope to be finished before school starts! Sounds like you've got a busy year coming, thanks for posting.



Thanks also Learningmomm! And thanks for posting Lea in OK and TreviFive, great to see what you're all up to!



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I've decided to have my children's grade levels and our official year be from Jan-Dec, but then I chicken out and wonder if I should. Do most of you live somewhere that everyone does Jan-Dec? Or do you just choose to do it because it works best for your family?


We actually just recently started some new curriculum that will carry right over through January. I LOVE our new stuff!!! New items added for various children are MCT LA, Apples & Pears spelling, and Dancing Bears phonics.


We are very much enjoying our Simply Charlotte Mason Mod.2 study (Ancient Greece) and throwing in some culture study from SL Core F.


Uh oh, forgot some water on the stove. Gotta go. =P

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We just recently switched back to a Aug-July year but we will be starting some new things in Jan.


My 2nd and 3rd grader are doing the same thing:


Bible: LifePac 3 and scripture memorization


Math: BJU 3 Continued


Grammar: Easy Grammar 3


Spelling: BJU 3


Writing: Starting IEW


Reading: Various Progeny Press Unit Studies


History: MOH Ancients continued. I had so hoped to be done with this by now but it is just not happening.


Science: Apologia Biology

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I've decided to have my children's grade levels and our official year be from Jan-Dec, but then I chicken out and wonder if I should. Do most of you live somewhere that everyone does Jan-Dec? Or do you just choose to do it because it works best for your family?


We do it because it works for us. :) We started out this way because my two oldest kids have fall birthdays and were completely ready to start kindergarten the January they were five. We switch over to a September-June schedule for high school, taking either one semester or three for 8th grade, which gives us some flexibility and lets us decide when they're ready to start high school.

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I've decided to have my children's grade levels and our official year be from Jan-Dec, but then I chicken out and wonder if I should. Do most of you live somewhere that everyone does Jan-Dec? Or do you just choose to do it because it works best for your family?

We're in Australia, so Jan-Dec is what everyone here does.




We are very much enjoying our Simply Charlotte Mason Mod.2 study (Ancient Greece)


Glad to hear this! I'm looking forward to starting it!




I placed my first order yesterday! Lulu has a sale, so my classical writing stuff was 30% off! Woohoo! Can't wait to get my hands on it, hopefully this week. :)

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This is sort of us. School is Jan-Dec here so DD will be officially second grade, except she won't really because her birthday is right on the cut-off so she could be officially first grade too. Add to that, you can't officially register for homeschooling until their sixth birthday so according to that she must be halfway through kindergarten :confused1: Whatever. I'm calling it second grade. Here what I have planned so far:


Continue with SM & add in BA when I can afford to buy it (shipping is SOO expensive to here, why oh why couldn't they make an e-version?)

Continue with Mathletics until it runs out in Jan, then convince her EPGY really was much more fun (we'll see how that goes, Mathletics is much cheaper so I wont mind if she digs her heels in)


Continue with BFSU II


Minimus (finish up SSL over December)

The rest we are fairly unschooly with. She also has violin, choir, ballet and drama (which includes literacy homework). She wants to read all the Harry Potter books (halfway through no. 1) and write in her diary everyday. Both of which are entirely fine with me :thumbup1:

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I've decided to have my children's grade levels and our official year be from Jan-Dec, but then I chicken out and wonder if I should. Do most of you live somewhere that everyone does Jan-Dec? Or do you just choose to do it because it works best for your family?


Well for us it was accidental. It will be the first year we're starting all of our new stuff in Jan. it took us an extra semester to get through our curriculum that I planned last year because I had a baby last fall. :)


The stuff I'm planning right now may take us 3 semesters to get through also - there is alot for the modern time period! I also forgot a couple things in my post that we're going to do.. So we'll probably end up back on a "normal" school year.

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I've decided to have my children's grade levels and our official year be from Jan-Dec, but then I chicken out and wonder if I should. Do most of you live somewhere that everyone does Jan-Dec? Or do you just choose to do it because it works best for your family?


We actually just recently started some new curriculum that will carry right over through January. I LOVE our new stuff!!! New items added for various children are MCT LA, Apples & Pears spelling, and Dancing Bears phonics.


We are very much enjoying our Simply Charlotte Mason Mod.2 study (Ancient Greece) and throwing in some culture study from SL Core F.


Uh oh, forgot some water on the stove. Gotta go. =P


I started teaching my sons to read before Kindergarten and they were already reading pretty well when we officially started Kindergarten in August of last year. We finished Kindergarten by December and my sons were both ready to start 1st grade material in January so that is what we did....and here we are! Since their birthdays are both in the fall (late Sept and early Nov) it really works out quite well for them age-wise. If they were in public school, they would be some of the oldest in their 1st grade class. At this point, we are just progressing at their learning speed.

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I've decided to have my children's grade levels and our official year be from Jan-Dec, but then I chicken out and wonder if I should. Do most of you live somewhere that everyone does Jan-Dec? Or do you just choose to do it because it works best for your family?



I started it because it just makes sense to me. Skill subjects we work on year round, wherever the kids are, finish one book, start the next, so it doesn't really matter how the school year is structured. So the Jan-Dec planning is more for content subjects, where it just makes sense to me to spend the calendar year on ancient history and whatnot.


So, next year (4th and 2nd grades):



Combination of Math Mammoth and Singapore IP books

Math drill with Kumon books and XtraMath


Language Arts:

PHP products for the younger, transitioning to MCT Island Level as he is ready

MCT Town level for the older

Self-designed literature studies



Self-designed Ancient History studies with various encyclopedias and books


Lively Latin



As of now, still undecided. Continue with Singapore Science or, something more experiment-based with designing my own lab sheets and reading assignments.


Arts and Music:

Continuing art lessons and piano lessons.

Artist/composer bios?



Memory Work

Logic puzzles

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I plan to do something different. But I don't know what it is yet.


We've been doing MFW for several years. We're finishing up the last year in the rotation right now and if we keep going with MFW we'll do the Countries and Geography year next. . . . I don't wanna. :crying:


I'm not artsy, crafty, or very good at (patiently) doing all the extra stuff that seems to be required in that year.


AND for the higher grades MFW seems a bit light. I'll have a 1,3,5, and 7th grader next year. My 9th grader will do MFW 9th grade materials. Or I'll enroll her in a cyber school because high school scares me.


Plus it will be the beginning of my 3rd turn through SOTW vol. 1I'm tired of it. (Can I say that?!)


At the very least I'd like to find something similar to the multi-level approach of MFW with some of the artsy-crafty-cooking stuff.


Open to suggestions.

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We are switching mid year. K12 was not working. I was running two different science/history lessons and that alone was a nightmare. I was not happy with the math. However, I will miss the LA!

So we are picking up with PAL where we left off, picking back up MUS, and going to start MFW Advetures. I was worried, but my K son is so advanced that he was slated to begin first grade in Feb. and I am confident he will keep up. Plus combining will be easy! We are using A reason for Handwriting, and I am debating on add in Latin. My K son had already started Latin and was enjoying it. I didn't like how it was taught either, lol.

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We do it because it works for us. :) We started out this way because my two oldest kids have fall birthdays and were completely ready to start kindergarten the January they were five. We switch over to a September-June schedule for high school, taking either one semester or three for 8th grade, which gives us some flexibility and lets us decide when they're ready to start high school.


Ha! Us too! All three of my boys have fall birthdays, so we just started in Jan. My daughter has a spring birthday, so I started her in the fall. Everything seems to be working ok so far.

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