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Dish vs Direct TV

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My dad has dish in western NE and he hates it!! He has had nothing but troubles. No local stations at all, no NE stations at all. He said that when his contract is up he will go with no TV before he signs with dish again.





we live in Eastern NE and will get Lincoln channels as our "local"....but what other troubles has he had??

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I will have to ask him for you. I know a big thing was the local channel issue since they were told they would have local channels and then when they found out they did not have them -- dish basically said "too bad that is what you get.". My in-laws also have dish and I was looking at their bill one day for them and Dish had been overcharging for three years. They only refunded 3 months of the overcharges, they also wanted to charge them to correct the bill even though it was a Dish mistake. I know some people will say that is the consumer's responsibility to look at your bill, but as people get older some of these bills are difficult to decipher.



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Neither. Roku with Netflix, Hulu Plus, and Amazon Prime. ;)


We had Dish and I liked it fine (DVR is a must), but whenever i go to my inlaw's house and use theirs, I am happy we ditched it. Too many commercials and nothing that I want to watch.. The only pro I can think of for either is the access to sports. I can even watch CNN on my Roku and get local channels on the antenna, which we've only used during the Olympics.

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I can't remember which one we had but it was a nightmare. Everytime the wind blew the cable would go out. I needed customer service 3 times and not once did they show when they were supposed to (and then of course one time they just didn't bother to come at all).


When I finally got rid of it they made all these threats about me returning the equipment and took forever to send someone to go up on my roof and get the equipment down.

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We have Dish and we have never had any issues. We were long time cable customers but it just got too expensive. My husband is meticulous about price comparisons and getting the best deal. For our area, Dish was a better deal than Direct TV. We get all of the local channels and plenty of HD channels. We should probably switch though because we hardly ever watch anything that we couldn't watch with Hulu or netflix or whatever.

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Direct TV was a nightmare. Our box kept breaking, the channels were terrible (about 50% were workout infommercials) and ultimately we dropped it for Time Warner (who helped pay for us to get out of our contract). I would never recommend Direct TV to anyone. And don't even ask dh about them cause he will rant for an hour!

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Direct TV was a nightmare. Our box kept breaking, the channels were terrible (about 50% were workout infommercials) and ultimately we dropped it for Time Warner (who helped pay for us to get out of our contract). I would never recommend Direct TV to anyone. And don't even ask dh about them cause he will rant for an hour!

Really? We have had them for years and never had an issue with a box breaking. I live for my DVR.

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We had DIsh, switched to Direct tv and then switched back to Dish. I think it comes down to preference....kind of like the difference in coke and pepsi....they are both cola but people usually have a preference for one over the other. I love the family pack on Dish. It only costs me 20 a month plus 5 for the DVR. I love the DVR we never watch commercials. It depends on how much tv and what channels you want. We are more a gaming family (DH never watches TV) so the family package has plenty of channels for us.

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Neither. Roku with Netflix, Hulu Plus, and Amazon Prime. ;)




That's us too. :)


I have no experience with DISH. We had Directv from 1998 to 2011 (and through 2 moves) and were not at all unhappy with it. The only reason we gave it up was to save money. We don't miss it at all, but if we hadn't decided to try going without cable or satellite, we'd still have Directv.

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One thing to keep in mind is that DirecTV goes UP in price after a year. It's the only company that I know of that charges you for loyalty. I would drop it if I could, but my Mom would go into shock.


We have Bright House for internet, and they had a one year special. It's bundled with a land line that we never use (We don't have any phones plugged in and I would have to look up the number to tell it to you.) After we had it for a year, the special price was over and we now pay $10 more. It's still a good deal, but they did charge us for loyalty. If we get rid of the phone we don't use, it will cost us even more for just internet. They'll charge us more money for fewer services. Sadly, many companies do that now.

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