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Would this offend a Jewish person?

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I want to make snow globes for friends and family this Christmas. One family member is Jewish (not orthodox). So, no nativity, Santa, Christmas tree or anything else that feels "Christmas" can be in the globe.


Now, to my question: would a snow globe featuring an angel be okay?


I don't feel comfortable asking this person directly, because religion is a super touchy issue in our family.

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What about a snowman? Or a winter scene? Penguins?


My (orthodox) family would not go for this, but again, they are orthodox.


I would probably make a nature snow globe, with a little deer figurine and a pine tree, instead of an angel.



:iagree: I asked DH (Jewish, non orthodox). He said an angel would feel Christmas-y to him. He said to do a nature scene, maybe snowflakes. He said a lot of Jews are uncomfortable with the commercialization of Chanukah. (As many Christians are with Christmas)

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The whole idols thing would be a problem. Ask me how I know....I have a huge statue of Moses in my livingroom and Archangels all around. It makes my husband uncomfortable. Use snowmen or a lovely ice skater, a nature scene these would be good . you are so clever to have thought of doing this for the holidays.

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